month : 01/2014 299 results

West Seattle scene: First full moon of 2014

We are happy to be able to share this photo by Alki’s David Hutchinson. Just after sunset, we were walking along Don Armeni, where we found him staked out waiting to see if the moon would make this kind of appearance. No sighting by the time we moved on – but eventually, it showed up, spectacularly.

ADDED MONDAY MORNING: David shares this link with some trivia about last night’s full moon – and why it was nicknamed the “Minimoon.”

What will the Highway 99 tunnel tolls be? Draft recommendations focusing on $1 to $1.25

While WSDOT and its contractor deal with the issue of why the Highway 99 tunnel machine is stalled and how to get it unstalled – another matter is moving forward: Deciding how the tunnel will be tolled. The committee working on the issue met Tuesday afternoon, somewhat overshadowed by a major transportation announcement made elsewhere, so we followed up today.

The materials from the meeting are now available online. A final recommendation won’t be voted on until next month’s committee meeting, but right now, this slide deck and this text document lay out the case for this potential draft recommendation: $1 midday, overnight and weekends; $1.25 during peak periods, 6-9 am and 3-6 pm weekdays. To reduce “diversion,” they’re also looking at dropping it to 75 cents in the off-peak daytime hours, with a possible one-hour extension to weekday pm peak.

This would raise $1 billion over 30 years. Here’s how that might break out:

The committee is described as concerned with the cost of collecting the tolls – fully a third of what they bring in. And it’s looking at other ways to discourage diversion, including recommending studies of “regional tolling.” This may still evolve between now and next month’s meeting, February 19th.

Neighbor Appreciation Day: 3 West Seattle fire-station open houses

January 15, 2014 6:08 pm
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Plans are in the works for Seattle’s Neighbor Appreciation Day on February 8th – and fire-station open houses are among the most popular features every year. The schedule is out, and it looks like this year, you’ll be able to stop by Fire Station 11 at 16th/Holden in Highland Park, Fire Station 32 at 38th/Alaska in The Triangle, and/or Fire Station 37 at 35th/Holden in Sunrise Heights. Tour times on February 8th (a Saturday) will be 11 am-1 pm. What else can you do on Neighbor Appreciation Day? See the suggestions here (including e-card templates).

SPD shakeup: Southwest Precinct commander Kessler to become assistant chief

3:19 PM: Changes continue at the top in Seattle Police – and now there’s a West Seattle ripple effect: This afternoon multiple sources confirm to WSB that Southwest Precinct commander Capt. Joe Kessler is becoming an assistant chief. Just yesterday, he told us about the promotion of his second-in-command, Pierre Davis, to captain. This follows Mayor Ed Murray‘s recent announcement of Harry Bailey as interim chief, with previous interim chief Jim Pugel returning to assistant chief, a rank from which three men have recently or are about to have departed. No other details yet about exactly what this means for West Seattle police leadership, but we expect to find out more during next Tuesday’s West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meeting at the precinct, if not sooner. Kessler worked in the downtown administration before returning to lead the local precinct one year ago.

ADDED 7:02 PM: Capt. Davis confirms that he “will be commanding this precinct until other decisions are made.” And Assistant Chief Kessler’s promotion, among others, is now officially mentioned on SPD Blotter.

ADDED 10:29 PM: A farewell note from Kessler:

As I prepare to move once again from the Southwest Precinct, I would like to take a minute to thank all of you for allowing me to come back “home” again last year. After spending two and a half years as your Precinct Commander prior to my departure in 2010, it was my great pleasure to have the opportunity to come back to the Southwest Precinct and again serve this community.

The men and women of your Precinct bring a high level of professionalism and pride to their work.

It is only through your support and working together that creates the great environment that allows our officers to provide the quality of service you have come to expect. I have appreciated the hard work of you and our community leaders who have developed strong working relationships with our officers to make this community safe.

Again, it has been a pleasure to serve your community and thank you for your support and I look forward to working with you in the future.


A/Chief Joe Kessler
Southwest Precinct

Saturday afternoon set for James St. Clair’s Memorial Walk

(December 29th photo by Christopher Boffoli for WSB)
The date and time are now set for the memorial walk in High Point honoring 69-year-old James St. Clair, hit and killed two and a half weeks ago at 35th and Graham. We reported last week on Seattle Neighborhood Greenways‘ plan for the walk, in connection with local groups including the High Point Neighborhood Association, and following HPNA’s meeting last night, it’s set for 1 pm this Saturday, January 18th, starting in front of High Point Branch Library (35th/Raymond). Participants will walk south to the crash site, and then two more blocks to Neighborhood House’s High Point Center to talk with city representatives about safer streets. SNG says the mayor’s office, SDOT, and SPD will participate.

Mr. St. Clair was the second person in seven years killed at that intersection; 27-year-old Susanne Scaringi died after her bicycle collided there with a car in 2006. In 2007, 85-year-old Oswald Clement was hit and killed at 35th/Othello; in 2008, 39-year-old Gregory Hampel lost his life near SW Dawson; in 2011, 24-year-old Andrew Seffernick died at 35th/Juneau. There have been repeated calls for safety improvements.

SNG says Mr. St. Clair, a member of the Tlingit people who had lived in High Point less than a month before his death but had been in Seattle more than 30 years, was born in Hoonah, Alaska. His brother, Oscar Jacob St. Clair, is quoted in the group’s announcement as describing James, who walked with a cane, as strong, independent, funny, and outgoing:

“I thank you from the bottom of my heart for recognizing Jim. For seeing all people, even poor people. Our family, my brothers and sisters, are in sorrow. I pray a positive light will happen because of this. A lot of people need to walk in the evening. They want to go to the grocery store like Jim did on his last night. I hope in his memory we see brighter lights, a stoplight, a safer community.”

More about Saturday’s memorial walk is on the SNG website, here.

