(WS high/low bridges and Highway 99 views; more cams on the WSB Traffic page)
So far, no news is good news – no trouble reported in or outbound from West Seattle.
REMINDER – NORTHBOUND 99 WEEKEND CLOSURE: Now that the weekend is back in view, time to rev up the reminding again. From 10 pm Friday night (June 20th) until early Monday morning, Northbound 99 will be closed between the West Seattle Bridge and north end of downtown as WSDOT continues re-aligning the roadway west of the stadiums, as explained here. This will coincide on Saturday 6/21 with northbound 99 – and other roads – being used for the Rock ‘n’ Roll Half-Marathon (which has many other closures – see the full list here).
7:58 PM NOTE: The low-bridge problem from earlier (covered in a separate story) is fixed, and the bridge is back to regular operations, after a 2 1/2-hour shutdown.