Election 2013: Sen. Ed Murray, West Seattle supporters warn that victory ‘is not a done deal’

With nine days until voting ends and vote-counting begins, mayoral candidate State Sen. Ed Murray rallied supporters this afternoon at West Seattle’s Beveridge Place Pub. It was more an appearance to energize supporters than to win new ones; though Murray’s been leading in polls, he and supporters warned that victory “is not a done deal.” Three West Seattle-residing backers – State Rep. Eileen Cody, County Councilmember Joe McDermott, and SEIU 775NW health-care-workers-union president Dave Rolf — spoke for twice as long as Murray’s four-plus minutes; you can see our entire video clip, starting with their speeches, by clicking here, or hit “play” in the window below to skip ahead to what Murray said:

The mayoral hopeful harkened to his West Seattle roots, and singled out a locally hot topic, transportation, as an issue he thinks he can sort out: “We can have a transportation system where we can actually make bicycles, cars, buses, streetcars, pedestrians, all be able to interact … it’s going to take a different vision and a different approach … the ability to think differently about public policy, and not just say, ‘oh, we (already) have a plan for transportation’ …” Among the catch phrases in his remarks: He says he would be a mayor who “doesn’t fight Seattle, but fights for Seattle.” The event concluded with a request for volunteers to work the phones and/or walk the precincts to help “get out the vote.” Murray’s opponent Mayor Mike McGinn is scheduled to campaign in West Seattle next Saturday (November 2nd), with a 2:30 pm “town hall”-style gathering at Delridge Branch Library.

36 Replies to "Election 2013: Sen. Ed Murray, West Seattle supporters warn that victory 'is not a done deal'"

  • Bradley October 27, 2013 (8:38 pm)

    We can’t afford another 4 years of McGinn. I felt very good voting for Murray last week when I mailed my ballot in.

  • wscommuter October 27, 2013 (8:47 pm)

    Ditto. We can’t get rid of McGinn quick enough. Godspeed Sen. Murray.

  • maplesyrup October 27, 2013 (9:07 pm)

    I’m curious why we can’t afford another 4 years of McGinn. Care to explain?

  • Sea October 27, 2013 (9:52 pm)

    Some in Seattle “can’t afford another 4 years” because they can’t do for themselves or get with the times, so they need a scapegoat and an incumbent is as easy a target as you’ll find. Personally I’m disappointed to see Murray supported by the beveridge place, I like that pub but he might as well be running as a republican..

  • hammerhead October 27, 2013 (10:47 pm)

    We don’t need any more bike or bus only lanes.

  • SEAdad October 27, 2013 (11:03 pm)

    I’m surprised commuters are so pro-Murray; McGinn has done more to push transit options (bus routes as well as the “dreaded” bicycles) and Murray seems to want to go backwards here. With all the new apartments going up here, that seems like a major issue for WS.

    Other than that they are pretty similar on the issues; I think many people just don’t like McGinn’s ‘style’, having bought the story sold by the Times that McGinn can’t play nice. But Murray hasn’t shown he’s able to do anything for the city. His big win (and don’t get me wrong, it was a HUGE win) was a social issue, not economics, transit, education, or any of a number of other issues important to this voter.

  • OP October 27, 2013 (11:07 pm)

    I’m curious, how can ANYONE afford to like, let alone vote, for either of these two business-hating, tax-loving, pandering democratic zombies. Oh wait, I live in Seattle, that explains everything. Someday, we’ll go by way of the dodo. Or Detroit. Or California. Or New York…Or, heck, you get the picture. Wait, clearly you don’t…

  • Kevin October 27, 2013 (11:46 pm)

    Murray is a refreshing change!

  • PSPS October 27, 2013 (11:53 pm)

    I hope Murray lets Seattle become reacquainted with 2-lane roadways again (i.e., two lanes traveling in each direction.)

  • shed22 October 28, 2013 (12:41 am)

    He was also politicking at Outwest Bar this evening.

