See which West Seattle spots are proposed for new ‘pedestrian zoning’ – and a dozen other topics @ Morgan Community Association

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

“That was amazing,” exclaimed one attendee at the end of what was probably the busiest community-council meeting this month. In the basement at The Kenney (WSB sponsor), one room away from bingo, spanning 2 hours and 20 minutes on Wednesday night, it was the quarterly meeting of the Morgan Community Association, with sixteen items on the original agenda – not counting what president Deb Barker had said she was “adding and subtracting” in the minutes before the meeting.

Hottest of the 13 topics we’re recapping is one of interest even if you DON’T live or work in Morgan – yet another city zoning initiative, one that arrived with preliminary recommendations even before the “public engagement” phase had begun:

(Click image to see full-size citywide map)
PEDESTRIAN ZONE MAPPING PROJECT: The briefing was provided by city Department of Planning and Development rep Aly Pennucci. She says this zoning overlay, if ultimately approved and implemented, would “add some requirements for new development” – including that the ground level of buildings in designated “pedestrian zones” would include commercial activity. She says the project has “started and stopped a few times over the years.” In 2012, the City Council decided about 60 areas around the city could potentially be part of this zoning – they’re shown in the map excerpted above (see the full citywide map here), and here’s the list of proposed West Seattle zones – each name links to a city doc that, if you scroll down, shows a specific map of that area (the titles are exactly as designated by the city):

Delridge Way SW between SW Brandon St. and SW Juneau St.
Westwood Park (Delridge Way SW at SW Roxbury St.)
Morgan Junction
35th Ave. SW at SW Morgan St.
35th Ave. SW at SW Holden St.
35th Ave. SW at SW Barton St.
35th Ave. SW and SW Roxbury St.
Harbor Ave. SW – N of Fairmount Ave. SW

In some areas, this zoning could potentially further reduce parking requirements, Pennucci noted – doubling the amount of commercial space exempt from the requirement (from 2,500 square feet to 5,000 square feet). She said this process also would formalize some of the emergency rules passed last fall after low-density commercial projects were proposed in high-density zones (specifically the potential CVS pharmacies here in West Seattle and a few other neighborhoods). She said it’s now time for community input – since what she called the “very preliminary recommendation” is out there. If an area disagrees with a recommendation to be included, the city wants to hear why, she said. Home page for the project is here; you can answer an online survey here.

The city’s assessment of Morgan Junction had holes poked into it from the start – no, it is NOT low auto/pedestrian-conflict zone, no, it is NOT a sidewalks-in-good-shape zone, pointed out Barker and MoCA vice president Chas Redmond. There are physical limitations to the space, Redmond pointed out, calling the zoning proposal “an attempt by DPD to put something into place that is not needed.”

“This is good feedback,” Pennucci responded, even as she continued to hear strong words of concern and criticism. One person finally observed that overall, “we have a lot of anger at DPD” – which Pennucci did not dispute, semi-laughing, “I feel it!” – so, she was told, some time should be taken to look more calmly at this before the city plows forward with it.

Then there was the point that this happened to be the first city presentation to a West Seattle neighborhood group, while nine proposed zones are on the “preliminary recommendation” map. This was noted by meeting attendee Dave Montoure, asking when the city would be presenting to the West Seattle Junction Association and West Seattle Chamber of Commerce (both groups he has chaired). Bennucci replied she can be there by request, saying Morgan just put in an early request.

Before she wrapped up, Redmond speaks up again and says Morgan is already pedestrian-friendly, but some parts of this recommendation would go unnecessarily far: Until we “get rid of internal-combustion vehicles, we’re not going to get rid of the Shell station” (on California a block south of Fauntleroy), for example. And with increasing fury, he took issue with the fact that DPD had come forward with a “preliminary recommendation” before any community conversation.

Climbing out of the hot seat, Pennucci said final recommendations are supposed to be presented to Mayor Murray by late summer/early fall.

Now, highlights rom the rest of the MoCA agenda – shorter recaps ahead, starting with more development-related info:

CALIFORNIA/FAUNTLEROY INTERSECTION: Barker presented a followup on the preceding meeting’s discussion with SDOT’s Mike Ward, who couldn’t come tonight, and specifically on whether the “level of service” at California/Fauntleroy had declined since RapidRide launched more than a year ago. Stats show there were 13 collisions last year in the general intersection area involving pedestrians/bicyclists, up from 9 in 2012, 8 in 2011, 10 in 2010. The intersection, Redmond picked up, is at “Level D” now, one step above failing, he said, while adding that SDOT is still not providing traffic-count information for the intersection. They will investigate the feasibility of a right-turn-only lane on northbound California at Fauntleroy, Redmond said. MoCA overall is still frustrated with not getting all the information they’ve requested, but they vow not to let up.

