Comments on: As-it-happened: 4755 Fauntleroy alley-vacation hearing, standing room only; vote delayed to April 8th West Seattle news, 24/7 Mon, 30 Dec 2019 00:50:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: Neighbor 2 Whittaker Fri, 21 Mar 2014 01:23:04 +0000 As someone who actually lives 2 blocks from this development I can’t wait for Whole Foods and this development. I seriously doubt many of the anti-crowd of union lackeys live anywhere near this development, or they’d realize that the alley does not get used now, the parking lot is an unsightly mess where regular drug deals occur, and the Whittaker will be good for the neighborhood. I take the bus every day and can’t for the life of me figure out what all the whining is about – so you occasionally have to stand while riding the bus – cry me a river… you live in a city. Get over yourselves, people, and accept that this is a growing city where development is going to occur. Blocking these developments due to anti-union, anti-people, anti-traffic concerns don’t make sense if you use bogus studies and outdated data. Bring on WFM and competition for Safeway and QFC.

By: AlkiGrl Fri, 14 Mar 2014 23:10:07 +0000 SteveP – grow up. You don’t know me and you clearly don’t know much about GIRWS. But thanks for the “dialogue”

By: Jeffrey Fri, 14 Mar 2014 01:22:52 +0000 Good gravy. Even The Stranger, that bastion of liberal bias (and more power to them), acknowledges that the GIRFers are “union funded”….

JanS owes several people an honest apology, but I doubt that is forthcoming.

We, THE PEOPLE, should DEMAND honesty and transparency from elected officials, bureaucrats, and those lobbying for one cause or another, REGARDLESS of their affiliations.

Better to have an honest conversation than being duped into some untenable quagmire.

And REMEMBER, vote for Clyde! He’s all about biting into the issues and not simply barking about them.

Clyde! Clyde! Clyde!

By: XXX Fri, 14 Mar 2014 00:50:11 +0000 I totally agree with Jeffrey. This whole shebang is a union-backed scam.
Speaking of which I noted someone mentioned “if you don’t like unions, don’t join them.” Unfortunately, the folks who work at these union shops don’t have that luxury. Their forced to pay union dues. Out of their pay checks. I was once in a union, and it was the biggest bunch of BS I’d ever seen… A bunch of fat cats sitting around taking people’s “dues” while bullying anyone and everyone who didn’t walk their line.
Which is why it’s particularly disturbing to see the union people waltzing into West Seattle, taking a fake position of “caring about the community” when in reality they just see that the jobs at Whole Foods won’t be coughing up more money in union dues.

By: Jeffrey Thu, 13 Mar 2014 22:28:58 +0000 Ahhh… JanS sits in judgment of us all.

Listen lady: you don’t know me so who are you to pass judgment? Right, you are just another self-appointed judge.

The GIRFers are a front for unions. Sure they have swept neighbors up in their cause, so what, people support what they are selling from behind the curtain. Good for them.

This doesn’t make me or anyone else a liar.

Do you have evidence that the GIRFers aren’t a front for unions?

Or are you just name calling.

The GIRFers are welcome to provide financial disclosure to prove me wrong, but I know they can’t.

Whatever the case, more power to them, but they should just be honest and transparent about their activities and agenda so that people can make an informed choice.

Unfortunately most people are narrow-minded and would rather resort to ad hominem attacks because that soothes their battered self-esteem.

Good grief. Clyde will be flippin’ you a bone on general principle.

By: Scott Thu, 13 Mar 2014 21:35:47 +0000 This project moving ahead should have nothing to do with Unions. If you have an argument with regards to this project you should never say union. Your argument should be based on merits with the impact on the community. I don’t care if a business is going to go in that is union or non-union.

By: wetone Thu, 13 Mar 2014 17:58:34 +0000 Sutton you are correct, in fact when x mayor Greg Nickels was in office he and crew went after a few groups that wanted to put more parking (private) on bus routes and they shut them down. People need to realize and have some common sense as less than 10% of people here in W/S have the capability of walking to a bus location do to where they live, health, time… Where people could park before and catch a bus is gone do to all the building with no parking, smart one city now those people are driving to work. That means 90% of people here will always drive as necessity from poor planning this city has done for growth they are allowing. Look at Mercer Island they have park & rides. Can’t wait for the 1000+ cars soon to be parked in surrounding neighborhoods of urban village zone : 0

By: JTB Thu, 13 Mar 2014 17:13:14 +0000 The intersection at Fauntleroy and SW Alaska is already cumbersome for traffic turning right onto SW Alaska. When a driver turns left onto 40th Ave SW, many following drivers move into the buses and right turn only lane rather than wait for the vehicle ahead of them to make the left turn. I’m concerned about how that will play out when traffic volume is increased once the site is developed. This seems likely to be a traffic engineering issue regardless of the development of the site.

