Mayor proposes two options for ‘Nickelsville’ site, including possibility of keeping it as a ‘semi-permanent’ encampment site

4:23 PM: One day after the second anniversary of the “Nickelsville” encampment’s return to a mostly-city-owned site in West Seattle (here’s our Monday report), Mayor McGinn says he sees two options for the site – and one of them is to pass a proposal that would allow it to be converted into a “semi-permanent” encampment site. The other option – sell the site to Food Lifeline as that agency has sought, but only after the council passes a bill that would enable more possible encampment sites at “non-religious” locations. Both options are outlined in a letter he has sent to City Council President Sally Clark; read it here (or here, added, uploaded to Scribd):

Mayor McGinn's letter re: 'Nickelsville' by WestSeattleBlog

We received it in response to our query sent to the mayor’s office yesterday asking where the mayor stood on the issue.

4:33 PM UPDATE: Though the mayor’s letter says he prefers the option of selling the site to Food Lifeline once he’s sure the residents of Nickelsville will have somewhere else to go, Highland Park Action Committee chair Carolyn Stauffer, whose group had asked the mayor and council not just to promise to move Nickelsville out but to set a date, is not happy. Her response, shared with us via e-mail:

We have been holding off on contacting a lawyer with high hopes for our elected leaders, but now see the need to speak with one as soon as possible. If anyone out there could help us, please email any names or contacts that might be interested in helping HPAC pro-bono to

4:55 PM UPDATE: We’ve started checking with city councilmembers and their staffs to find out what’s next – since this broke late in the day, we will still be finding out more tomorrow, but for starters, the office of Councilmember Nick Licata – who proposed the “non-religious encampment” bill that the mayor says he would support – says both options will be discussed in the committee he chairs, Housing, Human Services, and Health Care, a week from tomorrow (May 22nd) at 2 pm. Licata favors proceeding with that bill and a Food Lifeline sale, according to staffer Lisa Herbold.

6 PM UPDATE: We’ve also heard back from Council President Clark. She says she is reserving substantive comment until a briefing tomorrow, but adds, “I can say that I’d like to see people living at Nickelsville find open doors into housing as soon as possible, and I’d like to see Food Lifeline land their new facility in the city.” And a statement has just arrived from Revel Smith, on behalf of SHARE/Tent City 3, not regarding Nickelsville specifically, but regarding the ordinance, which Smith says they consider “redlining,” because of what they understand is a “residential zone restriction,” which they oppose because, they say:

• Restricting camps by Ordinance from Residential Zones unfairly plays on, and accommodates, irrational fears of homeless people.
• Residential Zoning Restrictions EXCLUDE 65% of all available land in Seattle!
• NO other city or jurisdiction in King County — many of which also have Encampment Ordinances — restrict camps from Residential Zones. Therefore, there is NO REASON for Seattle to do so.
• It’s a big step back from the successful modus operandi of Tent City3 during 10 years of our operation (2002-2012) under a Consent Decree which did not have any Zoning Restrictions.
• And finally, if it’s OK for churches in Residential Zones easily to host camps (under the Religious Encampment Ordinance), why not vacant private land in those neighborhoods too? Churches can’t carry the weight of solving homelessness all on their own.

We’re checking to see if the text of the ordinance is available online.

54 Replies to "Mayor proposes two options for 'Nickelsville' site, including possibility of keeping it as a 'semi-permanent' encampment site"

  • West Seattle Hipster May 14, 2013 (4:47 pm)

    Carolyn Stauffer, please keep fighting the good fight.

  • AIDM May 14, 2013 (5:10 pm)

    I’m sure this has been posted before, but what does Food Lifeline plan to do with the location?

  • GarbageUndertheBridge May 14, 2013 (5:52 pm)

    This will go over like a ton of bricks.

    • WSB May 14, 2013 (5:59 pm)

      I’m continuing to gather reaction. Just in, and about to be added, reaction from SHARE/Tent City 3, not happy with the ordinance. – TR

  • Jeff May 14, 2013 (6:00 pm)

    So they will either be moved or not or something in between in a continued unofficial manner. Way to stake out a position and be a leader Mr Mayor.

  • ted nakahara May 14, 2013 (6:50 pm)

    The simple fact of the matter is that these persons are squatting on land they do not own. They are making improvements that in other instances would require permitting. They claim to be self policing? I personally witnessed 2 men assault a woman there. some policing.
    the community of highland park have been more than reasonable. it is time for this blight to move on.

