Comments on: Anybody have anything to say about who should run SPD? Hello? West Seattle news, 24/7 Wed, 05 Feb 2014 07:58:54 +0000 hourly 1 By: Angela Wed, 05 Feb 2014 07:58:54 +0000 AMEN “2cents!” I totally ditto that suggestion…couldn’t have said it better.

By: 2cents Sat, 01 Feb 2014 08:04:52 +0000 Clone Harry Bailey he’s the bomb. If we can’t do that 1) don’t hire a weak political puppet 2) hire a leader who can give SPD their backbone back after years and years if relentless criticism and lack of support 3) hire someone who can collaborate with AND educate the community on the reality if police work – you can’t complain about crime and then tie their hands constantly 4) hire someone who can have a final say and override the constant beauracratic arm-chair quarterbacking this City loves to do. 5) hire someone who believes in this police force and knows it’s already one if the leading police forces in the country. 6) hire a cheif who will hire more officers so there are more officers to answer calls and randomly patrol alleys 7) the new Chief must support his force to improve morale 8) let the new Chief do their job 9) when installed give this person the level of respect they deserve 10) have this Chief create a way to demonstrate the good things police do for this City

By: M. Sat, 01 Feb 2014 04:53:04 +0000 I support good penmanship and legible writing.

By: K Sat, 01 Feb 2014 04:18:31 +0000 I don’t mean to be a jerk but just did a little match and we could be easily talking 10K a day lost revenue only because SPD/ 911 didn’t do there jobs. Sure… I could move but that takes time. And the bottom lime is that I would be moving because they didn]t do their job. Something to think about….

By: K Sat, 01 Feb 2014 03:45:10 +0000 Hello?!? No one has faith in the police department and that being said no one wants to get into “trouble” for saying bad things.
My recently deceased and very much loved, father, was on the grand jury and a county commissioner. Nothing like what I have personally experienced, crime wise, would be allowed or tolerated on his watch. You guys have a lot to learn, apparently.
Sorry I was too busy caring for him and being a stable force for him in his last days, I couldn’t do your job too. Always afraid that the SPD would fail me by loud music (hurts hearing aids… even for war veterans) and other crime— and they did fail me. I am proud that I stood up and did my best when it counted. I can’t say the same for you SPD… whatever… you are very low on my list.

By: G Sat, 01 Feb 2014 03:00:14 +0000 Catch crooks – do we need to tell the SPD how to do their job? Only in Seattle would there be this nattering and wringing of hands. It’s ALL over the place. Just tonight, walking back from PCC through the alley off California, there was a guy checking garages to see what he could find.

It’s ALL over the place, people. Wake up, something is very, very wrong here.

By: WSB Fri, 31 Jan 2014 19:23:47 +0000 In reply to Angel.

Angel, I must not be listening to the channels you’re listening to. I listen for probably 10 hours a day and don’t hear anything like that. We have all the precincts’ main channels (South includes both SW and South precincts), tactical frequencies, even the IT folks who are called for to help out when computer equipment goes bad. – Tracy
P.S. But I would definitely urge anyone and everyone to listen for themselves … it is always eye-opening … what they are called to deal with (much more than just crime, as evidenced in our WSBeat roundups), among other things. I tweet the weirder calls on occasion just because otherwise they might go unnoted. If you don’t have a scanner, there are apps for smartphones, and there are various online ways to listen too. Whenever you hear a “William” or “Frank” unit called or responding, those are the ones in West Seattle.

By: Angel Fri, 31 Jan 2014 18:46:11 +0000 I would like the city to pick a chief who will finally get the spd to take the service requests of the residents of Seattle seriously.

I got the chance to listen to the SPD police scanner and was absolutely appalled at how SPD officers avoided calls and openly discussed on the air their “displeasure” in being dispatched.

I heard dispatchers actually begging and pleading on the air for someone to respond to a call. It was met with absolute silence.

I hope the news media including the WSB would report on this someday (WSB does listen to the scanner).

We have known for years that it can take sometimes hours for the police to respond to calls. I would like a chief who will make a priority getting to calls quickly and taken seriously.

By: WSB Fri, 31 Jan 2014 15:59:10 +0000 In reply to Alki girl.

Four years ago they did indeed have a public-meeting process … though the only thing I can find in our system mentions that none of the meetings that time around were in West Seattle.

By: Alki girl Fri, 31 Jan 2014 15:52:00 +0000 Did anyone really have to show up to say the same things that we have always wanted in a police chief? Not much has changed from the last time we were looking for one.

By: redblack Fri, 31 Jan 2014 13:53:37 +0000 wow. that was underwhelming. i suppose we should apologize to our elected officials for not participating.
personally, i’d like to see a top cop who supports more foot patrols and public interaction in retail and entertainment areas like the junctions, and more bike patrols in public parks and on trails. this is a nice city, but, man, we have a lot of weirdos roaming around.
then there’s the menace that is 3rd avenue by benaroya hall. there should be a platoon stationed there 24/7.

By: Diane Fri, 31 Jan 2014 09:55:35 +0000 I can’t believe no one showed up; dang, if not for double design reviews at same time, I would have been there; aren’t there still a few more in other neighborhoods?
but seriously, out of 100,000+ people in West Seattle, only one person cared enough about improving our police force, to show up?