ROAD WORK AHEAD: As reported here last Monday, SDOT’s work list for the year includes repaving on California between Fauntleroy and Holly. Barker mentioned that it’s happening because of a Neighborhood Project Fund $90,000 allocation, and the timing will be vital because if that stretch is used in the “haul route” for the excavation at the Lowman Beach/Murray CSO project, the repaving shouldn’t happen until after that is done. Speaking of which …

MURRAY CSO UPDATE: King County Wastewater Treatment presented the latest on the million-gallon-storage-tank plan for what had been a residential block across from Lowman Beach Park. Recent changes at the site were recapped – construction trailers in the northeastern corner of Lowman, fencing around the Murray Pump Station which “will be there for the duration of the project,” but it was reiterated, “There will always be access to Lowman Beach Park.” The western sidewalk at Lowman will always remain open.

What’s happening now: Final permits, some pre-construction survey work on-site, checking conditions such as settlement (which can be an issue on a site like this with a “high level of groundwater,” he said). “The biggest major activity you’ll see on the site is installing the soil nail walls … on the eastern side, Lincoln Park Way, stabilizing that hillside with 15-to-30-foot steel rods, likely starting mid-to-late February. It will be followed by excavation for the tank itself.

Some specific issues: Workers will park in available on-street parking nearby, but will try to limit the impact in ways such as carpooling. The haul route is not yet finalized. The heavy-duty hauling will last into the third quarter of this year, the project team said. Then of course there will still be truck traffic for concrete, etc. Work hours will be 7 am-6 pm, and “higher noise levels” can’t begin until 8 am.

Last weekend’s power outage was brought up and it was noted that the noisy portable generator might be needed now and then for scheduled intermittent power interruption during construction.

WEST SEATTLE-WIDE LAND USE COMMITTEE? Other neighborhoods have them – so maybe West Seattle should start one too, looking at peninsula-wide issues, inviting in development applicants, as Barker explained, to talk about projects – in a non-binding way, but at least “not feeling like things are running amok and wondering who’s in charge.” If you’re interested, you can contact Barker and/or Redmond via the contact info listed on the MoCA website.

DEVELOPMENT UPDATES: The microhousing proposal at 5949 California SW has its permits, but has yet to start construction, Barker notes, adding that no public process was required. 6917 California, also no-parking but NOT a microhousing project, is “on hold” at the moment because the city is requiring studies including one related to parking.

TOWNHOUSE PROJECT BY CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE: Developer Joe Paar, architect David Neiman, and church pastor Terry Mattson brought a quick update on the six-townhouse 5911 42nd SW project we first reported in September.

“This is a project we requires that we go through a Comp Plan Amendment [rezoning] to do it, and that requires the endorsement of the community,” Neiman noted. He said they had a formal neighborhood meeting last month to present the plan: “In general, we got a lot of support about the project -folks understood that project was essential to saving the church and protecting it as a neighborhood institution … They were glad it would save the exceptional trees on the site, and that we would preserve the open space as a park, and that the parking ratio is 2 spaces for each home … much more generous than what would be required … and that it’s aiming for an aesthetic and scale of single-family homes.”

Concerns he mentioned included: Regrading on the site, building close to the trees, building in what’s been a “park” and whether it would feel like a community asset or like the homes’ front yard, would the townhouses be owned or rented (answer: owned). Neiman says their plan has been approved by an arborist who says “it is possible to build that close” to the trees. The homes are “a three-story stack,” two living floors over garage, but the garage level will be “buried” by the six feet of fill they’re planning. Timeline: In February/March, they plan “show and tell” meetings with neighbors and also with MoCA, so that by MoCA’s April meeting they can seek the group’s endorsement. May is the annual period of submitting for a Comp Plan amendment to pave the way for their rezoning proposal, so their goal is to have community support by then. It is then pointed out that this might not be just a “spot rezone” – this might also then wind up rezoning more nearby properties. (Watch the project via the city DPD’s website.)

