Before we get going on West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day as-it-happens coverage, quick look at the calendar highlights:
WEST SEATTLE COMMUNITY GARAGE SALE DAY: Lots of previous previews – bottom line, 9 am-3 pm, it’s sale day all over West Seattle; get the map here.
STAMP OUT HUNGER: Put a bag of nonperishable food items (no glass, please) in a bag out by your mailbox, or your door if that’s where your mail is delivered, before you head out for the day – letter carriers collect the donations on this special day every year.
BLOOD DRIVE: The Bloodmobile welcomes donors at Westwood Village (Barton entrance) 9:30 am-3:30 pm, closed 11:30 am-12:30 pm for a break, details here.
BICYCLE RODEO/BLOCK PARTY: 10 am-1 pm in the Roxhill area, for kids and their families – details here. (27th/Roxbury)
FREE KETTLEBELL CLASS: 10:30 am on Alki – details here.
HIGH-SCHOOL BASEBALL PLAYOFFS: West Seattle HS has a playoff game at 10 am this morning, Chief Sealth IHS plays Seattle Prep at 7 tonight, both games at Steve Cox Field in White Center.
MARITIME FESTIVAL: If you’re going downtown, it’s the annual Maritime Festival, featuring the tugboat races! 11 am-5 pm, details here.
FREE WORKSHOP IN REMODELING/CUSTOM HOMEBUILDING: 2 pm at Ventana Construction (WSB sponsor) – details here, including how to call to check if there’s still room. (California/Findlay)
BRIDGE-BUILDING FOR KIDS: 3-5 pm at Delridge Branch Library; details here. (Delridge/Brandon)
LEGO MANIA! At Admiral (West Seattle) Branch Library, 3-4:30 pm, details here.
LINCOLN PARK COOPERATIVE PRESCHOOL FUNDRAISING AUCTION: Amazing array of items you can bid on – details and a link in our calendar listing. Feedback Lounge (WSB sponsor), 6-8:30 pm. (6451 California SW)
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