By: miws Thu, 13 Mar 2014 16:41:49 +0000 Thanks Jan.


And very well put in your 10:39 pm post.



By: JanS Thu, 13 Mar 2014 05:42:47 +0000 @miws….I agree…thanks for the post…

By: JanS Thu, 13 Mar 2014 05:39:31 +0000 wow…neighbors calling neighbors liars….how low can we stoop ?Jeffrey, SteveP…do you personally know any of these people? How dare you…who the hell do you think you are? People have a right to disagree…you have that right, Diane has that right. You may disagree, but that for damned sure doesn’t make you right. Get down off that giant horse, and remember that we all, you included, deserve respect for standing up for what we believe in. You do believe in it enough to go to the meetings and make public statements, don’t you ? Oh…no? Oh, I’m so sorry…your opinion is no more important than anyone else’s. But please stop calling people liars. If you don’t like unions, don’t join one…but please remember that your lovely weekends off, your 40 hour work week, your children not working in factories, your safety and rules of employment are all union made..

waiting for your response now…I’m sure it will be condescending…prove me wrong…

By: Jeffrey Thu, 13 Mar 2014 01:16:13 +0000 Again. The GIRFers are ASTROTURF. Nothing more than a front for unions. No horror in unions.

But why do they have to hide behind some facade?

Why not be honest and transparent?

What are the GIRFers hiding?

Keep this in mind: it’s easier to extract fifty cents an hour in union dues from someone making $15/hr vs. someone making the current prevailing wage.

And too often the worker gets the rough end of the pineapple in return for their union dues.

Come out into the daylight GIRFers and tell us what this is really about.

In a circus.
No tent.

Now that stirs the pot don’t it?


By: SteveP Thu, 13 Mar 2014 00:01:58 +0000 @ALkiGirl, Lies, Lies, Lies. “For me, safety, housing, and the walkability and livability of our neighborhoods is just as important.” Then why are you not funding other “bad” projects in West Seattle? Just this one project, and you admit that. I am not against union members *gasp*, but I am against sneaky organizers, when you started your cammpaign duping many citizens and businesses about your true intent and how you were funded. At least you finally were exposed and admitted in public that you came to this because of Whole Foods.

By: AlkiGrl Wed, 12 Mar 2014 21:58:49 +0000 @GettingItWrong: Like Diane, I was involved in the process since the first round of WSDRB meetings over a year ago. I saw many neighbors who came to the earlier meetings stop coming – not because they stopped caring but because they learned quickly that the process isn’t designed for them. Public comment is severely limited in comparison to the loads of time given the developers, and even when we do comment, IMO, it isn’t given much weight. It’s tough to stick with a process which seems to cater to developers and policy wonks, but not to many others. There are a small number who stick with it and learn as they go, and I’m grateful to them, but they are small in number. The beginning core members of GIRWS met through the Design Review Board and Design Commission meetings. We are local residents, some who are union members also *gasp!* like me, who don’t support the Weingarten project.

To others that love to speculate about GIRWS (but don’t seem to care about the $$ being thrown around by Texas-based Weingarten with PR consultants): GIRWS includes local residents, some who happen to be union members like me *gasp!* who met through the WSDRB and Design Commission meetings.
The reality is hundreds of your neighbors in West Seattle are also UFCW21 members. We live in every neighborhood in Seattle and are lucky to have progressive leadership that recognizes our values and interests are interconnected with our neighbors. “By improving the lives of everyone, we improve the lives of our members”. We have the same approach to community organizing as we do in workplace organizing, to encourage individuals to come together based on common values and goals, and speak out. Yes, we have relatively more resources than community-based organizations have, but certainly not in comparison to the corporations we often challenge. Our power doesn’t come from the money, it comes from people. Democracy.

But I’m proud that my union puts it’s money where it’s mouth is. Did we come to this because of the tenant? Sure. Is that all we care about? No. For me, safety, housing, and the walkability and livability of our neighborhoods is just as important.

By: WSB Wed, 12 Mar 2014 21:49:42 +0000 In reply to Sutton.

I’d verify that, but I don’t know that it’s in writing anywhere. I will make a note to ask the new mayor – got an interview coming up. – TR
…that said, it seems to have preceded Mayor Murray’s predecessor. See reference in this Times story from before the mayoral election in 2009.