LETTER RE: 4755 FAUNTLEROY: Following up on a previous meeting’s discussion, Barker discussed a letter that the board has sent supporting “better design” for the 4755 Fauntleroy Way SW project, after declining to sign on to a letter supporting the Getting It Right for West Seattle campaign.

BETTER BIKE RACKS: Tod Rodman says MoCA is working for nicer-looking, more-usable bicycle racks for Morgan Junction. They’ve taken an informal survey – “We’ve got plenty of bike racks now, but nobody’s using them” – and plan to talk with SDOT about the possibilities. One attendee suggested that sidewalk repair might be needed before upgraded bicycle racks could be installed.

WEBSITE UPDATE: Redmond says the website has been upgraded so that more items can be, and are being, posted, and you can comment there too.

FRIENDS OF MORGAN JUNCTION PARKS, YEAR ONE: Barry White recapped FoMJP’s first year, saying the work of volunteers has made a huge difference over that time. “If you’d seen the enormous pile of weeds we’d produced coming out of the ground, you’d be impressed,” he said, noting that – among major accomplishments – the horsetail “is under control.” In fall, the group branched out into properties including the “triangle” property next to West Seattle Thriftway (WSB sponsor), where 20 volunteers from Peace Lutheran Church joined in. FoMJP is hoping to “add some foundational plantings” this year, particularly to that site, underneath the crossroads sign. SDOT might even provide the plants if FoMJP provides design and labor, White said, adding that the group is hoping to put in some storage facilities, hoping to obtain a small city grant; the storage could also be used for emergency preparedness. Down the road, they’re hoping for more trees and shrubbery for Morgan Junction Park. Find out more about FoMJP via its Facebook page.

MORGAN COMMUNITY FESTIVAL DATE: Saturday, June 21 – be there! (And yes, Barker said, Bubbleman will be back.) Lots of volunteers are needed. Musical applications too –

PRECINCT ADVISORY GROUP LIAISON NEEDED: MoCA still needs a rep for the Southwest Precinct Advisory Group, as a liaison between the neighborhood group and local police, not just for “involvement” but also for “community appraisal,” as Eldon Olson put it, providing “feedback in and around the reforms taking place in and around the Police Department.” The group has been meeting in the evening on the second Thursday of the month, 10 months of the year.

Morgan Community Association meets every three months – agendas and much more can be found any time on the MoCA website at

30 Replies to "See which West Seattle spots are proposed for new 'pedestrian zoning' - and a dozen other topics @ Morgan Community Association"

  • Brian January 19, 2014 (9:50 am)

    It doesn’t bother me a bit that the city staff with training and experience provide preliminary ideas. That’s why we have these professional positions. I live two blocks from Morgan Junction; I like the idea of the pedestrian zone. I don’t understand MOCA’s objections??

  • Pibal January 19, 2014 (10:13 am)

    Even before getting into the links and the detail of each zone, a quick look at the map:
    – 599 not shown
    – 99 bridge over the Duwamish not shown
    – Georgetown zone in index but not numbered on map

    Lack of attention to detail waves all kinds of red flags to me.

  • Cindy January 19, 2014 (11:23 am)

    Unbelievable, the DPD/City really thinks they can route people to shop and walk in certain areas, next they’ll be setting prices and taxes by neighborhood too. We will only be able to go where they route buses at the times the buses run.They are prohibiting gas stations to be built in these areas as well as prohibiting most drive thru businesses and taking out parking requirements. Next will probably be home delivery. I know we need to reduce the cars on the road and make changes for ped safety but thats not what the city is proposing here. If you haven’t read the project page (link above) you should, it’s not about crosswalk/road and ped safety, it’s about pigeon holing us into areas and the control over everything as a result, its scary to think about…the city scheduling buses and routes when and where they want us, setting business hours depending on that, sales tax by area-home values, limiting what business’s will come to the areas based on volume and hours to start with….

  • ACG January 19, 2014 (12:48 pm)

    The church at 35th and Roxbury (in the old grocery store) is vacant? I noticed that statement in the 35th and Roxbury document.

    • WSB January 19, 2014 (1:11 pm)

      I believe they have some space available but certainly the building’s not vacant. We drive through 35th/Roxbury almost daily and I have noted marquee changes – holiday services, a toy drive, etc.

