(WSB file photo)
Big announcement at today’s Rotary Club of West Seattle breakfast event – the summertime Grand Parade will be presented by the Rotary starting with this year’s July 19th parade, picking up the baton from American Legion Post 160.

Josh Sutton – at right in our photo above, with incoming president Shane Carew – introduced Legion reps as well as longtime parade coordinators Jim Edwards and Dave Vague, who will continue in their roles. Sutton said he was pleased to announce that the Rotary was stepping up as the Legion was stepping back; he said the parade is a vital part of the community, and that the Rotary has big shoes to fill. At left in our photo is Josh Menashe of Menashe and Sons Jewelers (WSB sponsor), which is donating $1,000 to help with parade costs. He said the parade has always been part of his life, and he’s been going to it since childhood, so his family is pleased to be able to help with an event that is so central to the community. Sutton said the Rotary Kiddie Parade that traditionally precedes the main parade will continue too …

(WSB photo from 2012 Rotary Kiddie Parade)
… as will the Float Dodger 5K, the new Rotary-co-sponsored event that is going into its third year this parade season. More later on the Rotary breakfast itself, which featured a Medal of Honor winner as special guest; meantime, ahead, the official Rotary news release we received while finishing up this story:
The Rotary Club of West Seattle is proud to announce it has taken over stewardship of the West Seattle Parade. The West Seattle American Legion Post 160 has produced the West Seattle Parade for 80 years. Last year they approached West Seattle Rotary asking them if they would consider taking over the event. As many of you know the Legion Post has undergone many changes over the past few months. The Post has stepped into a mission of providing more support to our returning and existing veterans.
After months of discussion between the Legion, Rotary, and the parade coordinators (who are not legion members) a memorandum of understanding was drafted amongst all parties and presented to West Seattle Rotary for final approval.
On March 19th the plan was approved. The West Seattle Rotary Club’s West Seattle Parade is scheduled for Saturday, July 19 at 11:00 AM.
Parade planning has been underway for a couple months. Jim Edwards and Dave Vague will continue in their capacities as parade coordinators. In addition to the Grand Parade, the Rotary Club will continue in its sponsorship of the Kids’ parade that precedes the main event. Also on the parade route that morning will be the 3rd annual Float Dodger 5k.