  • Seriously? May 14, 2013 (7:11 pm)

    How about we find a nice cozy spot for them in Magnolia? That would be closer to Mr. McGinn’s home and he can drop by and bring them coffee and doughnuts every morning. Maybe he might want to let his kids play in the encampment too, given how inviting and safe it has become.

    Sounds like Shangri-la!

    I am disgusted with our mayor yet again. Why am I shocked at his “response”?

  • riverview May 14, 2013 (7:13 pm)

    Let them stay. They could be living in the alley behind your house, instead. Or in a park, in the bushes. I just don’t see where there is a better location. Nobody lives next to it. Why all the bitching?

  • cljskis May 14, 2013 (7:54 pm)

    @riverview, I live very close by, and am affected adversely in terms of depressed housing values, and decreased safety. I don’t take the bus that runs near my house anymore because it’s now dangerous. We have given enough, and it’s time for another neighborhood to step up. Just because we are not among the more affluent areas of the city doesn’t not mean that we should have to be everyone’s first choice for the less desirable burdens, ie the proposed jail site etc.

  • Jack Carson May 14, 2013 (9:11 pm)

    Food Lifeline is a well run award winning great organization. Last year Food Lifeline provided food to over 745,000 people through a network of nearly 300 food banks, meal programs and shelters. While they don’t operate the shelters or food banks they supply them with the food. The new distribution center for Food lifeline would do so much more for people in need than this homeless camp.

    If people really wanting to support those that are hungry, Support Food lifeline by writing the city council and let them know that we are all better served by this location becoming the new Food Lifeline location rather than the mess of a encampment that it is.

  • Rumbles May 14, 2013 (9:35 pm)

    So, by setting a precedence for something like this, what other City land will be next for the squatters? Freeway park, Fort Lawton, Lincoln Park, ANY local park, CITY HALL?!? What happens when Nicklesville is over capacity and more squatters want to move in? Don’t mean to seem insensitive, but it’s hard to believe this is even a debate!

  • Mom May 14, 2013 (9:56 pm)

    Very shocked after all thats been exposed Seattle Mayor still pretending all is fine. No tax paying mortgage paying home owners should have to endure this protest. Life is about choices. Why is a 16 year old boy living at Nicklesville with girlfriend? Buying drugs not just weed. Real change newspaper this week. Certain groups of people are playing games.

  • FriendO'Dinghus May 14, 2013 (11:19 pm)

    I will say I have on numerous occassions driven through there and found people wandering into traffic, and the litter seems to have become more pronounced. I agree that structures should be forbidden. Sorry to say that a seperate society in the form of a hobo shanty isn’t doing anything to encourage these folks to become productive members of this one.

  • Mke May 14, 2013 (11:51 pm)

    There’s a nice park near Smith Cove in Magnolia. I think they should move there. It’s way nicer, better view too. I’m sure the fine folks in Magnolia and Palisades would be very welcoming to have new residents camp out.

  • craig May 15, 2013 (1:15 am)

    While I fully support selling the Nicklesville site to Food Lifeline, I find Mayor McGinn’s second option to be offensive and completely unacceptable. If the City of Seattle is going to manage it’s homeless crisis by setting up “semi-permanent” encampments, wouldn’t the next step be to evaluate all possible sites and determine which would best serve those in need? Is the current location the best that we can do to provide emergency shelter that will allow people to find services, jobs, and housing in the long run? The mayor’s second option is poorly planned and would be a disservice to the residents of Nicklesville and to the neighboring communities.

  • j May 15, 2013 (4:30 am)

    NO ENCAMPMENTS!!!! Not here! Not anywhere!!!!
    Disband mini Aberdeen. New name proposal McGinnmethville. I’ve never seen such a raise in crime as in the last two years and I’ve lived here for 30+. Theft, graffiti, littering, drug dealing, drug use,… It costs us taxpayers a lot of money and we’re sick of it.
    Pull your head out of your butt Mikey.

  • Rick May 15, 2013 (6:11 am)

    Where’s some of that 1970’s “tough love” when ya need it?

  • cs in hp May 15, 2013 (6:50 am)

    @ craig- yes, totally offensive. I read it as a threat to the neighborhood to stop pushing, and as a message to the council to “do it my way (pass the encampment legislation) or else… this becomes permanent and food lifeline is out” type of politics. either way, the encampment stays for a THIRD summer in his mind. no good solution there- for anyone. Not to mention the neglect of public process or a formal public review- a very questionable and dangerous precedent is being set by this mayor for all neighborhoods.