Followup: Every-other-week garbage pickup? Briefing @ Admiral Neighborhood Association

Turns out last night’s Admiral Neighborhood Association briefing on the every-other-week garbage-pickup proposal was the only one on Seattle Public Utilities‘ schedule – because they’re the only group who asked for a briefing. So if you weren’t there, you missed your chance to ask questions – though SPU does have a wider-scope meeting next month in West Seattle; more on that shortly. Last night, ANA heard from SPU’s Brett Stav:

He recapped the pilot project in 2012 in four parts of the city, including a section of Highland Park. The full report on that can be read online via a link here; toplines were also part of his slide deck presented last night – see it in its entirety:

Seattle Public Utilities' every-other-week trash-pickup briefing at Admiral Neighborhood Association

Most of the questions Stav was asked centered on whether the project truly saves money – the city contends it could save up to $6 million a year. A concern brought up multiple times in WSB comments was voiced by ANA past president Katy Walum – the effect on people with small children who have diapers to dispose of. (That, as noted in the slide deck, aligns with some of the results from the pilot project – “higher satisfaction” with the every-other-week pickup was reported by homes with no diaper usage.) Current president David Whiting wondered what’s in it for people who are already working to reduce their trash.

The final decision is up to the City Council, which already took one action potentially paving the way, including a commitment to making a decision by this March, on whether to go citywide with every-other-week pickups starting a year after that. Two advisory committees already have reviewed the proposal; SPU says the Solid Waste Advisory Committee recommended doing it; its Customer Panel did not. Before going to the full council, it would likely go to the council’s Seattle Public Utilities and Neighborhoods Committee, chaired by Councilmember Sally Bagshaw. (Opinions? E-mail

Now, that February meeting. 6 pm February 13th, SPU will be at High Point Community Center (6920 34th SW). It’s about SPU’s “Strategic Business Plan,” regarding the future of the services the department provides – garbage, recycling, water, sewer, drainage. You don’t even have to wait for the meeting to have a say – here’s an online survey you can take right now.

2nd West Seattle Chess Tournament now open for student signups

January 15, 2014 10:03 am
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(WSB photo, February 2013)
The second-annual West Seattle Chess Tournament is in the works for February 8th, and players from kindergarten through 8th grade are welcome to sign up starting now. Last year was the first year for this tournament hosted by the Schmitz Park Elementary Chess Club (in cooperation with the Lafayette Chess Club) and sponsored by ChessMates; SP is the site again, and players from all over the peninsula are welcome. Organizers say, “This is a great opportunity for children in West Seattle to try out a chess tournament in a local and intimate venue; all children are welcome, they need not have participated in a chess club.” For more info – on participation and/or supporting the tournament – e-mail coach Jeremy Higgins at

West Seattle Wednesday: Morgan, Delridge District meetings; WSHS student production; co-working; comedy…

Thanks to David Syferd for sharing the photo of a California sea lion he described as “a new Beach Drive neighbor.” Here are some ways you can get out and meet your human neighbors – or at least find out what they’re up to:

FREE CO-WORKING DAY: 10 am-3 pm, you are welcome to co-work for free at West Seattle Office Junction (WSB sponsor) – bring your work, your lunch, your collaborative spirit. (5230-B California SW)

TRANSPORTATION FORUM FOR ISSUES AFFECTING PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES: As previewed here on Tuesday, this discussion is set for 2 pm today at West Seattle (Admiral) Branch Library. (2306 California SW)

HIGH-SCHOOL BASKETBALL: Lots of it! From our preview of this week’s schedule: The Chief Sealth International High School girls’ basketball team is home tonight vs. Holy Names, 5:45 JV, 7:30 varsity; the Seattle Lutheran High School basketball teams are home vs. Bear Creek tonight, girls at 5:30 and boys at 7; the West Seattle High School girls are home tonight vs. Rainier Beach, JV 5:45 pm, varsity 7:30 pm.

MORGAN COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION: 16 items on tonight’s agenda for the quarterly meeting of MoCA – from development to the city’s “pedestrian-mapping” project to the date of this year’s Morgan Community Festivalsee it here. All welcome, downstairs meeting room at The Kenney (WSB sponsor), 7 pm. (7125 Fauntleroy Way SW)

DELRIDGE NEIGHBORHOODS DISTRICT COUNCIL: 7 pm at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center, with the agenda including the potential Seattle Parks ballot measure and whether district-council boundaries might change to align with the new City Council districts. (4408 Delridge Way SW)

‘THE BROTHERS GRIMM SPECTACULATHON’: West Seattle High School‘s student-directed winter show opens in the WSHS Theater tonight, 7:30 pm: “The fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm are turned on their heads in this fast-paced, rollicking ride as two narrators and several actors attempt to combine all 209 stories ranging from classics like Snow White, Cinderella, and Hansel and Gretel to more bizarre, obscure stories like The Devil’s Grandmother andThe Girl Without Hands.” More info here. (3000 California SW)

FREE COMEDY: Tonight’s the monthly comedy lineup at Feedback Lounge (WSB sponsor), hosted by West Seattle’s own Mona Concepcion. 8 pm, free! See the lineup on the FL website. (6451 California SW)

FULL MOON: As noted in Alice Enevoldsen‘s most-recent Skies Over West Seattle report, tonight’s the full moon – check the moonrise/moonset times (hey, the sky COULD clear here and there) on the WSB Weather page.

MUCH, MUCH MORE … on the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar, for today AND tonight. Check it out!

TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: Wednesday updates

(Latest bridge and Viaduct views; more cams on the WSB Traffic page)
Wednesday begins quietly. Updates as/if needed! Reminder – today, Seattle Public Schools get out two hours early, so watch for school buses, school zones, kids walking and riding bicycles, etc., earlier than usual.