  • Kim January 19, 2014 (1:06 pm)

    It appears that the main goal of the pedestrian zones is to create a pedestrian-friendly, activated retail area. The main impact will be to new businesses, making sure they have adequate retail. This is often in lieu of above ground parking or other unattractive street front uses that do not activate a neighborhood. Overall, I appreciate that the city is looking into this.

  • Mike January 19, 2014 (1:37 pm)

    What is a “central-combustion vehicle” ? I know of internal combustion vehicles. I’m all for making the neighborhood more pedestrian and bicycle friendly. I’m a huge car enthusiast, but i’d also like to know I can always walk to or bicycle around my own neighborhood safely too. The current setup provides some sidewalks with many crosswalks in really bad areas to even attempt crossing traffic (Admiral Way where the guy was run over a few years back and killed). If we’re going to make things more ped/bicycle friendly/safe it needs to be done right and not just a talking head spewing garbage ideas out to provide their buddies with contracts for the development and implementation of projects.
    I think it would actually make things better for the main shopping core areas to actually have a parking garage, one that has both under and above ground parking. Get rid of street parking as it only blocks visibility to the stores and prevents drivers from actually seeing people crossing the road. I’d gladly park and walk. I’d love to just walk my own area with my family more often. I’d love to not have a city owned Prius and then an Orange Cab speed up as I hold out an orange flag at the crosswalk at night, waving it at them to slow down.

    • WSB January 19, 2014 (1:38 pm)

      That’s probably my typo. Sorry.

  • ACG January 19, 2014 (1:54 pm)

    Thanks TR. We drive by it everyday too and didn’t think it was vacant. The statement in that report surprised me.

  • learningcurves January 19, 2014 (2:24 pm)

    I agree with Kim. Sounds like some folks need to get up to speed on what non-conforming means in this context and stand down a bit.

    Good grief. So reactionary and fearful. The Man is out to get Morgan Junction! I truly doubt it. I think this is about restricting future development to enhance the street scape. I could be wrong. But not more wrong than the apparent lack of comprehension of some of the participants of that meeting. Maybe they were having a bad night or something.

  • Aloha January 19, 2014 (6:48 pm)

    I walk around Morgan Junction every day. I was interested in the information provided here. I like the new shops and eateries that have come in over the past few years. My three wishes : a breakfast spot or bakery, the park more friendly to families and passers-by, and elimination of the traffic jams created by curb bulbs. I like rapid ride but since they put the bulbs so close to the intersection the area really gets congested with cars. That impacts the “pedestrian friendly” thought.

  • metrognome January 19, 2014 (7:07 pm)

    Morgan Junction is hardly ‘pedestrian friendly’ if you use a wheelchair or crutches or walker or cane. Maybe the MOCA folks need to take a seated tour of their neighborhood.

    • WSB January 19, 2014 (7:13 pm)

      Metro, that point was made. I wrote that pretty clearly in the following excerpt, as they disagreed with the city’s assessment that it IS pedestrian friendly:

      The city’s assessment of Morgan Junction had holes poked into it from the start – no, it is NOT low auto/pedestrian-conflict zone, no, it is NOT a sidewalks-in-good-shape zone, pointed out Barker and MoCA vice president Chas Redmond.

      The sidewalks were described BY the Morgan folks as difficult to navigate exactly for the reason you mention – if you are in a wheelchair, have a stroller, etc., especially hostile.

  • Cindi Barker January 19, 2014 (7:44 pm)

    (hard to put my brain back on this after the Seahawks game..)
    There are multiple other recommendations made by DPD that would influence all future development in Morgan Junction. It is not just about the width of sidewalks or even the condition of the sidewalks.

    The proposal asks if a minimum density limit should be set. That’s the number of people living in the units above the street; it would be increased to more than is currently allowed under code. But I can’t figure out how much more dense they are suggesting.

    The proposal limits stores to a minimum size. Why? How big does one have to be? What is wrong with small shops?

    The proposal limits the type of businesses that could open in the future. They will prevent “Administrative or professional services offices”. That means no more doctors or dentists can be within the MJ urban village, and people have always said they wanted to be able to walk to services such as that. Why? What other specific services would not be allowed? (I hear there’s a list, but haven’t gotten my hand on it)

    Live work units would no longer be allowed. The live work units that have been built in MJ along California seem to be fitting in, what is the reason they are being excluded?

