Comments on: Morgan Junction murder-trial update: Back to the background West Seattle news, 24/7 Thu, 06 Mar 2014 15:03:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: it's a bridge Thu, 06 Mar 2014 15:03:40 +0000 Whether it pertains to this case specifically or not I’d like to point out that a convicted felon can have their rights restored and legally carry firearms. Washington is one of the many states where you can petition for rights to be restored and the forms that need to be filed with the court aren’t difficult to find online and download. There’s also a NY times article from Nov. 2011 where a case in Washington State is specifically mentioned. Chambers may or may not have had his civil rights reinstated (has this topic been brought up in court?) but to assume that a weapon is owned illegally because a person has a felony conviction is not accurate.

By: jodie davis Wed, 05 Mar 2014 19:03:56 +0000 @macjam212..his 30 years ago convictions has to do with this cause he was a felon who should of not had possession of a fire arm…if he was complying to bestfriend would still be alive..thats y his prior offense fit in this case…point made

By: Westsider Wed, 05 Mar 2014 16:50:52 +0000 ScubaFrog seems to not realize that the cliche he is quoting from The Dr. Phil Show has no basis in fact.

By: ScubaFrog Wed, 05 Mar 2014 10:59:14 +0000 mcjam2112 seems to not realize that past behavior is the strongest predictor of future behavior. But we’re dealing with a lot of posters who are so desperately trying to defend the indefensible: Chambers’ actions.

By: Tony Wed, 05 Mar 2014 07:54:57 +0000 Interesting theory cruzer. So Chamber’s was looking to score some weed and Hood was paranoid of a black guy without a gun?

Hopefully you are not a member of the jury in this case.

By: mcjam2112 Wed, 05 Mar 2014 07:14:37 +0000 Scuba seems to reside in a black and white dreamworld where speculative Law and Order plot twists like Cruzer’s seem plausible….show me how a conviction in any of those charges from 30+ years ago led to this mess and I’ll help lead the bandwagon for guilty as charged. Sadly neither party seems blameless and both are victims of their pasts leading to this unfortunate destiny. My plan – wait until you hear both sides before telling everyone what to think.

By: jodie davis Wed, 05 Mar 2014 02:39:18 +0000 Travis hood was my best friend he moved here with me to seattle…jamie yes had a horrible criminal background but travis had no criminal background but for a domestic it…travis hood was a great guy..I knew him I loved him and he was by far a racist or trouble maker..he came here to be with good friends he grew up with cause his best friend in Jacksonville. .who was black died..thank you scubafrog for having our back….I will never forgive mr chambers for what he did..travis mom has lost all 3 sons to violent deaths now…travis’ death was a horrible tragedy that I will never forget..and I hope mr chambers rots in hell

By: cruzer Wed, 05 Mar 2014 01:09:06 +0000 Could it have been a drug deal gone bad?
Perhaps Vause offered to sell Chambers some marijuana back at his pickup truck. On the way Chambers stops to get his gun as a precaution, because he’d never seen these guys before.
Hood, fresh from the south where his buddy got killed by a gang member, turns to see a black guy and goes paranoid, starts swinging a shovel (while calling him “N” as was his habit) even before he saw a gun. Chambers, an older man in his mid-60’s, is understandably afraid of the 2 stronger younger guys threatening violence and shoots in self-defense.
Chambers drives home in an alcohol-induced fog, not realizing how serious Hood’s wounds were, and perhaps even now can’t remember any of it?

By: Alan Wed, 05 Mar 2014 00:13:00 +0000 Disturbed – Regarding WSB’s quick response to questions on Chamber’s record, I would say that they are always very responsive to questions.

Chamber’s was about Hood’s age, 34 years ago when he was last convicted of a crime. No, he should not have had a weapon. No, he shouldn’t have been driving drunk. The rest will not be determined until the trial is through. It is early and the defense is not even close to starting.

By: ScubaFrog Tue, 04 Mar 2014 23:06:15 +0000 Disturbed neighbor said “How about giving the guy some credit for turning his life around?” in regards to Chambers’ current “law-abiding” lifestyle. Let’s remember that Chambers is on trial for 2nd degree murder. Also, why was he in possession of a firearm (he’s a 9-time felon, that’s illegal).

