Comments on: West Seattle Crime Prevention Council, report #2: SPD’s plan for last day of school and rest of summer West Seattle news, 24/7 Thu, 19 Jun 2014 16:16:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: Juniper Washburn Thu, 19 Jun 2014 16:16:58 +0000 Now that school is out, maybe parents will keep better track of their kids this year and not make them everyone else’s problem.
:/ I won’t hold my breath.

By: DH Thu, 19 Jun 2014 14:44:37 +0000 I know there are lots of problem areas in WS. I’d like to point out the alley between Delridge and 20th and Thisle and Cloverdale is getting a lot of activity from partying and obviously drug dealing teens/young adults. I’ve called SPD and and am taking steps to see about getting a Block Watch started or refreshed there. I just wanted to let anyone reading this in the area know.

By: WSince86 Thu, 19 Jun 2014 00:32:55 +0000 Seems like a good time to mention that parking at Don Armeni park, the Boat Launch, is for vehicles with boat trailers only! While there are a few spots at the north and south ends of the park for cars, the majority of parking is for folks using the boat launch to LAUNCH their boat! It is clearly marked with signs as you enter and all over the parking area. On most sunny days, the majority of parking spots are taken up by vehicles without trailers. Those of us who use the launch also pay $12 to use it and park there. After contacting the Parks Dept. I was told that the SPD Parking Enforcement is in charge of monitoring the parking at the Boat Launch. They can be contacted at (206)386-9012 to report violators or request patrol.

By: WSB Wed, 18 Jun 2014 23:07:54 +0000 In reply to JN.

Well, not every single person. Patrick and I walk on Alki and we know the difference, and we’re generally not alone. But you might stop and talk to the officers when you see them (as per suggestion from commander) and suggest it!

By: JN Wed, 18 Jun 2014 22:57:33 +0000 Will the bicycle officers be advising people on how to utilize the bicycle track along Alki? I am always amazed at how brazenly people walk down it and don’t realize or care that it is for bicycles/wheeled vehicles (rollerblades, etc.) only. The painted markings should make it obvious, but apparently every single person walking down there is blind.

By: Hey Wed, 18 Jun 2014 22:11:15 +0000 I’ve seen the activity mentioned at Solstice Park mentioned by Franci and I stopped using the stairs there because of it. Someone parks above and conducts transactions with people waiting at the bottom of the stairs. I did not call the police the two times I saw the behavior because I did not have a phone with me nor did I have a way to record the plate information. I stopped going this way about a month ago so maybe things have changed.

By: WSB Wed, 18 Jun 2014 22:01:47 +0000 In reply to Franci.

Please make sure someone is calling the police when this happens, and even better, contacting the Community Police Team (I believe that’s part of Officer Flores’s area). I can’t recall anyone having brought this up at the WSCPC meetings lately, and while that’s certainly far from the only place to bring it up, it’s like open office hours for the commander and CPT officer almost every month – last night’s meeting could have run another 25 minutes, at least, but the few people there ran out of questions, so it broke up early. – TR

By: Franci Wed, 18 Jun 2014 21:54:08 +0000 Another location to for law enforcement to be aware of is Solstice Park and the road above 44th Ave SW. Kids love to hang out there, sell drugs (so I’ve been told), annoy nearby residents by blaring their car radios, and dump their trash on the street.

By: ScubaFrog Wed, 18 Jun 2014 21:35:53 +0000 I really like Captain Wilske. Super personable, helpful, and he’s really impressed me, in all regards. Frankly I’d love to see him as Chief sometime.
