Comments on: The WSBeat: Stolen-car stop; dog owner threatened; more West Seattle news, 24/7 Sun, 02 Feb 2014 15:57:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: redblack Sun, 02 Feb 2014 15:57:53 +0000 kayleigh:
This comment thread may be the most embarrassing one I’ve ever read on this blog.
yeah. at least since the dog-poop-in-your-neighbor’s-trash-can forum thread. (seems to be a pattern of behavior here…)
…or the 35th ave road diet comments.
…or the amanda knox story comments.
…or arguing over the deep bore tunnel.
but, yeah, it’s up there.

By: Cait Sun, 02 Feb 2014 07:27:14 +0000 Oh, like there’s anything productive to be said about the dog situation? OK.

By: WSB Sat, 01 Feb 2014 08:46:21 +0000 RR, thank you. Your first point is one we find ourselves making sometimes, when people express shock that some horrible story has few or no comments while something less horrifying/important/etc. has many more … sometimes there’s just nothing to say. Doesn’t mean no one cares. Same goes for stories about people in the community, all ages, doing good deeds … while we think it would be great if everyone all took a sec to say WTG! we know they’re THINKING it, so a lack of comments doesn’t mean a lack of caring. – Tracy

By: Rational Response Sat, 01 Feb 2014 08:00:39 +0000 The elder abuse case is the one that matters most within this group of stories, but there’s nothing really to say about it except that I’m sure we all wish that both the father who was abused and the clearly mentally ill son get some help so that the abuse stops. The abusive relationship/stolen car case is the next most important because it involves young people who are making some really bad choices and are going to hurt themselves or others more seriously in the future, but other than that, again, not much to say. They are in custody. So, in the absence of being able to rant about something or because they apparently have nothing better to do with their lives, people rant about off leash dogs. Yep – THAT is what is ruining Seattle, increasing crime, destroying our otherwise fabulous lives, etc. Off leash dogs who are doing nothing but being off leash and barking (at least in this story), and possibly pooping (which is not in the story either).

As many have posted, the dog owner shouldn’t have let the dog out. Maybe it was inadvertent maybe not – no one on this thread knows the reason – but instead of just assuming it was probably not intended to happen or that it most certainly wasn’t intended to harm or threaten or scare anyone – too many of your conjecture that the owner is some sort of dog owner criminal setting his dog loose on the unsuspecting world in order to scare people by barking and pooping apparently all over the entirety of Alki! The horror of it all!

The facts we do know are that the dog owner acted responsibly and IMMEDIATELY to get the dog back into the house and under control, and it worked. But that’s not enough for the haters. HE MUST BE PUNISHED! SEVERELY!! There are several of you implying that you would have seriously physically harmed him for a bark and argue that it would be justified. I can guarantee you, having worked on cases involving alleged dog behavior that actually caused a person an injury, that no prosecutor is going to waste his or her precious time on a matter so trivial as a bark. I can also guarantee that in the event you decide to take the law into your own hands and harm a person and/or an animal because of a bark, YOU will be charged with a crime. And for those among you who think you know the law, like the guy who cited the CA Penal Code which is entirely irrelevant in WA, an assault is the “threat of bodily harm coupled with an apparent, present ability to cause the harm”. But there must be a likelihood that the harm will actually occur and you generally are expected to take action to avoid the harm if you are able. Nothing but a dog barking without more is unlikely to meet this standard.

The man who made the threat, on the other hand, not only likely committed an assault, but he also probably committed a battery because he actually touched the dog owner.

Both men did something wrong here, but thank God neither of them took it to the level that some of you dream about here because then we might have 2 dead or incarcerated men and a dog and even those of you out for bloodlust could rejoice and dance on their graves, but that makes you the sick ones.

There’s no question that EVERYONE should be picking up their dogs’ poop. Period. But failing to do so does not equate to a high crime for God’s sake! It’s disgusting and disrespectful but not a felony. And that can happen whether the dog is on or off leash so how this became part of the discussion demonstrates that many of you were just looking for a place to rant because you wanted to rant and it had nothing to do with the criminal case described.

As for people who sometimes let their dogs off leash, it depends upon where they are for the level of inappropriateness for God’s sake! In a crowded area – absolutely not! In an isolated area where no one else is around? What’s the big deal – assuming that the dog will respond to a command so it doesn’t bother anyone else? Of course when another person comes along, the dog should be under the control of the owner.

I own two dogs and when I walk them they are on leashes almost always and I carry poop bags and use them. I try to move out of the way for other people walking on the sidewalk and otherwise be respectful of other people and the fact that they might not want to be around my dogs. But sometimes I let my dogs off leash in a place where no one else is around and I use commands to make sure that they stay near me and away from other people and creatures. Does this make me rise to the criminal level of a batterer, as some of you have ranted? No – it does not. It makes me a person who is trying to live and enjoy my life and be respectful of the lives of others. Period.

As for those of you with dog allergies, I am sorry about that (I have other allergies too and they can be awful) but your physical or mental problems do not require the entire world – most of whom do not even know you or your “needs” – to go overboard to accommodate you. The world does not revolve around you. I know this may be news to SOME of you, but it’s true. I do not let my dogs rub up against people who I don’t know and who do want them to do so allergy or not. However, at some point in time, while I am trying to get out of the way with my dogs, their long tails or some other body part MIGHT accidentally touch you. This does NOT equate to a battery or invasion of your space any more than my inadvertently rubbing against someone while wearing perfume to which they are allergic. Does the fact that some people are very allergic to peanuts mean that I can only eat them in my home in an allergy free zone? I can’t walk down the street with a PB&J because I might walk by someone with an allergy? I am sorry you have these physical issues but the world does not revolve around you and your issues and you do not have the right to move through the world as you want to with everyone else dancing to your tune. Please do try to remember that.

