Land-use approvals are in for two sizable West Seattle projects, as announced in today’s Land Use Information Bulletin from the city. Both decisions include DNS rulings (determination of non-significance, meaning the city does not believe a full environmental review is needed):
(Rendering courtesy Nicholson-Kovalchick Architects)
3210 CALIFORNIA: This mixed-use project won Southwest Design Review Board approval last month, in its fifth meeting; it’s now partly four stories, partly five stories, with 134 apartments, 5,913 square feet of commercial space, two live/work units, and 152 offstreet parking spaces. Here’s the notice; here’s the decision. The announcement starts the clock on an appeal process open until May 29th; here’s how.
3078 AVALON WAY: This is an all-residential project, seven stories, 102 apartments and 59 offstreet parking spaces, with approval recommended by the SWDRB in January; here’s the notice; here’s the decision. This approval also triggers an appeal period until May 29th; here’s how.