(Click image to open full-size PDF with the map and its notations)
Hat tip to West Seattle Bike Connections for calling attention to this: Three months after announcing that its east West Seattle drainage/stormwater improvements would be paired with a “greenway” – a route targeted for walk/bike-friendly features – the city is circulating word it’s closer to identifying a route. From SDOT‘s update:
… After analyzing data and reviewing public input, the most-promising greenway route is 17th Avenue SW from Roxbury to SW Kenyon or Holden Streets. More studies will be done to see how to best make the connection north of Graham Street up to the West Seattle Bridge Trail. We will have a meeting this fall to get additional input from community members on this alignment. Potential east-west neighborhood greenway routes are also being considered for implementation in the future.
More details are in this letter sent to nearby residents; it also points out that the project, including the “natural drainage” features, might affect parking:
Natural drainage projects in the public right-of-way are likely to affect some on street parking. Seattle Public Utilities knows that parking and access from the street to the sidewalk is very important to residents and carefully considers and addresses the impacts on every block where a project would be built. Residents’ feedback about concerns regarding on-street parking is one of the pieces of input that help determine where to place natural drainage projects. If your block is identified for rain gardens, you will have opportunities next year to provide input about the design.
No date for the next public meeting, but we’ll publish an update when it’s announced. The project’s infopage on the city website is here.