8:08 AM: Slow going but no major problems. Two story links from Tuesday transportation coverage here, if you haven’t seen them already:

*County announces ballot proposal for Metro, road funding
*West Seattle Transportation Coalition Q/A with city, county, state reps

5:56 PM: For the homeward commute- crash on the westbound bridge, backing things up to I-5. Commenter “Enough” says it’s right by the 1st Avenue S. exit on the Spokane St. Viaduct section of the westbound bridge.

Family Literacy Night at Roxhill Elementary: It’s not just about what you read, it’s about how you read

January 14, 2014 10:35 pm
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Family Literacy Night tonight at Roxhill Elementary, and it was about more than books – it was also about reading, and how to make it more fun and inviting. What you see above are examples of what you can use to make a comfy place to read to and with children – blankets, stuffed animals, etc., made available tonight to Roxhill scholars and their families.

Among the families at the school tonight – dad Adolfo, mom Regna, third-grader José and kindergartener Francisco with, at right, Roxhill fifth-grade teacher Christopher Robert. The night’s lineup for all included a pizza dinner and a literacy skit, with visits to “literacy stations” inbetween. At one of them, families were presented with the books that, as Robert explained, are part of the Seattle Public Library collaboration with Roxhill and Sanislo. Roxhill is between librarians, so two teachers presented the books along with Nathalie Wargo, children’s librarian from High Point Branch Library.

As-it-happened coverage: City, county, state reps answer West Seattle Transportation Coalition questions

6:35 PM: We’re live at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center as the West Seattle Transportation Coalition starts its long-awaited event, putting key questions to reps from all levels of government involved in transportation, and seeking answers. We’ll be chronicling as this goes – stay tuned. Panelists are Ron Judd from WSDOT, Chris Arkills from County Executive Dow Constantine‘s staff, Andrew Glass Hastings representing Mayor Ed Murray, and Councilmember Tom Rasmussen. WSTC board member Amanda Key Helmick points out that it’s Rasmussen’s birthday; applause ensues. Moderators are WSTC board members Michael Taylor-Judd, Mat McBride, and Joe Szilagyi. Zumba music is drifting over from the adjacent room.

6:43 PM: Judd spoke first with some generalities – he was a last-minute substitute for a representative from Gov. Inslee’s office who had to stay in Olympia. Now, Arkills, one of two West Seattleites among the four panelists, is speaking in his introductory remarks about the Metro/roads funding proposal announced just hours ago. He says that the state has until March 7th to step up and “give us better tools” because the decision to put it on the April 22nd ballot doesn’t have to be made until then. He says Metro has tightened its budget, raised fares, done “everything we can” to “keep (its) service on the street.”

Glass Hastings says “the nerd in me” has him excited to be part of this forum: “The more dialogue we can have, the more opportunities to find solutions to some of the pressing challenges we have going forward,” but also cautions the new mayor doesn’t have “all the answers” yet, after just two weeks in office. “He’s excited about the opportunity to look (again) at some of these age-old problems.” He says the mayor’s expectation is “bold experimentation” and that he wants to hear from citizens. He points out Jim Curtin from SDOT, a West Seattleite who specializes in neighborhood traffic issues, is at the event.

6:50 PM: Now, introductory remarks from Councilmember Rasmussen, who is in the fifth year of chairing the council’s Transportation Committee. He points out other governments factor into the transportation equation – the port and the feds. “We’re way behind other regions in terms of having a great regional rail system … we’re about 40 years behind where we need to be … so we’re playing catchup,” he observes, after noting some past transportation proposals that have fallen through in one way or another, including the Monorail.

First question goes to Judd – about what the state is looking for in terms of transportation $. He warns “there’s going to be pain” if a package isn’t eventually hammered out. “There’s nobody in the state that doesn’t use our system in one way or another, so there’s a lot at stake.” He says informed citizens will be key to a solution. Second, Arkills, who is Constantine’s transportation-policy adviser, is asked how do we get out of a rut and find sustainable funding to move forward. He talks about the vision looking ahead to 2040, and how the county thinks a motor-vehicle excise tax is a better funding source, but years of lobbying haven’t made it happen yet – it’s been like “Groundhog Day,” he says. He mentions the loss of sales-tax revenue since the “Great Recession” – that had been a major source of Metro funding. He notes that Snohomish and Pierce counties already have gone through dramatic transit cuts.

Rasmussen now mentions projects on which he’s been working – the million-plus dollars he got the council to approve to finish design of the Fauntleroy Green Boulevard project and describes it as primarily pedestrian-safety improvements.

He then mentions the 47th/Admiral signal funding. “It’s great to have a mayor who’ll be working with us solidly, cooperatively on these issues – it wasn’t that way with the previous mayor.”

Taylor-Judd now brings up the West Seattle Bridge problems of recent weeks (most recently, a week ago) and warns Glass Hastings “we’re going to haze you” with tough questions like these.

“We’d like to know what you can tell us – does Mayor Murray have a plan to address these seemingly endless issues on the West Seattle Bridge.” Glass Hastings begins, “Great question … you’re right, it’s a challenging question. I won’t go into topography issues of how Seattle’s laid out but … the mayor does understand and he heard loud and clear when he was going to every corner of the city during his campaign … just how challenging the connectivity can be between West Seattle and downtown, West Seattle and the region.” He reiterates that the mayor is interested in re-examining such problems. “The system’s incredibly fragile as you know, on a day to day basis … we need to make sure in working with the state, our incident response within the city, the way the roads are managed at SDOT, that those types of things are minimized in the future.” No specifics.

7:05 PM: Arkills is asked what cost savings the county has engaged in that “don’t involve service reductions.” He lists some of what was mentioned already, saying that every year, Constantine asks departments “to identify three-percent efficiencies .. It’s a complicated thing running a major transit system.” Asked on followup if the efficiency details are available to the public, Arkills says they don’t know yet what will be involved this year, but he says he’ll send WSTC some information they can post online.