  • One block away May 15, 2013 (7:17 am)

    My husband rides the bus everyday, never feels in danger any more than when he gets on in the city to come home. I still fail to understand why HP is so up in arms about this. I have never felt unsafe at my home (I live as close as you can possibly get) and can not prove that our house value has gone down in value because of the camp. Maybe HP should focus on HP, not the industrial area outside of HP where a camp exists which houses people who choose to live that way.

    I find it incredibly interesting that no other city or jurisdiction in King County restrict camps from residential zones, yet there are so many people concerned about a camp that is in an industrial area not immediately next to any homes.

    And who ever said anyhthing about our kids playing at the camp, seriously?

  • Thomas May 15, 2013 (8:05 am)

    @one Block Away: Thank you! I take that bus route quite a bit and I’ve never felt unsafe. Kind of the contrary; many Nickelsville folks are very kind and good for conversation.

    Please, stop yelling to move people to a park. The current encampment isn’t a park, it was a city owned, abandoned lot. Basically a brown zone.

  • T Rex May 15, 2013 (8:25 am)

    I work in this area, in fact right down the street and I will tell you how it affects the area and it has nothing to do with the actual residents in Nicklesville, he has everything to do with the people they attract. As the saying goes, if you build it, they will come.

    There are now people living or attempting to live in the Greenbelt that is adjancent to the property I work on. There have been numerous people living in their cars or campers along Detroit Ave who love to leave behind their garbage or whatever scrap material they determined was not worth anything. Probably other items that no one wants to talk about.

    The best part? Two weeks ago, someone actually came onto our property in the middle of the day, we beleive attempting to steal copper pipe and actually made threats to stab some of my co workers. He was quickly out numbered and left.The police were called and the people of Nicklesville knew who he was but assured us he was not with them.

    A week later, another indivudual was looking in our vehicles and acting very strangely, another person not associated with Nickleville.

    Thanks for nothing Mr. Mayor, but know that we are taking steps to make sure no one and I mean no one at our company is hurt by these people. It is for damn sure we cannot depend on you.

  • hj May 15, 2013 (8:36 am)

    Just a tip for HPAC: if you’re going to issue public legal threats to the city, it helps to have your legal representation lined up _before_ your ultimatum expires.

  • Christie May 15, 2013 (8:46 am)

    the next Highland Park Action Committee meeting is coming up on the 22nd – i encourage everyone to come – 7pm

  • KatieL May 15, 2013 (8:51 am)

    One Block Away and Thomas, I can tell you, as a woman who used to ride three different prominent routes in the area to work, it’s pretty miserable, even more so later in the evening (say anytime after 7ish). I think, OBA, given you yourself haven’t ridden the bus, you can’t really speak to the relative sense of safety one might feel. I also think that the perceived sense of safety is quite different for a man than it is for women. Regarding crime and various dubious activities; I’m in complete agreement with the other posters that there indeed has been a noticeable rise. There’s also been a dramatic rise in panhandling, which I’ve found easily becomes aggressive panhandling (I literally had someone ask me if I would by them a 40oz beer when I declined to give them money on my way into the grocery store, literally. On another occasion, my husband and I were accosted at the seafood counter by the guy who’d been selling Real Change outside; he began throwing his arm around us and shouting to the clerk to wrap up the whole counter. Thankfully it was only extremely awkward and not dangerous). I just don’t feel like anyone should have to deal with that. It’s exasperating, to say the very least. Frankly, I don’t just think this encampment shouldn’t be “in my back yard”, along with the other posters, I don’t think it should be in anyone’s back yard! The encampment isn’t safe for its inhabitants or the neighbors at large. It’s not a solution to homelessness (hence, tents aren’t permanent structures). I realize these folks don’t want to/can’t comply with the various multitude of programs available to them, but this city has a wide array of choices. Allowing the encampments only enables their addiction issues and keeps them that much farther from recovery. Anyone advocating that the encampments should stay is directly contributing to the delinquency of these folks and keeping them from achieving a safe, sober life. I say this not only as the adult child of a parent that has been in and out of recovery, and is currently in recovery, but also one whose other parent was an addictions counselor for most of my life. I repeat, to keep these camps is keeping their residents from recovery. Period. No one is getting clean in there. No one. On the matter of legality; the legal right (or complete lack thereof) of these camps to be on the land is a whole other issue, one that is really clearly written into our law and doesn’t have nearly as much grey area as the mayor seems to imply from his response. The fact that the city, with all its budgetary issues, would be all too happy to sell the land to a bona fide business for profit. To think they would even entertain the notion of doing otherwise is absolute lunacy and proof of the ineptitude of the Mayor.

