Comments on: West Seattle Thursday: Mural ribbon-cutting; Summer Concerts at Hiawatha; WS Art Walk; more! West Seattle news, 24/7 Fri, 15 Aug 2014 04:19:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: G Fri, 15 Aug 2014 04:19:57 +0000 WSB: I feed bad for the artists, frankly. I think many of them don’t bother anymore because of the tepid interest. I think folks will come, but they need a little push. There is so much more could be done to make it a festive, people-packed event. Block off some space for food trucks (the aroma’s wafting about do wonders), maybe convince all the businesses to stay open late to give the sidewalks a more lit, lively appearance – even if they don’t display art they can sell their merchandise. And perhaps some performers, perhaps something like a caricature artist. It would still be an art walk, but with much more energy. The artists deserve better.

By: WSB Fri, 15 Aug 2014 02:10:10 +0000 In reply to G.

Thanks for your everpresent enthusiasm, G! And thanks for stopping wherever you stopped to check it out. – TR

By: G Fri, 15 Aug 2014 02:03:14 +0000 I rolled into town and decided to go to the art walk. Jeez, I’ve never seen such a lifeless event. There were literally only a handful of people.You would have never suspected that there was an art walk.

Come on, put some actual effort into it to attract some people, or put it out of it’s misery. It’s embarrassing.