Glass Hastings is now asked how the mayor will prioritize the West Seattle peninsula. “Prioritization … in the recent past has been done in a little bit of a black box. It’s hard for (citizens) to figure out how prioritization is done. That’s gotta change.” He says the mayor wants to figure out a more “transparent” process, and how priorities are “going to turn into projects on the ground.” He says the city has some great individual plans, mentioning pedestrian, bicycle, transit, freight master plans. “Problem is, transportation doesn’t work in little modal buckets – it works as an integrated system.” He tells a story of using multiple modes today alone, and says that’s a typical day for many people. He doesn’t get specific regarding West Seattle and its challenges. On followup, regarding the expiration of money to mitigate the Highway 99 project effects, he mentions that Mayor Murray wasn’t at this afternoon’s Metro-funding event because he was in Olympia, lobbying. He says that even a transportation package won’t hold off some of the cuts rolling this way – so he urges support for the newly proposed measure, saying it CAN help prevent the Metro cuts, and help West Seattle and other neighborhoods.

7:16 PM: Asked how he’s been advocating for West Seattle, Rasmussen mentions his past attempts to get the Coast Guard to approve NOT opening the low bridge during rush hour. “We tried and tried, but did not have any success.” He also says he stays “in close touch” with SPD regarding making sure they’re enforcing the rules and, for example, keeping people from blocking the bus-only lanes.

(July 2013 photo courtesy Joe)
He tracks back to the prioritization question that Murray’s rep was asked, saying that if he’s asking about a traffic signal, for example, and told it’s not high on the priority list, he asks to have the list shown – and says it would be great if the new mayor finds a way to show how things are prioritized and why. Next question for him, the looming 27 percent Metro cuts in this area – what would the City Council be able to spend to make up for that if it becomes necessary? He says that Bridging the Gap money might still be available to buy some transit hours, “but it’s very hard for the city to go it alone … we should not get to the point where the state fails and (local government has to pick up the slack).” He talks about state legislators who live outside the metro area – “Do you think they care about Seattle? .. You should hear what they say about Seattle.” He says that the city and county are working together closely now, more than ever before: “We are neighbors, partners in solving this. … If push comes to shove and Seattle has to do it, we’ll scrape the bottom of the barrel …” If the city had to propose another vehicle-license fee, “would you the voters (support it)?” he asks, saying the city also has the authority to pursue one. “We could even do tolling on roads … but it would require approval by (the citizens).”

Back to the state – Judd is asked if the state would honor its commitment to help mitigate the effects of the Highway 99 work. “Yes, but …” he begins. That “but” involves a revenue package, and if there’s not one, “we’ll have to pull the money away from something else … we don’t have extra cash laying around for these moments in time… but we will be committed, to the commitment that was signed by the parties in 2009.”

Would the county support a new audit of Metro? Arkills is asked. He says it might not be “the wisest use” of money, and invites people to take another look at the one done a few years back. Also, he says, “we are audited regularly by the state, audited by the federal government for our use of federal dollars … Audits R Us.” It’s noted at this point that County Councilmember Joe McDermott has now arrived – he’s not on the panel, though.

7:26 PM: Now a big question – with transit funding in jeopardy, would the mayor be willing to ask the council for a moratorium on waiving parking requirements for some developments until the issues are resolved? “Great question,” Glass Hastings begins (as he started other replies), saying this too is something “the mayor wants to approach with fresh eyes” – and that’s about all he says, aside from asking citizens to share their ideas. The same question is next posed to Councilmember Rasmussen – would he be willing to support a temporary moratorium. “Well, I had an experience with that last spring,” he begins. He mentions the microhousing boom, “with no parking,” and that he held a public forum, talked to council colleagues, and asked them if they would support a microhousing moratorium – and, he says, they said “no,” because there is a “vocal group of people who support density, and this is consistent with what their vision is” – and, he said, if you don’t support that vision, you’re accused of “being a NIMBY,” and worse, as he says he was. He believes any such moratorium would be unlikely because of “backlash” so “if you want one, we’re going to have to hear from you – because the folks who love microhousing are organized, they have a newspaper who strongly supports microhousing, and that newspaper uses its bully pulpit” … He says he supports affordable housing, “of course I do,” but we have to be “mindful of the quality of life of people who live in the neighborhood.” He says citizen support would be vital; someone in the audience says, “We’ll support ya,” eliciting some applause.

Glass Hastings says the mayor has committed to a “neighborhood summit” within his three months and says that a moratorium won’t be necessary if the new Metro-funding proposal goes through, because cuts won’t happen.

A related question now – regarding developers’ disincentive to include parking. “Underground parking IS incredibly costly,” Glass Hastings says, claiming some buildings wind up with parking “overbuilt,” and that in turn leads to a lack of unaffordable housing. But he also acknowledges there’s a “savings to the developer” when parking isn’t included, “and that winds up as more affordable housing.” So then he wonders aloud about channeling some of the parkinglessness savings into surrounding transportation infrastructure. “This is a perfect example of how the city might not be doing it the optimal way.” He says another look might be taken at this issue, but there is concern about affecting the supply of affordable housing.

7:36 PM: Could funding for transit be obtained from developers, if they aren’t including parking? Rasmussen is asked. He says the Law Department would have to be consulted, but it’s an “interesting idea.” He then mentions how downtown employers are encouraged to contribute to bus passes and other alternatives to driving – “maybe there are programs like that, that could work with residential developers.” The city DOES have the “ability to charge impact fees,” he said, in some cases.

Judd is asked again about the state’s commitment to mitigation funding. He says, again, “we’re committed to figuring out the mitigation piece,” and again says it needs to be part of the funding package worked out in Olympia. Regarding the original agreement, “Have we met that intent in its entirety? No. Are we committed to (meeting it in the future)?” – depends on the revenue package.