  • JoAnne May 15, 2013 (9:09 am)

    Last week we actually did have a homeless person try to set up camp in the alley behind our houses.
    These people are being allowed to break the law and are held to a different standard than those who work and obey laws, and they know it.

  • Jeff May 15, 2013 (10:10 am)

    Someone wrote that no one lives there quit bitching. Well you know what? I live near by and those that are not qualified or get kicked out hang on the streets drinking starting at 7 am. all day long, and into the night. They piss in public, fight, pass out on the street and the police, fire and ambulace all come to assist their drunk ass. LET THEM LIVE IN YOUR HOOD!!! Mr. McGinn grow a pair and dal with this, they can live by you. Really.

  • Jeff platt May 15, 2013 (10:24 am)

    I live right above it and im sick of hearing thier crack smoking parties in the bushes below my house at 2am
    Down with mayor mcbikelane
    If he was kept up one night the way we are regularly he would sing a diff tune
    They walk our dead end street looking for stuff to steal and do outragous stuff in the bushes across from nicklesville all the time
    Police and mayor are a joke on this
    Wsb come to my house and i will show u the real deal issues with nicklesville that the mayor is either ignoring or too stupid to see

  • JoB May 15, 2013 (10:30 am)

    “these people” aren’t some mutant breed of human. They are people just like you and me who have for whatever reason run out of options.

    i have watched many from that camp make the transition from the camp to housing.. and i can tell you it isn’t an easy process..

    it’s easy to demand that they go someplace else..
    a lot harder to find places for them

  • One block away May 15, 2013 (11:04 am)

    KatieL, I do ride that route just not every day (and when I do, I feel safe – think Dos Equis there, sorry trying to lighten things up a bit) and I think that sharing the opinion of my husband’s experience is valid… I am a woman and feel safe in my neighborhood and at my home. With regard to the panhandlers, ignore them. When you visit the city where they are on almost every corner… I assume you ignore them, do them same at the light when you are probably in your car and can roll up the window. And the person at the seafood counter, not sure the relevance there? I live right above the camp and never hear parties in the bushes.

    In any case, I just think that HP should focus on HP. Let’s clean up the round abouts in the area, pick up trash, clean up our school yards/public areas with our time instead of fighting what seems to be a losing battle. I know that all of HP does not feel this negativity towards the folks at NV.

  • Hilari May 15, 2013 (11:09 am)

    One of the employees at Subway told me that they can’t keep change in the tip container because the NV residents come and take it. Pretty sad.

  • kevin May 15, 2013 (11:49 am)

    The mayor’s proposal to make Nickelsville a semi permanent encampment is a very good option.
    I fully support the mayor’s idea until a suitable alternative site can be found – not just shuffling the camp to a new area of town, as that idea does not solve anything.
    Homelessness has been around for a long time, and is an issue that is unlikely to be solved anytime soon.
    In the meantime, it is important to realize that the residents of Nickelsville, are fellow human beings, and deserve to be treated in a respectful and compassionate manner.
    Yes, there are some issues down there, but the majority of the residents are folks just like the rest of us.
    Labeling the camp as a bunch of bums, druggies, thieves, etc is nothing but name calling.

  • Thomas May 15, 2013 (12:19 pm)

    @hilari: No one in Seattle should keep tip change in a jar on the counter. That problem isn’t exclusive to areas near Nickelsville. The solution at Pegasus, downtown, at 3rd Ave and Columbia: put the money in a jar of water. No one runs away with that.
    And what grocery store would someone be harassed by a Nickelsville resident at? The place is virtually a food desert with no grocery stores within a mile ( There is plenty of harassment out there in Seattle (and on Seattle’s buses) but don’t lay all the blame on one group of people.

  • Andy May 15, 2013 (1:09 pm)

    Dang it people, this is just so rude. The homeless drug dealers and abusers living at or near Nickelsville are people too! They need a place to sell and smoke crack and meth just like any other deadbeat.

  • BWD May 15, 2013 (1:13 pm)

    Just one more reason I am very much looking forward to the mayoral election in November 2013.

