year : 2013 3942 results

One more followup: High Point homicide investigation

December 16, 2013 11:56 pm
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 |   Crime | High Point | West Seattle news

While new incidents took precedence as Monday unfolded, we did follow up on the homicide investigation that followed the discovery of a High Point woman’s body in her home on Saturday afternoon (here’s our first report).

The King County Medical Examiner has yet to announce the 46-year-old woman’s cause of death and identity. Police with whom we spoke Monday morning and late afternoon were also still remaining relatively mum, aside from one telling us the crime scene was “processable” – suggesting useful evidence was found.

We also talked with a spokesperson for the Seattle Housing Authority who said SHA is working closely with Seattle Police and “hoping for a resolution as soon as possible” to the “terrible tragedy.” Though police described the victim as a “homeowner,” the unit actually is owned by the SHA, she said, but as of our conversation, was still being “held by police as an investigation scene.” She added that High Point security has not changed as a result because “we asked SPD specifically if they think there is a threat to the community and their response was ‘no’.”

Video: Christmas Ship emerges from Elliott Bay fog to visit Salty’s

December 16, 2013 10:07 pm
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 |   Holidays | Seen at sea | West Seattle news

The Argosy Cruises Christmas Ship and its accompanying fleet emerged from Elliott Bay fog – with sea lions barking and foghorns sounding – to make its first-ever visit to Salty’s on Alki (WSB sponsor) this past hour. Pacific Sound Chorus was aboard for the holiday serenade, with audiences on the ships, on Salty’s decks, and on the shoreline nearby. While this was its last West Seattle stop this holiday season …

… it continues making the rounds elsewhere in the region through next Monday night (December 23rd); here’s the schedule.

Update: Extinguisher blamed for fire report on Delridge

5:48 PM: A big Seattle Fire response is on the way to the 6900 block of Delridge Way to check out a fire-in-building report. The address on the 911 log checks to the Lam-Bow Apartments just north of the major commercial intersection at Delridge/Orchard/Sylvan. More to come.

5:56 PM: Our crew is just arriving. Via scanner, SFD is reporting it’s a “room fire” on the three-story building’s second floor. Avoid Delridge at Myrtle – it’s blocked southbound and there was talk of closing the other direction too.

6:04 PM: Some of the units are being canceled. The incident commander says an extinguisher discharged and that apparently led to reports of smoke – not an actual fire. They hope to have a lane of traffic open shortly.

6:44 PM: The scene hasn’t completely cleared yet but is getting closer. Southbound Delridge is reported to be reopening. Metro Route 120 has been rerouted until the traffic flow is back to normal.

6:52 PM: Route 120 is back to its regular route.

Followup: RapidRide robbery suspect charged in another bus holdup

The man charged with the November 25th gunpoint robberies aboard a Metro RapidRide bus three weeks ago is now charged in a robbery on another bus. As Trevonnte Brown of Beacon Hill appeared before a King County Superior Court judge today, prosecutors filed a charge of second-degree robbery in connection with an incident on a Route 36 bus at Hanford and Beacon on Beacon Hill (map) on the afternoon of November 16th, nine days before the Morgan Junction robberies. Charging papers say Brown walked from the back of the bus and wrestled a Samsung Galaxy phone away from a man sitting in the middle of the bus. The victim stopped fighting back when Brown claimed he had a gun. After Brown’s arrest here on November 25th, investigators compared surveillance images to his booking photo and to an image of Brown selling an iPhone at an automated Southcenter kiosk on November 18th; on the bus and at the kiosk, he was wearing what charging documents describe as the same “distinctive” knit cap. Brown pleaded not guilty to all charges, including the three filed in the West Seattle case, and remains in jail, with bail set at $350,000. He is due back in court December 30th.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Student reports Roxhill Park rape

ORIGINAL REPORT, 2:23 PM: A rape has been reported at Roxhill Park – already under scrutiny for crimes and overall safety concerns. First word is in this letter that Denny International Middle School principal Jeff Clark says is going to families of students at Denny and adjacent Chief Sealth International High School:

This morning, a Denny International Middle School student reported to a Denny staff member that she had been attacked on Thursday, Dec. 12, at approximately 3:30 PM at Roxhill Park.

Roxhill Park is located south of Westwood Village, across the street from Target.

She reported that she was raped by a stranger that she believed to be in his mid-twenties. She shared that last Thursday, after school was out, she had gone to Westwood Village with friends. After about an hour, as she was walking home through Roxhill Park, the attack took place. Denny staff immediately contacted her family, the Seattle Police Department, and nearby schools. The Seattle Police Department is actively investigating.

