(Barred owls ‘kissing’ at Lincoln Park; photo by Trileigh Tucker)
Highlights from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar (and story archives):
GARDEN STORY TIME: Take the little one(s) to “How My Garden Grows” story time at 10:30 am at West Seattle (Admiral) Branch Library. (2306 42nd SW)
LOW-ISH TIDE: With the full moon comes low tides – get out on the beach if you can! -1.6 at 11:22 am today, -2.3 at noon tomorrow, -2.6 at 12:44 pm Friday and the same at 1:29 pm Saturday. (Chart on the WSB West Seattle Weather page)
BEER WEEK AT ELLIOTT BAY: You might be well and sudsily aware that this is Seattle Beer Week. Elliott Bay Brewery Pub‘s big event in The Junction is at 4 pm today. (4720 California SW)
LIVE MUSIC AT SALTY’S: Looks like another gorgeous evening to be out on a deck by the water, and Salty’s on Alki (WSB sponsor) has exactly that – plus, 5:30-8:30 pm, live Latin-jazz music with Alma y Azucar. (1936 Harbor Avenue SW)
HOW SHOULD THE CITY SPEND YOUR MONEY? As previewed here last night, the city’s next budget workshop, seeking your ideas on how the city should spend your money in the next budget cycle, is 6-8 pm at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center. Special focus: Public safety and civil rights, though you can bring up other aspects too. (We mentioned in our preview that the Seattle Privacy Coalition plans to call for a city privacy review; here’s the letter they’ll be presenting and circulating.) Even if you can’t stay for the whole meeting, the city invites you to stop by and have a say. (4408 Delridge Way SW)
CONGRESSMEMBER, SOAPBOX @ 34TH DDs: 7 pm at The Hall at Fauntleroy, it’s the 34th District Democrats‘ monthly meeting, with three major items on the agenda. First, an update from U.S. Rep. Jim McDermott; second, endorsements including judges and the Park District issue; third, a new “soapbox” opportunity, for members only – rules here. (9131 California SW)
HIGH-SCHOOL BASEBALL PLAYOFFS: Chief Sealth International High School vs. Bainbridge, 7 pm tonight at Steve Cox Memorial Park in White Center. (1321 SW 102nd)
OPEN-MICROPHONE COMEDY SLAM: 8-10 pm at Feedback Lounge (WSB sponsor), come show off your funniness. (6451 California SW)
MORE! MORE! MORE! … on the calendar page.
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