For those people with dog phobias, the world also does not resolve around you. If I had a phobia about men with beards, that does not mean that I can demand that they move to the other side of the street because I am uncomfortable or afraid of them. As I noted above, as a respectful and responsible dog owner, I try my best to keep my dogs away from other people who I do not know. Even when people invite my dogs to be petted or to get attention, I am careful about that process as well so that they do not overwhelm or overstay their welcome. But again, this does not mean that when trying to move out of the way to share space in common areas such as sidewalks or paths, there might not be some times when my dogs get close to you. They are allowed to be out in the world with me and I am not required to remain locked in my house with them because you have a phobia any more than the bearded men would have to stay locked inside if I am out and about. Please try to remember that your phobias do not dictate the manner in which others operate in the world.

By: Mike Sat, 01 Feb 2014 07:09:09 +0000 As a dog owner who walks their dog on leash with registration tags on collar and multiple poop bags at the ready, I’m always annoyed to hear stories of careless dog owners purposely letting their dogs off leash in the non-dog park areas or their own fenced yard in Seattle.
As for the verbal and physical assault by the non-dog owner, they made the wrong choice of reactions. If the dog had kept on them, then yes they should be free to protect themselves. I’ve come close to kicking dogs that have charged my dog. I wouldn’t even need to wait to kick and throw a dog if it charges my kids. That said, the dog did respond to the owners calls and returned to them. That’s when the person without the dog decided to attack the dog owner. Now the game has changed. If I am verbally then physically assaulted for any reason, I’ll respond with the same x 10.

By: Cait Sat, 01 Feb 2014 04:41:58 +0000 There’s a story on here about ELDER ABUSE and all you people are talking about is a damn offleash dog. RE-EVALUATE YOUR LIVES. Every single one of you who is on here so much as mentioning an offleash dog instead of lamenting the abuse of a person, you need to stop and really think about why you read this blog. Is it for community and information or is it to berate each other for the same old BS?

WE GET IT. OFFLEASH DOGS = BAD. The more you beat that dead horse the less I honestly care about the issue. I agree that owners need to take every precaution to keep their dog on a leash – but the users on this blog have made me not give a damn about it anymore. I don’t want to be lumped in with you.

By: WSince86 Sat, 01 Feb 2014 03:23:06 +0000 Good lordamighty! You’ve all gone bizerk!

By: Wild One Sat, 01 Feb 2014 03:17:46 +0000 I’m actually embarrassed by the first 2 sentences of my first comment. I was kind of ticked off and it was rude. Sorry. The rest I stand by.

By: Wild One Sat, 01 Feb 2014 01:29:26 +0000 @DogsAreNotPeople you should actually be embarrassed for your own comment. It makes me feel like I am being barked at by an angry and neurotic dog.

By: Neighbor Sat, 01 Feb 2014 00:32:34 +0000 Domestic violence can be complicated for the victim. If she had a protection order against him, we need more information before blaming the young woman. Yes, sounds like she is in trouble for other issues but it may not be easy for her to get awy from her abuser.

By: Carrie Ann Fri, 31 Jan 2014 22:54:27 +0000 Ok, now people on both sides of the dog issue are making obvious threats to harm/kill?!?!


By: AM Fri, 31 Jan 2014 22:36:21 +0000 Thank you, Dismayed!

By: alki resident Fri, 31 Jan 2014 22:09:21 +0000 @Dismayed- There’s no mention of anyone being an addict. But, it does mention they are both adults. I learned at a young age that drugs are bad and addicting, so ,I never tried them. Im sure you’re dealing with a lot with these two but it’s up to them to get help. Obviously, she is crying wolf and wasting courts time with getting protection orders as a lot of people do. Maybe they both need to be locked up for a good period of time so they can see the light. I don’t feel sorry for people who go down the path of being career criminals but Im highly affected by them when they steal my stuff that I worked so hard for.

By: AmandaKH Fri, 31 Jan 2014 21:51:06 +0000 @DogsAreNotPeople. No where in that report did it say the dog jumped on the man or bit the man. It says the dog barked at him. Barking is NOT assault. Pushing someone in the chest however IS assault. The dog barked at the guy, the owner called it back, and it came. Then, instead of just walking away, that guy chose to assault the dog owner. Sorry, but your rant is misplaced, threatening and overly dramatic.

By: DogsAreNotPeople Fri, 31 Jan 2014 20:31:29 +0000 @ WildOne – you are so woefully wrong I’m embarrassed for you while reading your comment.
The dog owner committed assault – fact.
The dog/person threaten-er committed assault – fact.

Who committed assault first? Dog owner. Who committed the worse offense? Neither – both are considered misdemeanor assault.
Who is in the right? Neither.
So to defend the dog owner is every bit as wrong as defending the guy who threatened it.

Who had a deadly weapon? The dog owner.

The dog owner deserves a scolding for releasing a deadly weapon on an unsuspecting person – really?
I hope, for the sake of your dog, you learn something today. You will get your dog hurt by pretending you and it have the right to threaten others. People like me will send it back to you in a bag. Try me.