We want to inform all of the students at Denny and Sealth about this and remind you about safety tips for walking to and from school.

Those safety tips are ahead. We are checking, meantime, to see if police have any additional information to share.

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Apartment Adoption Day at Delridge DESC, before tomorrow’s grand opening and Wednesday’s move-ins

(Photos by WSB co-publishers Tracy Record & Patrick Sand)

While a public grand-opening ceremony is planned tomorrow for Cottage Grove Commons, the new DESC-operated building in North Delridge, Wednesday is the really big day. That’s when its 66 formerly homeless start moving in.

Coming from homelessness, they have little to bring along, so on Sunday, the new studio apartments were made ready for them by the efforts of dozens of volunteers, whose work was just beginning when we stopped by.

The volunteers’ work on Sunday was part of “Apartment Adoption Day.” While DESC made sure each unit has basic furniture like a bed, a table, and chairs, the “adopters” brought items such as bedding, dishes, and cleaning supplies:

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West Seattle Crime Watch: Package thefts thwarted

(UPDATED 1:08 PM: Second attempted theft added)

ORIGINAL REPORT, 11:56 AM: With holiday deliveries peaking this week, it’s unfortunately also prime time for package thieves. One would-be thief was thwarted in West Seattle this morning, per a reader report we just received. It actually relates to something we tweeted after hearing a scanner snippet:

An hour after that – just minutes ago – this note came in:

Thanks to a very alert neighbor and a prompt response by police, package was recovered. A neighbor saw a dark blue Honda sedan following the mail carrier, Asian youth got out of the car, went up to the porch and took a package and began to leave, neighbor shouted at him to put it back, he dropped the package, police responded quickly. Just a reminder these guys are out looking to spoil Christmas. I would also like to thank aware neighbors, quick police response, and the mail carriers who put the mail all the way in the mailboxes.

Haven’t heard of an arrest yet but we’ll keep the radar up.

ADDED 1:08 PM: Phillip sends word of another thwarted theft:

I just caught a guy trying to steal a package right off my porch in the middle of the day! I’ve called SPD and gave them a general description, but thought I’d share with WSB too. I’m in Luna Park (30th & Nevada).

I saw/heard USPS drop the package off, but hadn’t run out to grab it yet. Then, about 30 minutes later, I heard someone else, and this guy (picture) was grabbing my package and stuffing it in his red duffel bag.

When I confronted him he said that someone had “told him to drop it off here, as it was mistakenly delivered around the corner.” Mid-day! So brazen! SPD stopped by and said they hadn’t found him (yet) but it’s worth keeping a lookout.

West Seattle history: Husky Deli’s new, ‘old’ sign

Something old is something new in The Junction today – that sign that’s just gone up outside Husky Deli is a replica of the one that marked its location for more than thirty years. Husky proprietor Jack Miller gave us the heads-up it would be going up today; he told us in a quick video interview this morning that it’s something he’s wanted to do for a long time:

The sign is still being tweaked, and, as noted in the video, will be turned on tonight; we’ll add “after” photos later. Read about Husky’s history, from West Seattle 101, here.

P.S. Other local businesses have rediscovered their history – two and a half years ago, you might recall, we chronicled what turned up during Elliott Bay Brewing’s facade remodel (commenters added lots of great information); also on that side of the street, early work at the 4730 California site turned up a sign from a long-gone business.

West Seattle Monday: Christmas Ship; ‘Get Fit’; holiday giving…

Candace McCutcheon shared that photo from the December 7th Christmas Ship stop at Alki. Tonight’s your last chance to see and hear it off West Seattle shores this holiday season – one of five highlights:

HOLIDAY GIVING – ACT FAST!: Many toy drives, giving trees, and other opportunities for holiday help end within the next few days – for some, the deadline is today (Toys for Tots at C & P Coffee [WSB sponsor], for example – just bring a new unwrapped toy!); for others, you have a few more days (Firefly‘s giving tree for a local family); only a few run beyond this week, so please don’t procrastinate! Please see the list in the WSB Holiday Guide.