Arkills says the mitigation money and transit it’s funded are vital because keeping things moving around here depend on reducing vehicles on 99 (and other roads). He mentions the increase in transit usage here. And he mentions that Metro cuts would bring many more cars back onto the road – “90 percent of our riders have cars.” If deep cuts do happen, shuttles might be one way to at least help the most-affected riders who don’t have options, like seniors. The next question is a followup on how fare increases affect those with income challenges – so would an “employee payroll tax” be considered to spread the pain around? Arkills says the Transportation Benefit legislation does not include that kind of authority, though it was in the RTID legislation from a few years ago. He mentions that some funding would only be usable for bus purchases, but that’s not what Metro needs most – it needs operating $ the most. “We would absolutely love a more progressive, robust funding source that would grow over time,” and the county believes the motor-vehicle excise tax is that source.

At this point, the new low-income $1.50 fare that was also part of today’s proposal was mentioned. Glass Hastings interjects that it’s an innovative proposal, and Arkills acknowledges that only a few other jurisdictions have something similar.

Glass Hastings is next asked if Mayor Murray might consider bringing back the “head tax.” “The mayor’s interested in looking at all potential revenue sources,” he replies.

Rasmussen is asked a version of the same question. He thinks the council might be more supportive of an “employee head tax” now, since the climate has changed since it was repealed during the recession. Now that the business community is lobbying for transit, “perhaps the climate has changed” and using such a tax to support transit might be feasible – if its purpose is made very clear.

Judd says on behalf of the state, “we have to fight like hell to get as many cars off the road as possible. … if we think our roadways are a mess now, just wait. So there’s a lot at stake here.” He draws some applause. Here by the way is a crowd shot the WSTC tweeted a few minutes ago:

7:53 PM: Judd, saying now that he’s speaking for himself and NOT as a rep of state government, notes again the divisions and tensions between east and west. “Those in Olympia right now who essentially are not working as hard as they could be and should be and need to be for a revenue package … their constituents (would also) be losers. … Logic and common sense is not being applied. We’re faced with a set of political circumstances that are trumping common sense …and it’s a problem.” He goes on to vividly describe more of the political reality, and gets applauded for it.

Next question – Would the state support moving Vashon ferry traffic to Colman Dock downtown? (This is often asked as a way of taking some traffic off the West Seattle Bridge, among other potential effects/benefits.) Judd said he recalled some exploration of that not too long ago “and … some harsh feedback.” He says state leadership is open “but would have to go through very public process to get some input … (it’s) not something we would wade into without thoughtful process.” But with some other design processes coming up, he allowed, maybe it’s a good time to re-examine.

Staying on the water, Arkills is asked about the Water Taxi, and whether a circulator route around the peninsula might be considered, to increase usage. He mentions the two existing shuttle routes, including one that serves the “major (Metro) transfer point” at 35th/Avalon. “Part of the struggle with the shuttles is that they are timed to meet the boat,” he explains. “So it’s a little bit of a challenge to get to the farther reaches of West Seattle.” He said having the shuttles serve the park-and-ride under the bridge was studied once, but there was a turning-radius problem. Now, he says, there’s a new study about possible shuttle options, with outreach happening later this year, and he says North Delridge is one area where he would like to see shuttle service. And he pitches for riding a bike to the Water Taxi, with “a commitment to bike lockers at Seacrest Park” as well as downtown.

Now the issue of individual transportation-mode plans has come back again. Glass Hastings says, for example, the Bicycle Master Plan update will help Seattle reclaim its leadership as a top bicycling city. But the mayor, he says, is committed to “re-integrating” the transportation plans so they work together – and “prioritizing” them so that it’s clear what needs to be done first, and figure out where the money’s coming from to deal with the priorities. “A 20-year vision is great, but the mayor wants to break that down into more manageable and near-term chunks,” and to articulate now what that means, and how a difference can be made over a span such as four years.

8:07 PM: Would the city look again at replacing the removed 4th Avenue ramp on the Spokane Street Viaduct? It was looked at but wasn’t safe, Rasmussen said.

What about the long-suggested flyover bridge at Lander in SODO to get traffic over the train tracks? Glass Hastings is asked, with the note that funding OK’d by voters was diverted to the Mercer Project. “It’s a longstanding priority for the city and the port,” he begins, noting in an aside that he worked for the county before joining the city, and had to examine how to reliably get buses through that area. “Whether it’s transit, freight, commuters, trying to get across those tracks can be a 20-minute unanticipated delay.” Solving the problem “needs to happen,” he said, calling it a “Magnolia Bridge situation .. the mayor’s not interested in having these projects languish,” either prioritize them or shelve them. He says there might be other funding mechanisms – renewal of Bridging the Gap, or … ? – “to get this (project) done.”

Now, the issue of grade-separated rail – past monorail support, and word that the recent Sound Transit survey included strong light-rail support from West Seattle. So, Rasmussen is asked, how to make this happen? “The best opportunity for funding …is through the next Sound Transit ballot measure,” he begins, mentioning that some planning is being done for the West Seattle route, “and the next step is to take the measure to the public for funding that plan.” But, he says, the challenge is that “many communities” will want to be included in the ballot measure. “We will put in a very strong effort to get key routes in Seattle included,” he said, saying he believes that West Seattle/Burien does need rail because of the numerous challenges. “With parking!” someone in the audience says loudly.

Staying on the rail topic, Judd is asked whether the state is changing its culture of road support over “urban transportation.” He notes that Gov. Inslee hired WSDOT director Lynn Peterson, who is “re-looking at WSDOT” and priorities. The state legislators all have a say, he notes, and the money and how it’s spent goes through them. But he also notes that the state has constraints about how it can spend money such as gas tax – “and we need to change that … but that is a huge lift … I can’t find enough words in (the dictionary) to explain how difficult of a policy lift” that would be.

