Will orcas head this way again today? You just never know. Thanks to Rod Hatfield for the photo, taken from Alki Point (during the orca visit noted here Tuesday). Here are highlights from what we DO know is on the schedule for today/tonight:
FABRICATING FLAIR: Button-making for teens, 12-16, 2 pm at Delridge Branch Library (early time because it’s early-release day for most schools) – details in our calendar listing. (5423 Delridge Way SW)
DESC DELRIDGE PROJECT ADVISORY COMMITTEE: The DESC Delridge Supportive Housing building is close to opening; if you have questions or just want to hear about the latest details, you’re welcome at tonight’s advisory committee meeting at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center, 6:30 pm. Here’s the agenda. (4408 Delridge Way SW)
FREE PARENTING SEMINAR: Toddler(s) in the house? SSCC Cooperative Preschools present a free seminar on guidance and discipline, 7-9 pm tonight at Tibbetts United Methodist Church (WSB sponsor) – details in our calendar listing, including RSVP e-mail address. (3940 41st SW)
And from the WSB West Seattle Halloween Guide (which includes events through this weekend – send yours ASAP if you haven’t already!):
GIRL JAM HALLOWEEN PARTY: 6 pm-close, Feedback Lounge presents Girl Jam Halloween Party. Costumed staff with Gia pouring Halloween-themed cocktail and wine specials; classic public-domain horror movies on the big screen. (6451 California SW)
TUG INN HALLOWEEN PARTY: 9 pm tonight, the annual karaoke/costume party – including a $200 grand prize! Details on this Facebook event page. (2216 SW Orchard)