  • hp resident May 15, 2013 (3:02 pm)

    Your lack of vision coupled with your lack of political fortitude and courage has turned out to be a sorry capstone to your sure-to-be failed mayoral sojourn. What kind of politcal leader allows the national face of homelessness to be swept under the rug(toxic rat-infested flood zone), then leaves these human beings to be cared for by a fragile and struggling community that happens to be tangential to its existence? How convenient it is for your “progressive” following, your “progressive” neighborhood, maybe convenient is the wrong word, maybe it’s conservative of you. After all, there is nothing progressive about you. We demand progress, and not at the expense of dignity, and not shouldered by communities that barely have the time to mow their own lawns and mend their own fences. Yes, you’re damn right not in my back yard. It’s disgusting Seattle has forced our community time and again to stand up for ourselves and shout it publicly from our rooftops, while others get to quietly state it behind closed doors while they threaten withdrawing their political donations and endorsements. If you had the ability you’d lead council yourself, you’d step out on a limb. Quit punting, pick up the ball, and make a decision…do something to make this city proud.

  • West Seattle Hipster May 15, 2013 (4:02 pm)

    “@hilari: No one in Seattle should keep tip change in a jar on the counter. That problem isn’t exclusive to areas near Nickelsville.”

    Blame the victim much?

    KatieL, well written! I could not agree more.

  • Halyn May 15, 2013 (4:07 pm)

    I live up the hill near Westwood, and have lived there for seven years. Westwood village had almost no panhandling prior to Nickelsville, now there’s a beggar at every driveway. I rarely saw people from outside my neighborhood on our street–now, at least once a week on my morning dog walk, I run into a staggering drunk. It seems unlikely that these are coincidences.
    Furthermore, NV contributes absolutely NOTHING to West Seattle, or to Seattle as a whole. How many jobs might come to WS with Food Lifeline on that lot? And how many more homeless might benefit from the services Food Lifeline provides if they had a new facility to from which to provide those services?
    This is ridiculous. This is a property that could be generating revenue for the city instead of liability. What happens when someone from the neighborhoods surrounding the camp is assaulted, robbed, or killed by someone from within the camp. What happens if there’s a major assault or a fatal OD by someone in the camp? Who do you think will get sued over that? HINT: It won’t be the perpetrator of the crime. It will be city, which means it will be the taxpayers. West Seattle stepped up, took this on for two years. It’s someone else’s turn to shoulder this burden.

  • West Seattle Hipster May 15, 2013 (4:15 pm)

    “Furthermore, NV contributes absolutely NOTHING to West Seattle, or to Seattle as a whole.”

    Agreed. Has NV volunteered for anything in West Seattle since they took over that property? I can’t recall that they have.

    Another example of McGinn’s ineptitude. Instead of generating revenue for a city with budget shortfalls, he wants to assume another liability.

    November cannot come soon enough.

  • Chuck B. May 15, 2013 (5:17 pm)

    As pointed out above, and as also studiously ignored by many commenters, a large part of the NV problem is not necessarily with NV’s residents, but with the growing numbers of people who don’t actually reside there, but do camp nearby.

    Initially drawn (I assume) by the availability of the food and services NV supplies, there are dozens of much sketchier characters camping in the woods and on the “island” across the street.

    It’s not just NV that’s the problem. It’s the kind of fringe elements it attracts, but doesn’t allow within its borders. Where do you think the sex offenders, thieves and drug addicts go when they’re told they can’t camp inside NV’s borders? (Hint: not far.)

    Go for a walk through on the trails nearby without a group of friends and see how safe you feel. I dare you.

    Petty theft, super aggressive panhandling, filthy garbage and biowaste being abandoned on private properties nearby, it’s all been ramping up continually over the last two years.

    Personally, I’m tired of fishing bags of adult diapers out of my hedge, watching people root through the nearby apartment dumpsters leaving garbage on the ground to blow all over the neighborhood and chasing unwashed freeloaders away from my hose bib.

    This is not the fault of the residents of NV, but it IS a direct result of NV’s continuing existence.

    Time to move on, people.

