Go, Hawk! OK, so it’s not a SEAhawk – it’s an immature Cooper’s Hawk, according to Mark Wangerin, who shared the photo – impressive just the same. Now, on to tonight’s calendar highlights:
CHARTER-SCHOOL PITCHES: Three prospective South Seattle/Highline-area charter-school operators make their pitches at a meeting tonight in White Center, part of the official process in which the state will decide whose application(s) to approve. The first presentation is at 5, then one at 6, and one at 7, all detailed in this preview on our partner site White Center Now. It’s happening at the Technology Access Foundation‘s Bethaday Learning Space in Lakewood Park. (605 SW 108th)
FASTSIGNS GRAND OPENING: One of West Seattle’s newest businesses, FASTSIGNS (WSB sponsor) in Upper Morgan, is hosting its official grand-opening party tonight, in conjunction with the West Seattle Chamber of Commerce‘s monthly After-Hours event, but all community members are invited to stop by, 5:30-7:30 pm. (6323 35th SW)
VOLUNTEER AT WESTSIDE BABY: Third Thursday of the month means an evening volunteering opportunity at WestSide Baby – 6-9 pm: “Come and help us sort donations and fill orders for local children! Snacks and drinks provided, Spaces are limited so please RSVP to Shana – shana@westsidebaby.org” P.S. Teens are welcome, including those meeting service requirements for graduation – parent permission is required; forms can be found on the WS Baby website. (10027 14th SW)
DESIGN REVIEW DOUBLEHEADER: First meeting of the year tonight for the Southwest Design Review Board, and it’s another doubleheader – at 6:30 pm, they review the 100-plus-apartment project 3078 SW Avalon Way (design packet here); at 8 pm, 4433 42nd SW, aka the 80-unit project “Junction Flats” (design packet here). Both meetings are upstairs at the Senior Center of West Seattle; both will have public-comment periods. (California/Oregon)
ALKI COMMUNITY COUNCIL: 7 pm at Alki UCC, with topics including this week’s citywide meeting on lowrise development, and a look at the year ahead. (6115 SW Hinds)
GENESEE-SCHMITZ NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCIL: 7 pm at West Side Presbyterian Church – details in our calendar listing. (3601 California SW)
WEST SEATTLE HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT PRODUCTION: The West Seattle High School student-directed winter show ‘The Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon’ has its second performance in the WSHS Theater tonight, 7:30 pm. More info here. (3000 California SW)
MUCH, MUCH MORE … on the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar, for today, tonight, and far beyond.