While the West Seattle Hi-Yu float is in Port Orchard tonight for the Fathoms O’Fun parade, Hi-Yu leaders have had to make another tough decision: They say the traditional Junior Court Coronation will NOT be happening during this year’s Hiawatha Fun Fest on July 19:
The 2013 Board has decided that we are not able to select a Junior Court for 2014 during this year’s Summer Festival. We have been unable to line up enough nominees for the 2014 Board. Without adequate leadership for the Hi-Yu Summer Festival, we can’t assure a great experience for Junior Court members in 2014. If we are able to fill the open 2014 Board positions, then the Junior Court Coronation will be rescheduled (likely in the Fall). … We are sorry for the girls that have been looking forward to the event and the possibility of serving on the Junior Court. If you would like information about open positions on the Board and their responsibilities, please contact us at info@westseattlehiyu.com.
You can also find out more about being part of Hi-Yu by going to the general meeting this Monday (July 1st), 6:30 pm at St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church (California/Hanford).