    Those are the types of questions that need to be asked and understood. I understand that they are out collecting input, but because this is an overlay proposal, it can’t be tailored to just what the people in one Pedestrian Zone area want, the changes have to work across all the proposed Pedestrian Zones. In the end, the decision to support this has to be based on the belief that the expected benefits outweigh the changes that I might not like. And to make that decision, I need more information.

  • WSsinceB4U January 19, 2014 (7:45 pm)

    If I wanted to shop/buy something in the Morgan junction I’ll drive there, if I want to shop in the Admiral I’ll also drive. The Alaska junction I’ll most likely walk but do very little shopping maybe small items that I can carry. Seattle has a wet and blustery climate. The only time I ride a bike is for recreation, in the few months of summer we have. I’d love to know the percentage of people who do the entirety of their shopping via bus or walking? I’ll bet little to none. What kind of free life do you lead depending on public transportation? Apparently one with all day to waste on a single task. “If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal. Not people (DPD) or things (Metro).” -Albert Einstein

  • iggy January 19, 2014 (8:28 pm)

    Speaking of pedestrian friendly. I have repeatedly called the city about the sewer drain on the Morgan/Fauntleroy side of the intersection. By the side of the AT&T store and the Thriftway parking lot. The Southeast side of the intersection. The drain is blocked with roofing paper and other debris—apparently to keep it from functioning. When the intersection is really busy with pedestrians, one can break a foot with all of the rocks and loose roofing paper the city seems to want to have blocking the drain. They either need to clear the drain or pave it over. I keep calling and they keep saying they will look into it, but it just gets more rocks and trash piled in it.

  • Brian January 19, 2014 (8:56 pm)

    Wow, just astonished again to read this story. I appreciate MOCA and long-timers there paying attention to these things, but I don’t agree with their car-ped. conflicts and bad sidewalks. I work from home and walk morgan junction several times daily. Sure, there are more backups on California since the C-bulbs, but where are these conflicts? “Poking holes…” or grasping at straws?

  • dsa January 20, 2014 (12:48 am)

    No parking, no business, heck what difference does it make anyway if there are businesses? How many thrift, boutiques, bars, RE and dental offices do we need at these various crossroads?
    BTW there are only a fraction of the number of gas stations that existed 30-40 years ago. Leave the survivors alone.

  • enid January 20, 2014 (7:26 am)

    I wish there were still a grocery store at the 35th & Roxbury location. A pedestrian accessible shopping area is much needed there. Arbor Heights residents (at least some of them) need more than pot and alcohol, which are the current offerings at that intersection. There are no walkable amenities near Arbor Heights.

  • WS gal January 20, 2014 (7:49 am)

    Brian agreed, don’t see this as bad either but still don’t know all the facts yet. Thanks for the coverage WSB! I do have a question and shame on me for not knowing and realize these meetings are all open to public but how does a neighborhood org make a decision or reccomendation? Not specific to moca but all the organized neighborhood groups in general? Is it that the board is elected by the members and anyone is a member can vote for the board at a specific meeting? If so, is there an official public notice? Does anyone know? Thanks

    • WSB January 20, 2014 (10:06 am)

      Different groups have different rules and bylaws. None are paid or funded. A couple have dues, more do not. Some meet monthly, some meet quarterly, some don’t meet at all unless there’s a big pressing issue. And so on, and so on. Ultimately in one way or another it comes down to “the world is run by those who show up.” The one thing they all have in common is that they would all LOVE to have more participation. But at some point after you’ve sent e-mail, created websites and Facebook groups, put out A-boards, hung flyers on doorknobs/bulletin boards, sent the announcement to media, tried everything you can to let people know about meetings, if people don’t show up, they don’t show up, and those who do, get to have a say. Formal government bodies consider they have done due diligence when they send reps out for briefings like these. So those who choose not to participate in their neighborhood groups are de facto handing over their opinion by proxy. The same way many neighborhoods have block watch captains, I wish they would take the time to send a delegate to the monthly/quarterly neighborhood-council meeting. Even if there’s a long summary – whether ours, or by a group’s secretary – it’s still a poor second to being there and being able to ask questions or offer an opinion, IMO – TR

  • WS gal January 20, 2014 (10:52 am)

    Thank you so much for letting me know. I think without the blog most people would not even know about the meetings. Sounds like this is why folks need to participate. Wasn’t sure how this all works and had wondered if the city of Seattle Department of neighborhood had some sort of guidelines for this sort of thing. Really appreciate having this information. Thank you WSB!

