Gray day so far, so we’re featuring another brightly highlighted bird, photographed by Mark Wangerin, who explains it’s “a Golden-Crowned Kinglet female. These birds are very common around here, although seldom noticed… They are small and flit around a great deal. They are in constant motion. The very-high-pitched squeak you hear on a walk through a local park is likely them.” Speaking of busy – here are the calendar highlights for today/tonight (you’ll find even more here):
LOCAL BALLOT MEASURE FOR METRO, ROADS MONEY? One week after the proposed county ballot measure was presented – seeking approval for a Transportation Benefit District to charge $60/year license-tab tax and .1 sales tax – the County Council’s Transportation Committee is being briefed during a meeting under way now in council chambers at the courthouse downtown. Here’s our preview; you can also watch live on KCTV.
RESIDENTS’ RIGHTS: All are welcome to a free lunchtime presentation at the Senior Center of West Seattle, with a rep from the King County Long-Term-Care Ombudsman Program. No charge for the presentation, but if you’d like to have lunch while you’re there, a $3-$6 donation is suggested, and you should call for reservations ASAP. Info’s in our calendar listing. (California/Oregon)
EVENING BOOK GROUP: This month’s title for the High Point Branch Library‘s evening book group is “The Story of a Marriage” by Andrew S. Greer. 6:30 pm. (35th/Raymond)
WEST SEATTLE CRIME PREVENTION COUNCIL: 7 pm, first meeting of the year, with crime updates, your chance to share neighborhood concerns, and a chance to learn about the Seattle Animal Shelter and animal-related issues from one of its top managers, Ann Graves. All welcome; Southwest Precinct meeting room. (Delridge/Webster)
SUSTAINABLE WEST SEATTLE: 7 pm at C & P Coffee (WSB sponsor), it’s the SWS annual meeting, including a review of 2013 achievements and a look ahead to what’s planned for this year. Board elections, too. Details on the SWS website. (5612 California SW)
LIVE IN-STORE CONCERT @ EASY STREET: Deadkill performs at Easy Street Records, 7 pm. (California/Alaska)
BELLY-DANCING: The monthly Alauda showcase, free and open to all ages, is at 7:30 pm at Skylark Café and Club. (3803 Delridge Way SW)
‘BLUES TO DO,’ WEEK 3: Third week for the new Tuesday series at Feedback Lounge (WSB sponsor), live blues, streamed online too. Tonight it’s Rippin Chicken, 8 pm. Full details in our calendar listing. (6451 California SW)
LOTS MORE … on the calendar!