West Seattle, Washington
11 Tuesday
ORIGINAL REPORT, 8:01 PM: After two victories in state tournament play this afternoon/evening in Mount Vernon, the West Seattle High School baseball team is off to the state semifinals next Friday in Pasco. They shut out Ferndale and then beat Bonney Lake. More to come!
ADDED 10:10 PM: Greg Slader, the WSHS parent who has shared game information and photos all year, sends more details along with photos, starting with this quote from assistant coach Brian Tupper:
“From the coaches’ perspective, these were the best team games we have played all year. Our focus was so good that we didn’t play uptight in either game something that has plagued West Seattle in the past at State. It was what we have been looking for all year, couldn’t have asked for it a better time for it. Two outstanding pitching performances by Sam Hellinger and Ben Wexler, superb team defense and team offensive execution. We had at least 6 sac(rifice) bunts in the 2 games, 3 sac(rifice) flies, and one perfectly executed squeeze play.
“First Team All-Metro freshman shortstop Morgan McCullough seemed to make every play in the field, collecting almost 10 putouts himself, starting a huge double play in the 7th of game two and then ending the game with a diving stop and stepping on second base 6 unassisted, he also ignited the offense getting on base 6 times out of his 9 plate appearances, finishing 4-7 with a triple and double, 5 runs scored, and 2 RBI’s.
“Metro League MVP Sam Hellinger had a no-hitter broken up in the 4th inning of game one and finished with a complete game 2-hit shutout with one walk and 10 strikeouts on 93 pitches.
“At the plate (above), he continued his hot hitting in the playoffs, extending his hitting streak to 21 games going 5-6 with 3 2B’s 5 RBI and 3 runs scored
“Wexler (above) threw a complete game 5-hitter, allowing 2 runs while striking out 2 on 76 pitches to help seal Westside’s victory and first trip to the State 3A Final Four in school history!”
Greg adds: “West Seattle will be traveling on Thursday morning over to Pasco to play Mount Si in the semifinals at 10 am on Friday, May 24th at Gesa Stadium. Winner to play for the 3A State Championship on Saturday at 4 pm.”
Yet more West Seattle volunteers were hard at work today getting the West Seattle Bee Garden ready for its closeup – tomorrow is the West Seattle Bee Festival, including the parade from West Seattle Elementary to bring in the bees that will be living in the structure you see here. We visited two months ago when nothing more than timbers were standing in the Bee Garden’s spot at High Point Commons Park (Lanham/Graham), and now, tomorrow’s the big day, one year after Lauren Englund first went public here with her dream of a demonstration beehive to show people how vital honeybees are to our survival. The festival runs 11 am-3 pm tomorrow, including a picnic and various festivities in addition to the 11:30 am parade – which you can be part of, by the way, as explained here.
Signed up for tomorrow’s fifth annual West Seattle 5K (with co-sponsors including WSB) already? Get yourself to West Seattle Runner (California/Charlestown; WSB sponsor) by 6 pm tonight to pick up your packet and bright-yellow official T-shirt! The team there to help you includes student volunteers like the National Honor Society members we photographed earlier this afternoon. Or – if you’re not signed up already, you can register there till 6, and avoid standing in line on race day.
That, of course, is TOMORROW, with the WS5K run/walk starting near the Alki Bathhouse just after 9 am. The weather forecast looks ever-more-promising (now “partly sunny”). Remember that with the 5K followed by SDOT Summer Streets on Alki 11 am-5 pm – what began five years ago as “car-free day” – there are closures, detours, and parking restrictions, as shown on the city’s map below:
See an even-more-detailed map here. We’re boothing at Summer Streets for the first time ever; we’ll be in the western zone between 62nd and 63rd (or so). That’s also where the day’s biggest event is scheduled to start around 1 pm – the Alki Beach Creeps-presented Costumed Bike Parade – and they are inviting everyone and anyone to join in. Other activities – entertainment and lots more – are listed here.
(First two photos courtesy SWS)
Thanks to Kate Kaemerle from Sustainable West Seattle for sharing updates from the “Presto Garden” project that’s now moved on to the planting stage at Westcrest Park P-Patch in Highland Park. It was just a couple of hours ago that volunteers were putting down compost, as shown in an earlier photo from Kate:
And a few hours before that, we caught up with Kate and Bill Reiswig getting ready at the West Seattle Tool Library:
(Photo by WSB co-publisher Patrick Sand)
Food grown organically and sustainably in the garden will be donated to the White Center Food Bank. Read more about the project on the SWS website; if you haven’t been by yet, head for 8th/Henderson; they’re scheduled to continue till 5, and the more help they have, the more they can get done.
ADDED: We went back around 4:40 pm to see something close to the “after” photo:
Now – it’s time to grow!
At the time of last year’s Furry Faces Foundation plant sale, F3 leader and plant-raiser Teri Ensley‘s house still had damage to fix from a fire a few months earlier. Now – as the 2013 plant sale begins – Teri is back in her house after rehab and repairs by Ventana Construction (WSB sponsor), work she is so proud of that she’s even incorporated Ventana’s name into the plant sale:
The shelving holding plants on the south side of Teri’s house is dubbed “Ventana Terrace” now, signage and all. Today is the first of four days of the sale – till 4 pm, then again tomorrow 10 am-4 pm, and the weekend of June 1-2, 3809 46th SW. It all started with more than 1,000 plants on “Ventana Terrace” and in the front yard, including herbs, perennials, annuals, vegetables, more – and the F3 “Tag Your Pet” campaign is happening there; read about it all in this WSB Forums post.
A new mural is going up right now in South Delridge – thanks to Angelina for letting us know about it. It’s part of a program called Link, bringing together high-school students and design professionals for a year of mentoring, including monthly workshops. The mural along the 85-foot facade of TAM Industries in the 9400 block of 16th SW is happening during the final LINK workshop of the school year.