  • West seattleite May 15, 2013 (5:33 pm)

    November 2013

  • Bill May 15, 2013 (7:14 pm)

    Haven’t had time to read all comments – so do not know if this reality has been mentioned >>> Move them all back downtown — 1st and Yesler — Ground Zero for SKID ROAD — one of the few feathers Seattle ever had in it’s cap — the ORIGINAL Skid Road — right down Yesler to the sea – after the viaduct has been completely torn down and Seattle has buried a lot of what remains of its real daily commerce — the homeless camp should be strung out all along the new waterfront park — a crowning achievement of Seattle bleeding heart liberalism! Add them as a tourist attraction as an extension to the underground tours! Come experience the REAL ORIGINAL SKID ROAD!!!

  • JoB May 15, 2013 (8:47 pm)

    When low income housing is replaced by those lovely mixed use developments with token lower income units.. where do you think the people who live there end up?
    they end up on the street.
    where do you think the people who used to own the house down the street until it was repossessed ended up?
    if they are lucky they end up where you thought the low income renters ended up.
    if they aren’t, they end up on the street.
    where do you think the little old disabled lady down the street who lost her husband and had to move ended up.
    did you think her kids took her in?
    maybe… but maybe not. maybe she ended up on the street.
    There is a whole lot of uninformed judgment going on here with very little compassion.
    This might be a good time to remember that a lot of what stands between you and living on the streets could easily be called the grace of god.

  • Heather May 15, 2013 (9:29 pm)

    I think it’s important to remember that this discussion is about an unusually prolonged occupation of public property by a group of needy citizens. Homelessness, poverty, drug addiction and mental illness have been hand in hand with society for quite some time. If Nickelsvilke becomes a semi permanent site and people are being turned away, for whatever reason, is Seattle’s answer to the problem a creation of a second or third Nickelsville? Is the answer tents atop wood pallets, possibly unsanitary and no access to fresh water, that people live in FOR YEARS?

  • One Block Away May 15, 2013 (10:07 pm)

    Amen JoB!

  • Seriously? May 15, 2013 (10:58 pm)

    Pretty sure the compassion ends when the drugging shows up. Sorry folks – if those of you who think keeping NV is so great, you need to get real. There is no place I a residential zone or an industrial zone for open drugging and crime. It is a blight on West Seattle and on Seattle to let this continue. We are now known for this and will keep attracting more of the same. End it. Life is hard for all of us. Some of us worked multiple jobs to scrape together money for rent and food. We didn’t steal from people and we didn’t do drugs. We became contributing members of society – the school of hard knocks. Why does every homeless person need a soft place to land? Isn’t treatment and real housing e goal here? If our mayor spent 1/10th of the time on his basketball boondoggle on this issue, we could have a solution, and not kick the can down the road. Enough of this mayor and enough Nickelsville. Time for the tough love department. Get ’em up, move ’em out, Rawhide!

  • Erik May 15, 2013 (11:00 pm)

    Yeah, starting to learn a bit of compassion could go a long ways given that we’re in the 5th year of the Greater Depression with double digit real unemployment.
    When the shit hits the fan these will look like the good old days.
    At least we’re not Greece (or most of Euro), or Detroit…yet.

  • Alan May 15, 2013 (11:17 pm)

    I think that those who are stating that everything is wonderful with NV, should read the Real Change article from May 8:

    I want these people taken care of, but I want them out of my back yard. When the article talks about the greenbelt camps of those rejected by NV, that IS my backyard.

  • joel May 16, 2013 (7:10 am)

    when is that election for seattle city mayor coming up? mcginn should start cleaning out his desk.

    unemployment rate in seattle has taken a sharp drop in the past several months. any nicksville people getting jobs and moving out?

    the woman who begs on the corner saying she’s ‘pregnant’ and needs money. I believe she’s going on the 16th month of her pregnancy. that’s gonna be one BIG baby!!!!!

  • JoB May 16, 2013 (7:39 am)

    why is it that some of you hear only two options..
    nickelsville as you believe it to be
    and throw the bums out?
    there is a third option..
    advocating for a better option than nickelsville the way it is run now…
    we could actually demand that our city spend out tax dollars providing 24 hour housing options with secure lockers for personal possessions so that those who want to work have more options
    just saying…

  • KH May 16, 2013 (10:56 am)

    HPAC- What is the recourse here? I’d be willing to donate towards a fund to pay for legal services. Considering safety concerns and the property value impact of this camp becoming even more permanent than it already is, I’m sure many others would we willing to throw something into the hat as well.

  • Alan May 17, 2013 (8:19 am)

    HPAC has set up a petition to sign. This is a start.

    • WSB May 17, 2013 (8:20 am)

      We got that and will have a separate story including it later this morning. – TR

Sorry, comment time is over.