(East-facing camera on the West Seattle Bridge; see other cams on the WSB Traffic page)
No trouble on the routes through/out of West Seattle so far. One note for this afternoon – Seattle Public Schools are out two hours early, so you’ll see school buses, biking/walking kids, and other dismissal-time traffic sooner than usual.
Speaking of time – 2 am this Sunday, clocks “fall back” an hour.
7:48 AM: Thanks to Jana for first word of a crash on the bridge – multiple ensuing sources say it’s in the left lane, near the crest of the eastbound high-rise. And this is backing things up into the approaches, multiple commenters say. Here’s the camera showing Fauntleroy headed eastbound toward the bridge:

8:02 AM: If the Water Taxi is an option, here’s the view from the dock a short time ago, thanks to Lise Thivierge:

The camera that usually faces west to show the eastbound bridge WOULD show the crash if it were pointed that way, but every time we check it, it’s pointed somewhere else:

8:24 AM: Commenter CB has gone through the crash zone and reports from the other side that it appears cleaned up, and that once you’re actually on the bridge, things move fast.