  • ACG January 20, 2014 (1:35 pm)

    Enid- I totally agree with you about the local shopping options for Arbor Heights. The current businesses there for the most part carry nothing of interest for me. More variety would be lovely. I also agree that Arbor Heights does not have much within a walkable distance- BUT all of the streets in the Arbor Heights neighborhood immediately to the west and south of the 35th and Roxbury location have NO sidewalks. (The exception being the few blocks on 35th just south of Roxbury which just has sidewalks installed). So, the whole neighborhood is, quite frankly, not pedestrian friendly.
    Calling the intersection of 35th and Roxbury a “pedestrian zone” is laughable when the neighborhood directly attached to the west and south side of the intersection has no sidewalks for the residents to use. I remember trying to go for walks on the street with my baby in the stroller and being nearly hit by cars flying down the residential roads. It is just a reality for the residents in this part of Arbor Heights.
    Those businesses at that intersection need to have parking, because we nearby residents usually drive to get there, as walking safely isn’t an option. The pedestrian zone laws, though, looks like they would allow developers to build businesses with no parking needed. What a joke.

  • wsn00b January 20, 2014 (1:57 pm)

    Hmm. Kenyon/35th has no recommendation for a pedestrian zone. Not sure if that excludes having a marked crosswalk or a signal controlled intersection. Gonna have to play frogger to make it to/from Locol and the new Westys.

  • K January 20, 2014 (2:05 pm)

    Happy they are looking into 35th and Holden! With Westside School and the new businesses in the area, as well as bus stops, it would be great to have a review on this area. I would love to see pedestrian safety improvements made to help accomodate the busyness of rush hour and school pick-up and drop-off. It’s quite a unique intersection at anytime of day, too.

  • West Seattle since 1979 January 20, 2014 (2:13 pm)

    Tracy, thanks for letting us know about this and also linking to the survey. The survey has a place where, if your neighborhood isn’t included, you can fill in your neighborhood and answer the questions regarding that area.

    I don’t see what is so wrong about making areas around businesses pedestrian-friendly. People who live near the businesses in question may want to walk. Even people who drive might go to more than one business in the area, so might park their car near one business, get what they need there and then walk to the next. And there are probably more people who walk, bike or take the bus than some people seem to think.

    As far as zoning–there’s been zoning for a long time! Several areas are zoned commercial and have been for years. There are clusters of businesses in various areas in West Seattle. Sure, back in the day there used to be corner grocery stores and businesses and those were cool, but that was quite a long time ago already. This isn’t some new thing that The Government is trying to push down our throats.

  • Cindi Barker January 20, 2014 (3:38 pm)

    West Seattle since 1979 – see my questions above, this proposal would change the zoning and change what types of businesses could open in the Pedestrian Zones. It is a new thing, and I don’t consider them pushing it down my throat because now is when they are asking for people to study the proposal and give input. Please do look into it and be prepared to re-look at it again when the proposed legislation (which will specify the actual code changes) comes out later in the year.

  • Alphonse January 20, 2014 (10:56 pm)

    Wow, nice screen name and attitude “WSsinceB4U”. You might want to try something more subtle like “Locavore Xenophobe”. I’m really starting to hate this place, and not just because there’s demolition/construction on three sides of me.

  • Jayne January 21, 2014 (3:16 pm)

    Alphonse: Nobody is forcing you to stay. Moving out of the conservative backwater known as west seattle was a great decision for me.

  • WSsinceB4U January 21, 2014 (4:54 pm)

    Alphonse your ignorance must be bliss all the jargon & name calling in the world won’t help you. Your coffee house banter is exactly that. You know not a thing about me. I grew up in WS as well as on a 200 acre family run working farm. My grandparents built homes in the admiral district. My great uncles gave the sonics their name. So to say I’m concerned about how the city spends(wastes) my/your tax dollars is a gross understatement. I’m all for pedestrian friendly “zones”, as one day my terminal disease will leave me blind or an amputee, which is why we have sidewalks & marked cross walks in the most frequented areas of WS. The neiborhoods that don’t are mostly reflected in property values. If anything large RapidRide busses & bulbs creates an unsafe pedestrian zone. You can’t see around them they block and impede traffic on arterials etc. etc.. Growth is an inevitable fact of the future I’m neither scared or fearful of it quite the contrary I welcome it. However without proper infrastructure and better development. Things will only get worse.

Sorry, comment time is over.