AFTERNOON BOOK GROUP: 2 pm, Southwest Library. This month’s book: Emily Alone” by Stewart O’Nan. (35th/Henderson)

GET FIT, WEST SEATTLE! Informational meeting at 6:30 pm for the next West Seattle Runner (WSB sponsor) edition of this couch-to-marathon program – which, as explained in our preview, is free! (California/Charlestown)

CHRISTMAS SHIP AT SALTY’S: The final Argosy Cruises Christmas Ship stop in West Seattle this year is TONIGHT, 9:15 pm, just off Salty’s on Alki (WSB sponsor), and Salty’s says you are welcome to come in and watch, even if you are NOT there for dinner or drinks: “The entire community is invited enter onto our HEATED patios to enjoy hot cider and cookies. The patio will be well lit with tiki torches, lanterns and hand-held candles, making for great photo-ops … The heat lamps will be crankin’ as the Christmas Ships approach from the East at 9 pm.” (1936 Harbor SW)

THE YEV AT SKYLARK: 10 pm, free show! Details here. (3803 Delridge Way SW)

TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: Monday updates, including Junction’s northbound California closure this morning

(More area traffic cams on the WSB Traffic page)
And we’re off – headed into the final full week before things tend to slow down for Christmas and New Year’s. One big traffic alert for this morning:

NORTHBOUND CALIFORNIA CLOSURE: Today’s the day the project at 4730 California in The Junction has a big concrete pour (for its parking garage). Northbound California will be closed between Edmunds and Alaska until about noon, according to the alert published here last week. We’ll update here if anything changes.

LATER THIS WEEK: If you are a late-night driver, note some overnight lane (and more) closures for I-5 through downtown this week, especially the full northbound closure Tuesday night/Wednesday morning.

Traffic update: 99 reopening early on north side of downtown

December 15, 2013 10:37 pm
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 |   West Seattle news | West Seattle traffic alerts

In case you have late-night driving ahead on the north side of downtown: Highway 99 is reopening early. It’s been closed since 3 am Saturday between the Battery St. Tunnel and Valley St., but SDOT says the work is done and 99 is fully reopened, with surface-street closures ending shortly too. Heads up for a big overnight closure this week: I-5 northbound, Dearborn to Spring, will close 9 pm Tuesday to 4:30 am Wednesday for sign installation.

Followup: Sea stars (starfish) still dying, still mysteriously

From the water and from the beach, West Seattle environmental advocate “Diver Laura” James has continued to help document the mystery ailment that’s killing off so many sea stars (as updated here three weeks ago). Tonight, she’s been out diving east of Seacrest as part of a weekly check (added 1:53 am, here’s the new video):

Cove 1 Sick Sea Star survey 12-15-2013 from Laura James on Vimeo.

Two weeks earlier, that same check yielded this video:

Sick Starfish Survey, 12-1-2013 Cove 1 from Laura James on Vimeo.

Before tonight’s dive, Laura sent this report on a shore investigation from Saturday night:

We got out last night with Professor Drew Harvell (from Cornell) to take a walk down at Seacrest. We walked from Cove 2 to Cove 1 on the lower low tide in the intertidal zone and counted sick and healthy sea stars. We counted about 170 stars (both the purple and orange ones) and saw a disease rate of around 50%. This is better than what we are seeing subtidal at the same sites, which is showing 90% + mortality, like at the pilings in the video.

The Professor was very excited because it showed a difference between intertidal and subtidal, and also that it is not hard for beach walkers/tidepool visitors to find the Sea Stars, but also reasonably easy to identify one that is ‘sick/dying’.

We are going to try to make the same walk a few more times during the next series of low tides and hopefully get another count and see how the numbers compare.

A regional map is in the works, as the sea-star deaths are being tracked – see it here. If you would like to help contribute, read on for Laura’s explanation of how you can do that:
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West Seattle Christmas Lights: 2013 map, with additions ahead

View West Seattle Christmas lights, 2013 in a larger map

Since we’re going into prime Christmas-lights-viewing time, with a week and a half until the holiday itself, here’s the first version of our annual map. This is NOT all-inclusive – we know there are many more bright lights out there – but we’re short on time for driving around to look, so please keep sharing suggestions, and we’ll be adding more! This is now part of the WSB West Seattle Holiday Events/Info Guide, so you can find it there even if you lose track of this story on the main page (also bookmark our coverage archive: Tips and/or photos, – thanks! (We expect to add a few later tonight after another scouting trip.)

8:50 PM: Back from checking out Fauntlee Hills, which usually has more than a few brightly lit homes, and indeed, you’ll find them again this year:

Concord and Trenton, north of Barton, are the key streets to see, and we’re adding them to the map.

