Comments on: Progress reports on trouble spots and more @ West Seattle Crime Prevention Council West Seattle news, 24/7 Fri, 23 May 2014 14:42:07 +0000 hourly 1 By: DH Fri, 23 May 2014 14:42:07 +0000 Thanks for the summary WSB! The graffiti clean up on city property in 10 days is a joke. I’ve reported the same graffiti, on the alley itself, 3 times in a 1.5 month period and the city hasnt cleaned it up (unless they have in the last few days because I’ve stopped checking it).

That “victim” in the truck is a drug dealer. I wish him no harm but he is far from innocent. I’ve watched him selling and he offered me drugs directly. Yes I’ve reported some of this but it get tiring with little response and no changes.

By: KT Fri, 23 May 2014 05:35:17 +0000 Community Police Team Officer Jon Kiehn said the recent trouble with shoplifting, threats, and more, tends to involve “the same people over and over again.”

And things will never improve if the same people are doing the same things over and over again and there are no meaningful penalties.

By: Mookie Fri, 23 May 2014 05:05:57 +0000 FWIW, the kids were probably mad at QFC employees for being busted shoplifting or something, hence the threats.

By: datamuse Fri, 23 May 2014 04:40:18 +0000 I’m often there after dark and haven’t had a problem, but it’s a big place and some of it isn’t all that well lit at night. Usually I’m just going to QFC and there’s often an SPD officer around.
Westwood’s been sorta sketchy since I moved here (1999). One of my friends used to work store security at that Target and was assaulted by a shoplifter back in the 90s. Does seem to be on the upswing again though. I’m glad it’s on the CPC’s radar.

By: cj Fri, 23 May 2014 04:30:04 +0000 How long has it been since police have been patrolling these areas? If its been a while they might find some interesting things going on.

By: Seattlite Fri, 23 May 2014 02:48:45 +0000 Excellent information in this post. As a senior citizen, I appriciate the attention given to Westwood Village. Target and Barnes & Noble are great stores. However, I have noticed unseemly behavior that makes me wary of shopping in that area. I will continue to shop there as long as I know that SPD is watching over the area. Thanks.

By: Josh Fri, 23 May 2014 02:30:41 +0000 Does anyone know more about Westwood employees, the part about them leaving work and being jumped? Sounds scary, wonder if that would happen to anyone shopping there late. My family is often there after dark, but maybe no longer…
