Comments on: West Seattle Crime Watch followup: Driver who hit two students near Chief Sealth IHS sentenced to twice the recommendation West Seattle news, 24/7 Tue, 03 Jun 2014 23:07:37 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ms. Sparkles Tue, 03 Jun 2014 23:07:37 +0000 Scuba Frog is absolutely right. Its abhorrent that she was given such lieniency and I believe her race and economic status were deffinately factors in that.

And Jason – I’m hoping the girls parents were waiting for the conclusion of the criminal trial before they start their civil action; the only person who should be worrying about these girls’ medical bills is O’Brien.

If I ruled the world O’Brien would be paying all of her disposable income toward the girl who has the brain injury care – for the rest of O’Brien’s life.

I would LOVE to hear O’Brien’s character witnesses justfy their defense of her monsterous acts in light of the damage she did to these girls. I wouldn’t defend my own daughter or mother if she did this.

By: Cait Mon, 02 Jun 2014 07:32:24 +0000 Phil I trust that you would do this with any dog you thought was going to maul you regardless of breed. I find it troubling that you seem proud to have shot a dog regardless of whether or not you were right to do so.

By: Carraig Mon, 02 Jun 2014 02:47:56 +0000 First, thanks as always WSB for outstanding coverage.
I have watched this case since it happened and have been sickened by this woman’s actions from the very start. Like others, I cannot believe how it ended with such a light sentence. How is intention defined? This case re-defines it.
I hope for and wish the very best for the two young women whose lives have been irreversibly changed by the actions of this sick, hate-filled person.

By: Jason Sun, 01 Jun 2014 20:01:23 +0000 I agree Karl and phil dirt. The biggest issue I have with this case is the *permanent* damage this woman did to these girls. They have their whole lives ahead of them now at least one is being labeled as ‘slow’ and will likely be on social security for the rest of her life. No chance at success, and for all you nice conservative folks that post here, that means she’s now going to be sucking off of the system for another 70 years or so.
It is just mind blowing and horribly offensive to think this woman basically is getting away with this. She really should be responsible for paying medical bills and contributing to these girls financially for what she took away from them.
Again, if she had plowed over the prosecutor’s kid I guarantee she wouldn’t be heard from again for a very long time. Sickening.

By: phil dirt Sun, 01 Jun 2014 16:44:39 +0000 I wish Ms. O’Brien had been given a year behind bars just for letting her pit bull run loose. The only time I have fired a handgun in self defense was to keep from being mauled by an off leash pit bull.

I am in favor of legislation being written in Olympia that would require convicted hit and run drivers be given a minimum of 5 years. With the proliferation of hit and run, it’s high time the courts start to get serious.

By: Karl Sun, 01 Jun 2014 12:38:51 +0000 Unbelieveable. Should’ve been charged with at LEAST assault with a deadly weapon, if not attempted homicide, AND for contacting the victims (TWICE!).

It should be insulting to everyone that vehicular violence gets a pass, even when it is clearly intentional.

By: Jason Sun, 01 Jun 2014 08:14:04 +0000 ScubaFrog is correct, though ltfd gets props for pulling out “appropos.” I’m not sure why people want to fight so hard to deny these facts. Oh and wscommuter, fox news is a conservative channel and ScubaFrog is displaying a relatively liberal point of view here so I’m not sure where you’re going with that but here’s some reading supporting some of the statements made in these two posts:

By: ScubaFrog Sun, 01 Jun 2014 06:16:34 +0000 wscommuter – the sad thing is you know I’m right. There’s a remarkably racial disparity in sentencing, in this country.

By: KM Sun, 01 Jun 2014 01:32:48 +0000 A year? And that was twice the recommended sentence? What a joke.

By: ltfd Sun, 01 Jun 2014 01:17:56 +0000 ScubaFrog, might I suggest that your moniker would be more apropos were it ScubTroll?

By: wscommuter Sat, 31 May 2014 22:45:21 +0000 Scubafrog … read your comment on the other thread re the bus-robber dude, and then here. Hard to say which is more impressive; your ignorance or your zealous pursuit of racial angles where none exist.

There is no reasoning with people like you. Ironically, however, there is a place for your type. Fox News.

By: newnative Sat, 31 May 2014 16:22:51 +0000 It looks as though she believed she wouldn’t serve anymore time. A year is much too short. Any provisions to take away her drivers license?

By: Cait Sat, 31 May 2014 06:00:24 +0000 I am SO glad that the judge said that about her not being the only mother in the room – how selfish of her not to realize that herself given the circumstances. Glad to see the maximum sentence was enforced.

By: datamuse Sat, 31 May 2014 05:50:32 +0000 I know it’s the defense lawyer’s job and all, but it kind of blows my mind that he’d even suggest that these girls deserved what happened to them. Good lord.

By: Jason Sat, 31 May 2014 02:51:53 +0000 Yes, she had this freshly rescued pit-bull out with no leash. She must have found it more important to get her justice than to lock up that dog after the incident.
She changed the entire course of these girls’ lives because she felt disrespected, then complained how she’s so depressed that she’s basically a loose cannon, yet thinks she get to go back to raising a child. On top of all that she felt so entitled that she should be able to just ignore her pre-trial conditions and made contact with her victim twice. They should have stacked more charges on her for that.