West Seattle holidays: Wanted – Christmas/New Year’s biz info

December 15, 2013 4:51 pm
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 |   Holidays | West Seattle businesses | West Seattle news

With Christmas less than two weeks away, we are making the rounds again for the traditional WSB lists of coffee shop/restaurant holiday hours – specifically, who’s open Christmas Eve/Day and New Year’s Day, because those are the dates we’re more often asked about. If you have a West Seattle/White Center/South Park restaurant/coffee shop and know your plans, we appreciate a note – – to save us/you the phone call. And while we’re not able to make a comprehensive list of other types of businesses, we would be happy to include them in the WSB Holiday Guide if we receive that info (for example, letting us know you’re open until X on Christmas Eve). Thanks, and watch for the links to those lists in the guide and our calendar soon!

P.S. We’re also still adding to the other areas of the guide, as the info comes in – from holiday events to religious services to giving opportunities – same e-mail address.

Get Fit, West Seattle: New couch-to-marathon session to start

Ready to run? West Seattle Runner (WSB sponsor) is about to launch another session of Get Fit, West Seattle – with an informational meeting tomorrow night, per WSR’s Lori McConnell:

We are back at it! After just successfully coaching about 15 runners and walkers off the couch across the finish line of the Amica Seattle Marathon, we are ready for more. Starting on January 5th, we will invite another group to get off the couch and begin training for the Seattle Rock ‘N Roll Marathon in June. Participants will receive a training plan that is guaranteed to get them to the goal. Additionally, we will host clinics on nutrition, proper training and footwear and injury prevention. Along the way, walkers and runners can expect support, camaraderie and a wealth of knowledge. All of this at NO COST!!

The informational meeting is at 6:30 pm tomorrow (Monday, December 16th) at WS Runner, second floor on the northwest corner of California/Charlestown.

High-school basketball: Chief Sealth hosts Bainbridge

December 15, 2013 3:16 pm
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 |   West Seattle news | West Seattle schools | WS & Sports

One more sports report from the second-to-last week of school before winter break: Chief Sealth International High School hosted Bainbridge in Friday night basketball. The girls-varsity team lost 53-43; stats are here, with Samantha Scroggins leading the Katie Jo Maris-coached Seahawks’ scoring, 16 points. She and teammate O’Shae Walker are in the photo above, flanking Bainbridge’s Maddie Ketcheside.

In the boys-varsity game, Bainbridge also left with the win, 48-41 despite a run by the Colin Slingsby-coached Seahawks in the last few minutes.

Stats are up now (also via our partners at The Seattle Times). Alluney Burris was top Sealth scorer with 12; in our photo is the Seahawks’ Ahmed Mohamed, who had 7 points Friday night.

Next up for Sealth – road trips to Rainier Beach High School, where the boys’ teams play Tuesday, the girls on Wednesday.

West Seattle holidays: Seen/heard in The Junction

The southwest corner of California/Alaska is the West Seattle Junction holiday epicenter today. As West Seattle Farmers’ Market shoppers bustle past, the carolers raising money for the West Seattle Food Bank are back (above), and it’s the first of two Sundays with Belgian Draft Mule-drawn carriage rides (as part of WS Junction’s Hometown Holidays) that start and end at the same corner.

All of the above is under way until 3 pm; the Farmers’ Market continues until 2 – and we were reminded while there, mark your calendar for next Sunday, when an extra-festive winter-solstice edition of the market is planned, including lights and decorations on vendors’ booths. P.S. Pathfinder K-8‘s wreath-selling fundraiser is happening now at the same corner.

West Seattle weekend scene: Whale-watching from the ferry

Trileigh Tucker shares that image from Saturday’s orca sightings – click it for a larger view, in which you’ll see people crowding the outside deck to watch the orcas clearly in view right alongside the state ferry Issaquah on the Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth run. No word of any local sightings so far today – any time you see one (or more), please let us know so we can help share the news.

4:15 PM: Received this photo from Barbara Bonner, taken from Lincoln Park on Saturday:

You can also click that photo for a larger view.

P.S. Fascinating video by Meg McDonald shows the orcas at rest off Vashon – hat tip to Donna from The Whale Trail, who shared the link.