By: ScubaFrog Tue, 04 Mar 2014 23:03:04 +0000 Thanks WSB. I’m going to write that summary here.

Cruzer, to my knowledge Vause stated his troubles were in South Carolina, not Florida. Also, to my knowledge, Mr. Hood wasn’t here to “escape trouble” from Florida, or any other state.

Chambers’ docmented criminal history:

-1980 Bank Robbery, LA CA
-1976 Extortion, Pasadena CA
-1966 Assault with deadly weapon against a peace officer, Sacramento CA
-1966 Escape with force, Sacramento CA
-1965 Kidnapping for Robbery, Norwalk CA
-1965 Robbery, Norwalk CA
-1965 Robbery (again), Norwalk CA
-1962 Grand Larceny, Indianapolis Indiana
-1961 Robbery, Indianapolis Indiana

By: WSB Tue, 04 Mar 2014 22:55:00 +0000 In reply to disturbed neighbor.

Disturbed, thank you for your comment.
I am not transcribing the trial. A court reporter is doing that. I am here to report on it. It is an open public proceeding. Any member of the public is welcome to sit in on it. I am sorry that no other news organization has chosen to come to court to cover it (aside from the Times sitting in on opening statements – I invite you to compare their story to mine from that day in terms of thoroughness) – it is a lost art in this day and age and given the paucity of resources our organization has, I am going out on a huge limb doing this, but I feel it’s important. That said, again, as per the word I used today, I am distilling (summarizing, if you wish) key points of what I am seeing and hearing. I have been in here for every minute of testimony since the start of opening statements almost two weeks ago. I am doing the best I can, but of course it is not perfect. I take issue with your contention it is not balanced, however. Keep in mind that we are in the prosecution’s presentation right now. If Mr. Hood’s background is introduced in the defense portion – or the prosecution’s remaining case, for that matter – we will report on it. Otherwise: The only opinion that matters right now is that of the jury, and they are under strict orders to avoid news coverage of any and all kinds.

By: it's a bridge Tue, 04 Mar 2014 22:45:05 +0000 Some of the comments that are made in response to articles on this blog are worded so coarsely and aggressive that I find myself appreciating the online handles instead of names. Finding out that some comment were made by someone I think of as being a friend or a friendly acquaintance would be sh–ty.

@ cruzer, there really are so many unanswered questions

By: disturbed neighbor Tue, 04 Mar 2014 21:50:14 +0000 It troubles me that every time someone wonders about Chambers’ criminal record the WSB is very quick to point it out. However, I wonder why very little has been said about Vause’s and Hood’s criminal records which would have occurred more recently than any of Mr. Chambers’ offenses. If someone just stumbled upon this story it would appear that these guys just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time and that they were totally innocent young men.

Is that what really happened? I don’t think so. So far we know that Vause was a drug dealer and I think I read somewhere that Hood had many run-ins with the law in Florida. If this is true, that is certainly a reflection of these men’s lack of character that I feel should not be overlooked in the reporting of a case like this.

While I don’t agree that Mr. Chambers should have shot this man to death or even had a gun in the first place; I wonder if the outcome would have been different had he not had the gun. Would a crime still have been commited? Would Mr. Chambers be the victim?

While I appreciate the reporting by the WSB (this incident happened in my neighborhood after all and I really would like to have some answers as to why something like this would have occurred in our community), I do wish it was more balanced. For example, when writing about Vause’s cross examination: there were instances when we were told what the questions were, but not what Vause’s answers were.

As I mentioned earlier, I find it unfair that Chamber’s character is questioned and determined based on his criminal offenses that occurred over thirty years ago (which get continuously pointed out). How about giving the guy some credit for turning his life around? It sounds like he hasn’t had any offenses in almost 35 years. That’s about how old Travis Hood was!

Many people in our community appreciate and respect the WSB and as a result are influenced by it and form opinions based on the WSB reports. Please make a stronger effort of reporting on the whole story as this case is not as cut and dried as many people have been led to believe.

By: cruzer Tue, 04 Mar 2014 20:08:49 +0000 Mr. Chambers has been a West Seattle neighbor for many years without any problems.
We know little of Hood or Vause except that they came here to escape trouble they were in, back in Florida.
The case is fascinating… what really happened that night?
