Another lightning photo from overnight just came in: “This is looking west toward Blake Island, with transmission tower lights on the Kitsap Peninsula beneath the lightning and the lights from Bremerton reflecting in the clouds on the right,” explains the photographer, Mark Dale. (Thanks again to everyone who’s been sharing photos!) It’s looking a little sunbreaky in West Seattle as we write this – wanted to mention a few events for tonight before it’s too late:
ROTARY ‘FIRST FRIDAY’: 5-7 pm at Feedback Lounge (WSB sponsor), stop by and meet Rotary Club of West Seattle members who are gathering for a good time and a good cause (charity benefit/awareness-raising TBA). Details in our calendar listing. (6451 California SW)
‘ENDLESS SUMMER’ CORNER BAR IN HIGHLAND PARK: The Highland Park Improvement Club‘s monthly Corner Bar is back, all ages 6-9 pm, 21+ after 9 pm, live music, beverages, more. Details in our calendar listing. (12th/Holden)
ROSH HASHANAH: Kol HaNeshamah (WSB sponsor) has evening events beginning with Tot Shabbat at 6:15 pm – more details on the KHN website.

HIGH-SCHOOL FOOTBALL: The season begins! Both of tonight’s games involving local schools are away games – Chief Sealth International High School (above, WSB photo of practice this week) visits White Center’s Evergreen High School, 8 pm; West Seattle High School (below, WSB photo of practice this week) is at Fife, 7 pm.

More events for today/tonight (and far beyond) can be found on our calendar!