West Seattle Sunday: Caroling; carriage rides; wrapping; concerts…

(Photo by Monty)
(updated) Eighteen Sunday highlights, from both the WSB Holiday Events/Info Guide and year-round calendar:

FEEDBACK FOOTBALL: The Seahawks play back east this morning, and Feedback Lounge (WSB sponsor) is opening its doors early so you can come watch the game and enjoy breakfast specials. (6451 California SW)

HOLY ROSARY TREE LOT’S FINAL DAY: No Christmas tree yet? Planning to get one today? It’s the final scheduled day for the Holy Rosary Tree Lot (WSB sponsor), north of the school. Part of this lot’s proceeds benefit West Seattle Helpline, Hickman House (domestic-violence shelter), and West Seattle Food Bank. (41st/Dakota)

MULE-DRAWN CARRIAGE RIDES: West Seattle Junction Hometown Holidays brings back the tradition today and next Sunday, 11 am-4 pm. Belgian Draft Mules pull the carriages around The Junction; you ride for free. Look for the pickup/dropoff spot. (California/Alaska)

CAROLING TO BENEFIT FOOD BANKS: We 3 Carolers, joined by members of the SSCC Choir, will sing in The Junction to raise money for the West Seattle and White Center Food Banks. We will be caroling on the corner in front of Key Bank from 11:30 am until 3 pm. “Stop by, give generously, and if the holiday spirit moves you, sing along!” (California/Alaska)

TRANSPORTATION TALK: Second day of the West Seattle Transportation Coalition “listening tour,” with a visit this time to Cupcake Royale in The Junction, 11 am-1 pm. Stop by and tell WSTC reps what you think the priorities should be, as explained here. (California/Alaska)

HIGHLAND PARK NEIGHBORS’ WORK PARTY: Noon-3 pm, come help move mulch to spruce up the slope in the Kenyon/14th/15th vicinity, as previewed here.

STUDIO SALE: Noon-5 pm, fine photography and art sale at Gregor Jamroski’s studio, details here. (10823 36th SW)

SANTA AT DAKOTA PLACE PARK: 1-4 pm at Dakota Place Park, with a food-bank fundraiser/foodraiser, sponsored by My Seattle Realty, which is donating one digital photo free – 2-can West Seattle Food Bank (or $) requested – others available for purchase from photographer Gail Ann. Reservations requested: Specify 1-2, 2-3 or 3-4 pm in e-mail to (California Ave SW and SW Dakota St)

SANTA AT CAPERS: DIY photos with “Ex-Westwood” Santa at CAPERS continue this Saturday/Sunday from 1 to 5 pm. Suggested donation per sitting $10; all donations benefit the West Seattle Food Bank.

‘WRAP IT UP’: Gift-wrapping fundraiser for Furry Faces and AARF Foundations’ animal-advocacy work, by donation. First session today, 2-7 pm at Beveridge Place Pub. (6413 California SW)

‘LITTLE WOMEN: THE MUSICAL’: Matinee today – 3 pm, ArtsWest (WSB sponsor) in The Junction. (4711 California SW)

‘MIRACLE ON 34TH’ FINALE: 3 pm matinee is your last chance to join Twelfth Night Productions for “Miracle on 34th Street: A Live Radio Play.”

(Photo by Gary Wigle)
Show’s at Kenyon Hall. (7904 35th SW)

FAUNTLEROY CHRISTMAS CONCERT: Christmas Concert at Fauntleroy Church: 4 pm in the sanctuary, with reception to follow. Choristers from Peace Lutheran Church will join the Fauntleroy choir to bring nearly 60 voices to bear on a varied program, including Franz Biebl’s “Ave Maria” and Morten Lauridson’s “O Magnum Mysterium.” Seattle Symphony alumnus Mannfried Funk will play cello. Free. (9140 California SW)

‘COCOA CRIS CRINGLE’ SANTA AT EASY STREET: Meet Easy Street Records‘ Santa for photos/donation drive benefiting the West Seattle Food Bank. 4-7 pm. $20, or $15 with donation of 1 nonperishable food item or toy, includes 3 photos sent to you and 1 printed on site. (California/Alaska)

CARTOONING SANTA AT LUNA PARK CAFE: 5-8 pm, meet Cartooning Santa at Luna Park Café, drawing free cartoons for the kids, with drink specials for all ages. (2918 SW Avalon Way)

BOOZE, BALLS, BINGO HOLIDAY EDITION: 5:30 pm at Feedback Lounge (WSB sponsor) with Tru St. James and Mama Tits, guest appearance by the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence – including a winter-coat drive for Treehouse. (6451 California SW)

