We’re featuring two photos of West Seattle’s beautiful birds today. First, thanks to David Hutchinson for the then-and-now photo: “The Harbor Avenue Canada Goose goslings have done a lot of growing up in the past 7 weeks. The top photo was taken on February 19th, while the bottom is from earlier this week on April 9th.” Second, thanks also to Chris Frankovich for the eagle photo featured below! Now, on with the calendar highlights:
WEST SEATTLE FARMERS’ MARKET: 10 am-2 pm in The Junction, with more returning vendors every week now that we’re well into spring. (44th/Alaska)
STORYTELLING AT DUWAMISH LONGHOUSE: 2 pm, in honor of the upcoming Earth Day, native and non-native storytellers with tales of Earth and our relationship with it. Details in our calendar listing. (4705 W. Marginal Way SW)
LEARN ABOUT EDIBLE GARDENING: 2 pm at Delridge Branch Library – details here. (5423 Delridge Way SW)
LADIES’ MUSICAL CLUB: Classical music, live at the West Seattle (Admiral) Branch Library, 3 pm. Program details here. (2306 42nd SW)
LIVE MUSIC AT C & P COFFEE: Burgundy Pearl performs acoustic Americana at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor), 3-5 pm. (5612 California SW)
FINAL PERFORMANCE OF ‘A … MY NAME IS ALICE’: 5 pm at historic Kenyon Hall, it’s the final performance of this musical-comedy revue presented by Twelfth Night Productions. (7904 35th SW)
BOOZE, BALLS & BINGO BENEFIT: The monthly drag-bingo/charity-benefit event at Feedback Lounge (WSB sponsor), 5:30 pm, this month raising money for LoveForMark.com. (6451 California SW)
As always, there’s even more on our calendar!
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