  • candrewb October 28, 2013 (5:56 am)

    “because they can’t do for themselves or get with the times”

    Mistaken, mainly we are the ones that do for ourselves and are getting a little sick of having to continually do for those that refuse to do for themselves. And by getting with the times I guess you mean to bike from your childless 600sg ft metal box to Amazon or your outreach job with the city and back. Well, here is the future, it’s cars. Whether powered by gas, electricity, panda blood or tofu, they are here to stay. And that is because both Hell is other people and you can’t really take transit to go the coast or mountains when you please (and yes, I take that privilege).

  • Al October 28, 2013 (7:10 am)

    I wish he had included light rail in that list of transportation options…

  • knarlos October 28, 2013 (7:11 am)

    @ opee, if your so opinionated about the issues, why don’t You run for office? And if you don’t like Seattle, You know where I -5 is!

  • AmandaKH October 28, 2013 (7:30 am)

    I will be really curious to what McGinn has to say about how he would help West Seattle on transportation matters and development matters on Saturday.

  • Brian October 28, 2013 (7:59 am)

    @candrewb: Why is it “all or nothing”? Why can’t we strike a balance between single occupant cars, buses, and bikes?

    Also, why are you so bent on marginalizing a large sector of the city’s population who don’t have kids and don’t particularly want a traditional home as I presume you have purchased?

    Not everyone is out to get you. In fact, it’s quite possible that no one is out to get you and even more likely that no one cares one way or another about what you think or how you feel.

    In fact, that may be the reason for your aimless angst… the fear that your worldview is losing its stranglehold on the city and that you’re being left behind to continually ask “Well, what about me???!”

  • Max S. October 28, 2013 (8:18 am)

    I noticed Murray again borrowed from the Bush campaign saying he’s a uniter not a divider. I remember this well from the 2000 election against Al Gore where Gore was branded a divider and a bunch of Americans bought into it.

    I also think it’s pretty rich complaining about the schools when Murray has been a leader in the State Legislature that has continuously cut funding for schools. Are we to forget this?

    Is nobody else concerned about this guy’s lack of content? He has a list of complaints, but offers no solid examples of what he will do.

  • robespierre October 28, 2013 (8:49 am)

    Can someone point to a significant substantive difference between McGinn and Murray or is this race hinging on personal style?

  • candrewb October 28, 2013 (8:53 am)

    Ah but you project… I take the bus (a standing room only, no room to sneeze but we all try anyways everyday bus) to 3rd and Pine. From there I walk up Pike or Pine to the top of Cap Hill, no need to tell you what I (and many) step through everyday. It is about four miles a day, but I don’t mind. What I do see are the 1/4-filled 10,11,12,43,47,& 49 (and their numbers are legion) rumbling up and down to a neighborhoods you can walk to downtown from (I know, cuz I do). Yet, we are told the C Line and bikes are really all we need, social equity and all. They also are getting a street car, 2-1/2 years and counting with this thing so far, in case there weren’t enough busses. So, my choices are to go with someone I know will continue this morass, or someone who will probably continue this morass. Pretending cars will not exist is a plan of fools.

  • candrewb October 28, 2013 (9:03 am)

    And my angst is very aimed, not that you care of course.

  • heather October 28, 2013 (9:09 am)

    I second Al and am disappointed light rail was not mentioned. Just ridiculous.

  • East Coast Cynic October 28, 2013 (9:29 am)

    What SEAdad said.

    At least McGinn has pushed for light rail extension to West Seattle, whereas Murray from his mealy mouthed transportation remark about having cars, buses, bikes, pedestrians and street cars interacting, sounds like one who is not keen on expanding much needed light rail to the rest of the city, much less West Seattle.

    As far as more cars, can we widen I-5???, can we widen the new 99???, and can we widen the entrance to I-5N from the West Seattle bridge exit????…..or do we create right of way public transportation that goes over, under or beside the cars that are stuck in traffic???

  • Brian October 28, 2013 (9:29 am)

    He’s running on the platform of “I’m not that guy!” which only serves to fire up votes who are both unhappy with the incumbent and aren’t quite sure why.