CARMINA ANGELORUM CONCERT: 7:30-9 pm at Holy Rosary Church, an evening concert of elegant music celebrating winter and the holiday season, featuring harpist Juliet Stratton and the young women of Prime Voci and Cantamus. Works by Benjamin Britten, John Rutter, Bernard Hughes, Paul Carey, R. Murray Shafer, and Bob Chilcott. Sponsored by the Seattle Girls’ Choir. Tickets: $12, $8/Senior & Students – buy tickets at the door or at (42nd/Genesee)

FINAL DAY FOR VILLAGE GREEN GIVING TREE: At the Christmas Tree Lot at Village Green Perennial Nursery, it’s the last day to participate in a giving tree with wish-list tags to sponsor 31 special people through Jubilee Women’s Center, which support women experiencing poverty to build stable and fulfilling futures! All unwrapped gifts are due back today, so they are ready to be wrapped by the staff at Jubilee the next day. (10223 26th SW)

Other giving opportunities are listed in the WSB West Seattle Holiday Event/Info Guide.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Car stolen from building garage

Reader report via texts: “Our car was stolen out of the garage at The Residences at 3295 (SW Avalon Way) between 6 pm Saturday and midnight. Red Honda Civic, license plate 096 WDU, 2-door 1995 with spoiler.” As the SPD tweet advises, if you see it, call 911.

Injured bicycle rider’s daughter looking for Good Samaritan

In Friday morning traffic coverage, we mentioned a bicycle incident at Admiral Way/City View on the hill north of the bridge. It cleared relatively quickly, and turned out to have been a fall rather than a collision, so we didn’t follow up. But then we received this note from Elisabeth, saying the rider is her mom and she’s looking for the person who helped her:

(Friday) morning around 6:50/7:00 am, a good Samaritan helped my mom after she crashed her bike on Admiral. My mom was on the west side of street headed towards WS bridge. The good Samaritan pulled over and I believe she called the medics. I was actually driving to work right around the same time and got there shortly after the medics had my mom on the stretcher.

First, we would really like to thank the good Samaritan because my mom hit her head pretty hard and based on her injuries hit the pavement (or her bike) hard, so we think the fast response was critical, and second, we are wondering if the good Samaritan saw the accident. We are trying to piece together what happened as my mom does not remember any of it. She took quite a spill and has some internal injuries and some fractured bones, but we think she is going to be ok.

Was it you, or someone you know? You can comment, or e-mail us.

Update: Homicide investigation after woman found dead in High Point

ORIGINAL REPORT, 4:46 PM: Police at the scene of an investigation at a home on High Point Drive are not commenting on what they are investigating. We went to the scene after neighbors messaged us about crime scene tape and CSI detectives. One source tells us a “suspicious death” is being checked out – we are working to confirm that.

5:26 PM UPDATE: Police now confirm it’s a homicide investigation:

Homicide detectives are on scene in West Seattle where a woman was found dead in her home early this afternoon.

At approximately 12:27 p.m. officers responded to the 5900 block of High Point Drive SW to check the welfare of a homeowner.  Upon arrival officers located a deceased woman in her 40′s inside the home.  There was nobody else inside the residence upon the arrival of officers.

Homicide and CSI detectives responded to process the scene and continue to actively investigate.

The suspect(s) remain at large.

Anyone with information about this incident is asked to call the Seattle Police Homicide Tip Line at (206) 233-5000.  Anonymous tips are welcome.

This remains an active and ongoing homicide investigation.

This is the first West Seattle homicide investigation since the still-unsolved murder of Greggette Guy more than a year and a half ago.

12:37 AM UPDATE: A few more details from police via SPD Blotter: They say the victim was 46 years old and describe her as the homeowner for the address where she was found. According to police, the call that led them to the residence was made by “a relative.” They are not saying how she died but “foul play is suspected.” TV reports quote family members as saying the victim had been stabbed to death.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Teen burglary suspect arrested

Just in via SPD Blotter, an arrest early this morning:

Officers located and arrested a young male burglar inside a woman’s home early this morning in West Seattle. At approximately 3:31 a.m. officers responded to the 3200 block of 59th Avenue SW for the report of an occupied residential burglary. Preliminary investigation indicates that the female homeowner was inside her house and heard multiple voices. She called 911.

Officers arrived on scene and found the home’s doors unlocked. Officers entered the house and located one male suspect inside. There were no signs of forced entry.

The 14-year-old male suspect was arrested and booked into juvenile detention for Investigation of Burglary. The woman homeowner was not injured.