Comments on: West Seattle schools: New principal for K-5 STEM, Ben Ostrom, moving from Highland Park Elementary; HP’s new principal coming from Wedgwood West Seattle news, 24/7 Thu, 17 Apr 2014 06:26:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: evergreen Thu, 17 Apr 2014 06:26:12 +0000 Sure, but what job doesn’t have stress. And they are well compensated at over 100K annually, I believe….as for Principal turnover being the norm across districts, is that really true? SPS reassigns them every 1-2 years like a newly shuffled deck of cards.

By: John Mon, 14 Apr 2014 21:25:26 +0000 According to a 2012 research study from Stanford University’s Center for Educational Policy Analysis, “More than one out of every five principals leaves their school each year.” So, Seattle’s principal turn-over rate is probably consistent with national norms. The study goes on to note, “We use longitudinal data from one large urban school district to study the relationship between principal turnover and school outcomes. We find that principal turnover is, on average, detrimental to school performance…Leadership changes are particularly harmful for high poverty schools, low-achieving schools, and schools with many inexperienced teachers…The negative effect of leadership changes can be mitigated when vacancies are filled by individuals with prior experience leading other schools.”

By: sam-c Mon, 14 Apr 2014 18:11:25 +0000 they said she is taking a leave of absence. who knows what the reason may be. if they wanted everyone to know, they would share it wouldn’t they? maybe let her/ them have some privacy on the matter.
(and I don’t have any kids at any of these schools so i have no dog in this fight- and off topic, is there a better expression that means the same thing? dog fighting is so gross)

By: cheshire Mon, 14 Apr 2014 04:22:47 +0000 Probably no hidden issues except that being a principal is an incredibly exhausting job (albeit rewarding in some ways) with limited pay and having to deal with politics and parents, etc.

By: beef Mon, 14 Apr 2014 03:22:28 +0000 I like how they announce it friday after school before spring break. :P

By: abokchoy Sun, 13 Apr 2014 14:34:53 +0000 There was only an email that was sent to Highland Park families on Friday.

By: HPMom Sun, 13 Apr 2014 06:09:02 +0000 Does anyone know what letter went home with Highland Park Elementary families?

By: West Seattle Mom Sat, 12 Apr 2014 16:21:11 +0000 Why was Dr. McKinney taking a leave of absence? Is she going somewhere else? What is going on?

By: evergreen Sat, 12 Apr 2014 06:26:19 +0000 Ostrom sounds like a capable Principal and I’m sure will do a fine job, but I am disappointed that McKinney stayed only two years. What is fricken wrong with this district? What are the hidden issues that keep driving away Principals? So confused.

By: beef Sat, 12 Apr 2014 05:04:01 +0000 seriously, why does SPS do this? Principals aren’t even there through one student’s entire tenure at the school – how can a school expect to grow without consistent leadership/direction? or maybe they don;t matter?

By: Wsea Sat, 12 Apr 2014 04:08:05 +0000 It’s been a while from the rotating door at SPS but it always happens. I wish they can create an environment for “awesome” teachers and admin to stay. Best of luck newbie. I wish they can clean house in some other schools in the area.