    The truth of the matter is that our city has done very well under McGinn and it is ill-advised to unseat the person who has enacted the most tangible amount of positive change this city has seen in years.

  • Brian October 28, 2013 (9:54 am)

    @candreweb: You really need to work on punctuation and clarity of thought because it’s really difficult to pick out what it is that you’re trying to say.

    Are you saying we don’t need the buses that travel between downtown and the surrounding neighborhoods that “you can walk to downtown from”?

    Your post is all over the place.

  • Kathy October 28, 2013 (9:56 am)

    Sorry, Murray. Too late for you. The difference between these two candidates? One has been actually doing the job for a while and has not really botched it.

  • John October 28, 2013 (10:23 am)

    Anyone but McGinn!

  • Kathy October 28, 2013 (10:28 am)

    The future for cars being able to get in and out of West Seattle doesn’t look too good if we don’t get separated grade mass transit real soon. McGinn at least spoke to this need and said we would work very hard to get funding for it at the Rail-Volution reception.

  • Jeffrey October 28, 2013 (10:52 am)

    In a circus.
    No tent.

    Human folly is nothing if not entertaining.

  • D October 28, 2013 (11:24 am)

    I second candrewb’s posts. (And I understood them perfectly, Brian.)

  • CandrewB October 28, 2013 (11:55 am)

    I am saying we don’t need the majority of busses traveling between downtown and Cap Hill, but try cutting some of them and you will become George Bush. Besides, why do you respond to me? No one cares one way or another about what I think or how I feel. I care what you think Brian; I do. If McGinn loses by 20 points like it is projected, is it possible Sea will have to get with the program? I know, I know, we are lemmings unable to recognize true genius when it is presented to us. I’ll be voting for the second-coming of a homosexual Jesse Helms (if you are to believe some posts).

  • pjmanley October 28, 2013 (1:56 pm)

    People should vote for whomever they like. But for those who slam Murray for not being effective enough in Olympia, you folks have no appreciation for what he’s up against. Seattle is not so popular in Olympia, despite contributing more than our fair share to the state’s coffers. More recently, we’ve had to deal with the likes of turncoat, so-called Democrat Rodney Tom who handed democratic control over to the minority Republicans, and legislator turned lobbyist Republican Joe Zarelli from fast growing, but conservative Clark County, who led the fight against a state Income Tax and is from a region where thousands drive over the bridge to Portland to avoid paying WA state sales taxes every day. As the McLeary decision showed, the State has been underfunding it’s “paramount duty” of primary education for 30+ years, and McGinn’s folks want to hang that on Murray? To pretend Murray hasn’t done everything he could to represent Seattle in Olympia is disingenuous at best, especially given our reviled-outside-Seattle Mayor McGinn.

  • Diane October 28, 2013 (3:52 pm)