8:20 PM: Audience question now, read by the moderators (they are posing all the questions – people are offered cards if they want to write questions, but are not asked to speak to a microphone): What about more water taxis, if you “literally cannot get out of West Seattle without planning a day in advance?” Arkills mentions the West Seattle Water Taxi’s history as a “demonstration route” – 9 years! – and how the county picked up the Vashon route after the state dropped it. “We’d love to continue to expand it – every year we have seen growth in ridership – and we are committed to waterborne solutions.” He says the county’s been talking with the state in hopes of building more slips downtown to support more foot-ferry service.

Rasmussen says he too would like to see more waterborne transportation service “and if we could work with the county to make that work successfully, I’d be delighted.” Glass Hastings chimes in that the mayor “is excited to see the forthcoming transformation of Colman Dock” and wants to be sure the passenger-ferry facilities work well, seeing a “really reliable” fleet of boats to be part of the local transportation system.

Judd points out that some of the biggest Washington State Ferries have so much passenger usage, they feel like big foot ferries at times, “so it’s got to be an integral part of how we grow our system.” Glass Hastings brings up the olden-days Mosquito Fleet (foot ferries), and says “it’s the kind of innovative thinking that the mayor would like to bring to transportation solutions.” But sometimes somebody else gets in the way of “bold ideas,” he notes. Arkills mentions Lake Washington has potential, travel to Husky Stadium, for example. “There is no bigger advocate for the Water Taxi than Councilmember Joe McDermott,” he mentions, and says McDermott is going to be leading an effort to get “more stable funding” for the Water Taxis.

Now a round of one-sentence answers:

What can be done to shorten travel times from West Seattle?

Everyone except Judd replied, transit; he said “build the tunnel” (ostensibly, Highway 99).

WSTC’s Helmick is now delivering closing remarks and says the group is going to start working on a plan for West Seattle. She also says that WSTC will continue to have forums, and some of the questions not asked tonight will be asked at future forums.

Glass Hastings says he’d welcome a chance to come to a more informal future forum with more of a “back and forth,” because he feels this just “scratched the surface.”

Rasmussen says he thinks organizing this meeting “will have a positive impact for West Seattle” and says he’s sure that his fellow panelists will bring back concerns and talk with the decisionmakers. He also urges people to contact legislators, not just the local reps, because of the power they hold over matters that make a difference for our area.

Helmick says WSTC’s next meeting is February 11th and invites people to attend, and to consider joining the group’s three active committees. The forum ends at 8:33 pm.

9:49 PM: Adding links and images relevant to what was discussed. The WSTC is online at and on Facebook here – where it’s noted that Seattle Channel recorded the forum for later playback; we’ll publish the link when it’s available..

Promotion for Southwest Precinct’s second-in-command – now he’s Capt. Pierre Davis

Three years after arriving at the Southwest Precinct to serve as its second-in-command, the Operations Lieutenant, Pierre Davis (left) has a new rank – captain. That’s the word from precinct commander Capt. Joe Kessler today. He tells WSB, “I couldn’t be prouder of him. It is a well-deserved promotion to one of the best commanders in the Police Department. He will be staying with us at the Precinct until the Chief makes the final decision on where he will be permanently assigned.” Capt. Davis is expected to present the crime-trends briefing at next Tuesday’s West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meeting, so if you go, you can congratulate him in person.

Sales-tax increase, vehicle fee, fare hike proposed to hold off Metro cuts, could go to April vote

Will Metro be able to avoid slashing service – including, just for starters in June, eliminating four West Seattle-area routes? Local leaders are no longer waiting for something to happen in Olympia. In downtown Seattle, King County Executive Dow Constantine and other regional leaders have just announced the local campaign to raise money to hold off Metro cuts that would hit our area the hardest. The proposal could go to the ballot as soon as April 22nd. Key points:

*$60 vehicle fee, & one-tenth-cent sales tax that would expire after 10 years

*Metro bus-fare increase to $2.75 (1 zone) and $3.25 (2 zones) next year

The full announcement is ahead:Read More

At the peak of Seahawks spirit, West Seattleite plants 12th Man flag on Western Hemisphere’s highest mountain

How far can the Seahawks‘ 12th Man go? In the person of West Seattleite Gordon Prinster, all the way to the highest point in the Western Hemisphere! You’ve met Gordon here before – he accompanied son Cal Prinster on a cross-country bike ride in 2012, raising $ for the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation. The video shared with us today shows Gordon at the summit of Mt. Aconcagua in Argentina, 22,837 feet, on January 4th (Cal wasn’t on this trip; Gordon went up with climbing partner Ed Vandenhaak of Bellingham). “What else would a West Seattle guy plant at the summit but a 12th Man flag?” explained Gordon’s wife Bernadette Brown, sharing the video with WSB. Ironically, Gordon didn’t get to watch last Sunday’s big game, as he was flying home from Argentina at the time and is now back at work at West Seattle High School, she says. NEXT game!

West Seattle Veteran Center gala! Buy a ticket, or be a sponsor

January 14, 2014 12:33 pm
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The music video is by OK Sweetheart, the band that’ll be featured at the first fundraising gala for the West Seattle Veteran Center, coming up February 22nd, with tickets now on sale:

West Seattle Veteran Center (WSVC) will host its first annual special fundraising event in its Pershing Hall. Guests will enjoy live music (Seattle’s OK SWEETHEART and special guests), performance painter (West Seattle’s Jimmy Gersen), cocktails, hors d’oeuvres (Seattle’s Garden Grow Organics) and a silent auction. One hundred percent of proceeds will benefit this landmark building that has served veterans for nearly a century.

Sponsorships ($100+), silent auction items and ticket sales ($50-75) will benefit the WSVC and its community outreach efforts including the complete renovation of the old West Seattle American Legion Building or, for West Seattleites, the building with the big cannon in the front lawn. Once the remodel is complete, the WSVC will operate seven-days-a-week with Veteran staffers aiding and counseling Veterans in the greater Seattle community. The WSVC will offer a wide range of veteran-related assistance including education, home loans, counseling, disability qualifications, family needs.

