West Seattle Friday: Highlights for the last day/night of May

That image is from the WSDOT webcam focused on the launch pit of the future Highway 99 tunnel, just south of what’s left of the Alaskan Way Viaduct – the bright green “cutter head” of the tunneling machine is being lowered into it today. Meantime, here are some peninsula highlights from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:

VILLA HEIDELBERG ‘ESTATE SALE’: Second day (third and final day is Sunday) of the sale to clear out much of what owner Judy Burbrink has amassed over 14 years of operating the century-old home as a B&B. Till 6 pm today; here’s our story from Tuesday. (4845 45th SW)

SEATTLE POLICE MEMORIAL CEREMONY: 1 pm today, Forest Lawn in West Seattle again hosts the annual ceremony in memory of Seattle Police officers who have lost their lives in the line of duty. Here’s the preview published here Thursday. (6701 30th SW)

DINNER THEATER: 6 pm at The Hall at Fauntleroy, the Seattle Shakespeare Company presents “Julius Caesar” while guests enjoy a Tuxedos and Tennis Shoes-catered dinner – check to see if reservations remain. (9131 California SW)

FREE FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT: 6:30 pm, you’re welcome at a free showing of “The Lorax” at Westwood Christian Assembly – details in the calendar listing. (9252 16th SW)

EARTHRISE CHAMBER CHOIR: In concert at 7:30 pm @ Westside Unitarian Universalist Congregation – details in the calendar listing. (7141 California SW)

ROLLERGIRLS’ FUNDRAISER: At 7:30 pm, the Rat City Rollergirls’ Throttle Rockets have a fundraiser at Feedback Lounge (WSB sponsor) – “dress as your favorite superhero,” and enjoy bingo, trivia, more. (6451 California SW)

4 Replies to "West Seattle Friday: Highlights for the last day/night of May"

  • vlado May 31, 2013 (10:41 am)

    That boring machine sure is an impressive sight. The DBT project is getting lots of interest from around the world, engineers and city planners.

  • Skooter May 31, 2013 (11:19 am)

    I find it to be a fascinating machine, actually.

  • AE May 31, 2013 (11:41 am)

    I saw at least a dozon cyclists stopped to take photos on my commute this week. I think it’s nick-named “Bertha.” WSDOT was handing out I [heart] Bertha stickers on the trail on Bike-To-Work Day.

    • WSB May 31, 2013 (11:48 am)

      It is. I just can’t bring myself to use a cutesy name for something like this (even though it’s supposedly a tribute to legendary Bertha Knight Landes), so you will mostly see us refer to the tunnel-digging/boring/whatever machine … TR

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