Followup: WestSide Unicycle Collective, off and pedaling

Did you catch the unicycling on Alki last night? Sisters Addison and Riley (above) led a successful first meeting of their WestSide Unicycle Collective. Following up on the announcement published here May 20th, we stopped by the beach to see how things were going. Unicyclists from several local schools showed up – and everybody headed out:

Keep an eye on the WUC’s Facebook page for word of upcoming meetups, generally 6:30 pm every other Thursday; they remind you, it’s not just for kids, unicyclists of all ages are welcome!

5 Replies to "Followup: WestSide Unicycle Collective, off and pedaling"

  • SLC May 31, 2013 (12:22 pm)

    Awesome! Keep on pedaling!

  • E May 31, 2013 (1:31 pm)

    So happy to see that every single one of them is wearing a helmet!

  • Jim P. May 31, 2013 (1:44 pm)

    Absolutely delightful. Good to see kids being allowed to learn “dangerous” things and being taught both independence and awareness of their bodies and balance (kinesthesia).

  • Bob Anderton June 1, 2013 (11:38 am)

    As the owner of two unicycles, I wish I could join in, but haven’t quite mastered them… now if I could ride both at the same time…

  • Grandpa Ron June 3, 2013 (2:36 pm)

    What a great idea to start your unicycling club! You girls are cool! Grandpa R.

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