The WSVC will house a new elegant Bistro and Lounge with food from Garden Grow Organics. The WSVC will also connect the community through rotating art exhibitions, concerts, classes, community events and conference space. All combined, each element is designed to bring together the Seattle Veteran community and local neighborhoods all in support of Veterans and their families. Lack of funding has held up the next phases, and the gala will help finish the project.

The WSVC is still seeking sponsorships and silent auction items. To contribute, contact

Guilty pleas for Michael S. Stanley, rapist arrested in West Seattle after fleeing Canada

10:46 AM: In Seattle Municipal Court this morning, Michael S. Stanley pleaded guilty. He’s the convicted rapist arrested in a West Seattle alley not long after fleeing Canada, where he was being sought after illegally cutting off a monitoring device. Stanley, a U.S. citizen, has been in jail here since his arrest October 22nd, held in lieu of $100,000 bail. According to the Municipal Court web docket, he pleaded guilty to both charges filed against him last fall – harassment and resisting arrest. Hat tip to reporter Jennifer Sullivan from The Seattle Times [WSB partner] for first word of Stanley’s pleas; we’re checking on sentencing (the docket mentions only suspended sentences and credit for time served, but the city court docket does not link to full documentation) and will update this story. To date, Stanley has never been charged in connection with the allegation that he sexually assaulted a teenager the same morning he was arrested here.

10:59 AM UPDATE: City Attorney’s Office spokesperson Kimberly Mills says the credit-for-time-served calculation is still under way and promises more information later, but for starters “he’s not getting out today.”

2:16 PM UPDATE: Mills has sent a news release that, in addition to other information, indicates Stanley will remain in jail at least two more months:

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West Seattle Tuesday: 10 ways to get involved and/or entertained

January 14, 2014 10:12 am
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The red-breasted merganser photographed by Mark Wangerin just might be suggesting you not duck your civic responsibilities – there’s a LOT going on today/tonight, mostly community meetings, plus music and sports. From the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:

PLAY CHESS! Drop-in games for kids/teens, with a coach on hand, all levels, this afternoon at High Point Branch Library, 4 pm, details in our calendar listing. (35th/Raymond)

HIGH-SCHOOL SPORTS: From this week’s lineup – boys-basketball games at home tonight for both Chief Sealth International High School (vs. O’Dea, JV at 5:45 and varsity at 7:30, 2600 SW Thistle) and West Seattle High School (vs. Rainier Beach, JV at 5:45 and varsity at 7:30, 3000 California SW)

HIGH POINT MEMORIAL WALK: An update on the plan for a memorial walk in honor of the pedestrian killed last month at 35th and Graham is part of the agenda for tonight’s High Point Neighborhood Association meeting. 6 pm, Neighborhood House’s High Point Center. Full agenda here. (6400 Sylvan Way SW)

WEST SEATTLE TRANSPORTATION PROBLEMS/SOLUTIONS: For months, the West Seattle Transportation Coalition has been working toward this meeting with reps from multiple levels of government that deal with transportation in our area, to pose serious questions and get real answers about the plan (or perhaps the lack of one) for our area’s transportation troubles. 6:30 pm at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center. (4408 Delridge Way SW)

WEST SEATTLE HIGH SCHOOL PTSA: This is the perfect time of year to get involved if you aren’t already – lots going on, and you’ll hear about it all at tonight’s meeting, 7 pm, school library. (3000 California SW)

EVERY-OTHER-WEEK TRASH? As previewed here last weekend, a Seattle Public Utilities rep will brief the Admiral Neighborhood Association meeting about the possibility of every-other-week garbage pickup going citywide next year. 7 pm, lower-level meeting room on the south-facing side of Admiral Congregational Church. (California/Hill)

NEW RULES FOR ‘LOWRISE’ DEVELOPMENT IN NEIGHBORHOODS? Not in West Seattle, but of interest citywide – a city Department of Planning and Development meeting sparked by neighborhood petitions is set at Capitol Hill’s Lowell Elementary tonight, 6:30 pm, to talk about possible changes to city rules that allow extra height for some so-called “lowrise” developments. (1058 East Mercer)

FAUNTLEROY COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION: The public’s always welcome at FCA’s monthly board meeting, 7 pm at the historic schoolhouse. (9131 California SW)

COMMUNITY LEGAL CLINIC: Free legal help, by appointment, starting at 7 pm – see our calendar listing for details of how to get an appointment. Senior Center of West Seattle. (California/Oregon)

‘BLUES TO DO,’ WEEK 2: Second week for the new Tuesday series at Feedback Lounge (WSB sponsor), 8 pm, live blues, streamed online too. Tonight it’s Elnah Jordan & friends, celebrating Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Full details in our calendar listing. (6451 California SW)

MORE NIGHTLIFE … listed on the calendar! Click the right side of any line to expand a listing.

Just announced: West Seattle forum for transportation issues affecting people with disabilities

Happening tomorrow, but we didn’t get word until just now:

The Seattle Commission for People with Disabilities is having a transportation forum in West Seattle. This is part of a series of forums held in various Seattle neighborhoods. This is an open forum to discuss transportation issues impacting the disabled community in Seattle.

When: Wednesday, January 15th, 2014
Where: Seattle Public Library – Admiral Branch – 2306 42nd Ave SW
Time: 2:00 PM to 3:30PM
ASL interpreter provided

You can help! ‘Count Us In’ needs volunteers for just one day

January 14, 2014 9:27 am
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Interested in volunteering, but not a major/recurring commitment? Here’s something simple, but important:

Help us count homeless youth on January 23rd at Seattle Public Library Sites! Each year since 2011, King County has conducted Count Us In, a point-in-time count to gather information on homeless and at-risk youth. In 2013, 776 youth and young adults were counted as homeless or unstably housed.