    fyi Murray re transit & TOD (Transit Oriented Development) aka all those apts being built on our WS transit corridor with little or zero parking
    Enhancing and preserving our local transit and transportation options is a matter of economic and environmental necessity, not merely of convenience. Seattle needs rapid, efficient transit options connecting our neighborhoods, and a coherent transportation system connecting us with the growing density in our region’s inner-ring suburbs.
    As Mayor, Ed will:
    Create the Move Seattle Strategy; a prioritized comprehensive transportation strategy for Seattle that integrates and prioritizes our bike, pedestrian, transit and freight plans; staying true to the goals of each plan while recognizing transportation must work as a system linked to land use. Ed’s strategy will prioritize our investments and match priorities to funding opportunities so we don’t just plan work but actually secure funding, deliver projects and improve our transportation system.
    Lead the charge to bring Sound Transit 3 to the ballot by 2016 by rebuilding relationships and leveraging his connections to turn the unfulfilled, go-it-alone light rail promises from the current mayor into a successful partnership to expand rail and connect more neighborhoods in Seattle. Ed is the only candidate who has the track record of success, relationships and leadership needed to secure the new revenue authority from the state to get this done.
    Use his strong relationship with King County Executive Constantine, Governor Inslee, the legislature and regional leaders to secure additional funding options to preserve and expand the Metro transit system in Seattle. Ed will partner with King County to make RapidRide rapid, better connect our neighborhoods and make speed and reliability improvements so our buses are faster and arrive when we expect them to.
    Reduce the growing $1.8 billion safety and maintenance backlog by renewing the transportation levy to pave more streets, better maintain our bridges, build the bicycle and pedestrian improvements we need and want and deliver more neighborhood projects suggested and prioritized by neighbors, while not diverting the base transportation budget to other uses.
    There is no one size fits all approach to dealing with growth. Our city is growing and people need to live somewhere. It will be the job of the next mayor to accommodate that growth in ways that minimize disruption and negative impacts. Our goal must be to create compact, walkable, bikeable, transit-supported, green neighborhoods where Seattle residents can continue to enjoy a high quality of life and a positive urban living experience.
    As Mayor, Ed will:
    Develop a long-term plan to put density where we have the infrastructure and transit to support it in order to protect the unique character of our neighborhoods and keep what we love about Seattle while we grow
    Focus new growth on areas, like South Lake Union, where we can and should increase density. By doing that we will reduce development pressure on single-family residential neighborhoods.
    Support the responsible development of micro-housing. While not for everyone, micro-housing is another important option for younger residents, singles, and lower-income residents of the city. This needs to be done in a manner that does not allow developers to game loopholes in the current zoning codes, and that will require a consistency of regulatory interpretations across all city departments.

  • Fiwa Jcbbb October 28, 2013 (4:05 pm)

    It’s funny how anyone who disagrees with The Stranger these days is immediately a “Republican”. You don’t know me very well, obviously.

    Thing is, some of us don’t have the money to be chauffeured around like Mike does when he’s not on a bicycle (every time I’ve ever seen him), and have trucks to carry around stuff we need that we can’t take on the bus. Ever try to take a table saw or bass amplifier on the bus? Nor do a lot of us have two hours to add to our day to take transit systems inherently slower than driving because they use the same potholed and crumbling roadway.Or more money for ever-increasing fees at ever decreasing parking spaces for folks who can’t afford to park in the many empty spaces in most office buildings.

    Interestingly, a few years back The Stranger was livid that Paul Allen wanted to build a park in the rapidly gentrifying “Cascade” neighborhood, because it would “just be a lawn for rich people”, and now anyone who wasn’t on board with their…and McScwinn’s… genius idea of tearing down the viaduct and replacing it with nothing…or Mike’s very real “war on cars”… in order to make the waterfront nicer for rich people…is a “Republican”? I am SO over The Stranger, McGinn, and let’s not forget Mike O’Brien as well. Buh-bye.

  • Nick October 28, 2013 (5:01 pm)

    I hope it doesn’t happen I would much rather elect McGinn over this career politician who is backed by big money

  • redblack October 29, 2013 (5:52 am)

    and murray is backed by big money because our rich handlers are still furious at mcginn for telling olympia to shove the bill for DBT where the sun don’t shine.
    pun intended.
    murray, OTOH, just rolled over and had his belly rubbed.

  • East Coast Cynic October 29, 2013 (10:39 am)

    If Ed Murray as the mayor uses his powers of Kumbaya to obtain $$$$ from the state for expansion of Light Rail within Seattle proper, then I’ll be a believer.

    This is a “This I gotta see” moment.

  • Mickymse October 29, 2013 (4:18 pm)

    A new Mayor will still add bike lanes and still oversee “road diets,” as did the two Mayors PRIOR to Mike McGinn…
    The only politician around who is talking about light rail to West Seattle, and has been since before the election, is Mayor McGinn. His opponent wants more regional planning of transportation.
    And while it’s fun for Murray and his supporters to keep talking about how “divisive” Mayor McGinn was over the DBT… have you noticed that construction mitigation funds for buses run out in May, there’s still no workable tolling plan, and still no funding to help pay for the streets we all have to drive on. West Seattle commuters will average 10 ADDITIONAL MINUTES to Downtown after the tunnel opens.

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