Join us this year as we survey youth to better understand the extent and nature of youth homelessness in our community so that we can more effectively address this critical issue. Surveys will be completed by youth at youth shelters, community centers, parks, nonprofit agencies and libraries. Help us do better this year!

This volunteer must be high-energy and outgoing and will serve at different branches of the Seattle Public Library. Volunteers commit to one 2 to 4-hour shift on January 23rd, 2014. Want to volunteer? Click the “I’m Interested” button and we will follow up with you. **Please let us know the time and library you are interested in volunteering at.

(Editor’s note: Southwest Branch Library is the one West Seattle library listed, but we’re including the entire list in case another one is convenient for you or someone you know:

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TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: Tuesday updates; road work today/tonight; Transportation Coalition event

(Latest bridge and Viaduct views; more cams on the WSB Traffic page)
Welcome to Tuesday! We start by looking ahead –

ROAD WORK TODAY: The city plans pavement repairs in the 2300 block of Sylvan/Orchard 8 am-5 pm; one lane will remain open, with flagger assistance in getting traffic to alternate. (Speaking of paving – if you missed it, on Monday we published the city’s list of where paving work is planned in West Seattle this year.)

TRANSPORTATION SOLUTIONS? Tonight’s the night to show up and show support for the West Seattle Transportation Coalition as it asks government reps from all levels – what’s the plan for our area’s transportation troubles?. 6:30 pm at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center (4408 Delridge Way SW), details here.

SOUTHBOUND I-5 CLOSURE: If you’ll be returning to West Seattle from points north late tonight/early Wednesday, avoid southbound I-5. It will be closed at King Street for sign installation, 11 pm-4:30 am.

8:24 AM: Multiple reports of trouble on northbound 99 – a crash just north of the bridge. No serious injuries reported at this point, so no SFD callout.

8:33 AM: From the scanner, police confirm two lanes blocked but are going to “try to move it to the shoulder” shortly.

8:41 AM: And now it sounds like one lane will remain blocked for a while. If you have yet to leave, passing up the 99 exit and using 1st or 4th to get into downtown might be a better bet. Tow trucks are now being requested.

9:11 AM: Traffic authorities say things are moving along closer to normally since all that was moved out of the main lanes.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Prowlers on video; stolen car; ‘found’ car; more

Three Crime Watch reader reports tonight:

MAILBOX PROWLERS: Once again, WSB Forums member MyPatience1978 in Highland Park has caught mailbox prowlers on camera. These two came by just before midnight last night. As discussed there – if your postal mail still arrives and goes via an unlocked box on the street, you might reconsider. And if you recognize these two, speak up.

(added) GARAGE BREAK-IN: Michael reports, “We had our garage broken into last night and had miscellaneous items stolen from the garage and one of our cars that they broke into. They were able to get into one of the cars and destroyed the interior in their attempt to probably steal the car. We are in North Admiral on 45th and SW Seattle. Must have happened overnight.”

(back to original report) STOLEN CAR: Andrea in White Center is asking people all around the area to be on the lookout for her car – “stolen last night from (10700 block) 14th Ave SW. 1993 Black Honda Civic. License starts with ACE. Please call 206-307-8439.” And 911.

MYSTERY CAR: This turned up on 41st between Fauntleroy and Graham, and a neighbor wondered if it’s a stolen car someone’s looking for:


Black Cadillac Northstar DTS
License 534-YUA
4-door sedan
Broken front passenger window (covered in plastic)
3 flat tires
Appeared Sunday between 1:30 pm and 4:00 pm

We didn’t find it in @getyourcarback but that could mean many things – from “not stolen” to stolen more than a few days ago, stolen outside the city, plate switched, owner doesn’t know it’s gone yet … It’s been reported to police, so contact them if you know whose it is.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME PREVENTION COUNCIL: Next meeting is January 21st, one week from tomorrow, and Southwest Precinct Operations Lt. Pierre Davis will be there with an update on local trends as well as to listen to neighborhood concerns, in addition to special guest Ann Graves from Seattle Animal Shelter to talk about a variety of issues, as detailed in the WSCPC preview. The meeting’s at 7 pm Tuesday, Jan. 21st, in the precinct meeting room (Delridge/Webster).

Get ready to take the field! West Seattle Girls Softball signup time

January 13, 2014 8:04 pm
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(Photo courtesy West Seattle Girls Softball)
Did you notice light in the sky after 5 pm today? The days are lengthening, and while we wouldn’t say “spring is in the air,” preparation for spring sports is starting to stir. Here’s the official announcement from West Seattle Girls Softball:

West Seattle Girls Softball registration is now open for the 2014 spring season! We are looking for girls ages 6-15 to play fast-pitch softball. No previous softball experience is necessary, as we will teach the basics and help continue to build players’ skills. Practices begin in March and games will run from late April to June.

West Seattle Girls Softball is a local nonprofit organization and is fueled by its dedicated volunteers. WSGS goals are to ensure that its players have the best possible experience playing fast-pitch softball. We hope to build both team sportsmanship and individual sportsmanship all while having fun.

You can sign up or get more information at; WSGS is also on Facebook.

WSGS says there’s an extra benefit to registering early – you get the lowest price; sign-up fees go up on March 1st.

Followup: What’s wrong with the West Seattle Bridge lights

Quick followup on last Friday’s report about that dark stretch of the bridge: Seattle City Light says it’s figured out part of the reason why a stretch of new LED lights on the west side of the West Seattle Bridge went out. SCL spokesperson Scott Thomsen tells WSB, “Our crews discovered that a breaker is tripping, cutting power to the lights. They are trying to determine the underlying cause for that problem, which is related to the power supply, not the lights.” More info once that’s figured out.