The mural was designed by Terry Marks, this year’s life coach for the Link program; the artists are using “both freestyle spray painting and Banksy-type stencil techniques,” according to background information Angelina shared. We were there around noon, and they were expecting to be done by 3 or so, so we’ll be going back for an “after” shot!
We found Ann Martin at 16th and Barton – one of the graffiti/tagging-beset spots that local volunteers are tackling right now with the graffiti-paintout project that set out after gathering at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center this morning:
This is just the first in a series of events – so if you weren’t able to help today, there’ll be other chances – e-mail Youngstown’s David Bestock to get in the loop – david@youngstownarts.org.
Lynn‘s photo from early this morning shows how busy Elliott Bay was as the day began – a ferry, a cargo ship, and the first day of the season with three cruise ships (one’s out of view). Speaking of traffic – here’s an important reminder about what’s happening on land all weekend long:
(“Live” image from WSDOT camera looking southward over 99 – approach to NB Western ramp is at left)
HIGHWAY 99 ALERT: Thanks to WSB reader Lynne for suggesting a reminder this morning about this weekend’s closure on 99 from the Battery Street Tunnel northward to Valley Street, as noted by WSDOT here. It’s part of the ongoing Mercer project, and continues all weekend.
DELRIDGE DETOUR REMINDER: The Delridge Way repaving project shifted northward three days ago, so some people will be encountering the new detour this week for the first time. Southbound drivers will be detoured between SW Holden and SW Thistle; see the map in our story from earlier this week.
NEW WATER TAXI’S DEBUT: One more transportation note. The Spirit of Kingston is finally on the West Seattle Water Taxi run as of this morning, per our Friday report.
Here’s what else is up – highlights from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar (where you’ll find even more):
TWO BIG GARAGE/YARD/RUMMAGE SALES! The season continues – till 5 pm today, the Ocean View neighborhood’s big sale is on in the vicinity of 11408 Marine View Drive SW; and till 4 pm at Greenbridge Plaza on 8th SW just south of Roxbury, the White Center Kiwanis‘s big rummage sale benefits three local nonprofits. P.S. For smaller sales, see the WSB Forums‘ Freebies/Deals/Sales section.
LOVE ANTIQUES? Providence Mount St. Vincent has an “Antiques Roadshow”-style event/community fair under way today till 2 pm – details in the calendar listing. (4831 35th SW)
GRAFFITI PAINTOUT: The more helpers, the better – meet at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center at 10 am. Here’s our earlier report with more info. (4408 Delridge Way SW)
FURRY FACES FOUNDATION PLANT SALE: More than 1,000 plants on sale as the 14th annual round of plant sales benefiting the animal-advocacy group Furry Faces Foundation gets under way today, 10 am-4 pm (tomorrow too!). Details in our calendar listing.
SPRING BOOK SALE AT TIBBETTS: Love to read? You’ll love the spring book sale at Tibbetts United Methodist Church (WSB sponsor), 10 am-1 pm. (3940 41st SW)
FREE LUNCH! West Seattle Thriftway (WSB sponsor)’s Saturday barbecues are usually charity fundraisers but today, come get a free grilled hot dog 11 am-4 pm – while supplies last – in appreciation of YOU. (California/Fauntleroy/Morgan)
BUY AND CELEBRATE PLANTS @ SSCC: 11 am-2 pm at the garden center on the north side of South Seattle Community College (WSB sponsor), you can buy student-grown plants – tomatoes and veggies are ready, they remind us, and some flowers too! – more info here. And while you’re there … enjoy the Seattle Chinese Garden Peony and Bamboo Festival next door! (6000 16th SW)
STORYTIME: Westwood Village Barnes and Noble‘s Saturday storytime, 11 am, features tea time, Melissa tells us: “Inspired by the story ‘Tea with Rex,’ we’ll be having … tea and biscuits (AKA juice and pretty cookies). Formal dress is not required, but if dressing up for tea is your thing, please feel free!” (Southwest side of Westwood Village)
HANDS ACROSS THE SAND: Show your support for sustainability and environmental protection by joining this annual event on the beach at Alki at noon – details here.
WEST SEATTLE 5K PACKET PICKUP/SIGNUPS: If you want to avoid the last-minute rush on West Seattle 5K (co-sponsored by WSB) day tomorrow, be at West Seattle Runner (WSB sponsor) noon-6 pm today – to either pick up your packet/T-shirt (if you are registered already) OR to sign up if you’re not. (NW corner of Charlestown/California, upstairs)
‘PRESTO GARDEN’: One more reminder – if you can spare some time between 1 pm and 5 pm, come to the Westcrest Park P-Patch in Highland Park and help Sustainable West Seattle plant a new organic garden to help feed people served by the White Center Food Bank (whose service area includes southern West Seattle, as well as WC). Full details on the SWS website.
WSHS BASEBALL @ STATE TOURNAMENT: This afternoon in Mount Vernon, the West Seattle High School baseball team starts state play with a game against Ferndale.
On Saturday, we’ll be serving Sam Adams Boston Lager as part of a whole ‘help out Boston day’ with 10 other bars throughout the city. We’ll also be, miracle of miracles, actually showing the Boston Red Sox game at the bar @ 4:00, with donation buckets, as well as donationg a portion of the proceeds from the Sam Adams beer sales back to the Greg Hill Foundation. Facebook page and information is here.
Feedback Lounge (WSB sponsor) is at 6451 California SW.
‘WILLY WONKA JR.’ FINALE: The Lafayette Elementary production will be staged one last time tonight at the West Seattle High School Theater, 7 pm. Tickets are free but donations are encouraged. (3000 California SW)
WEST SIDE GLORY: Variety show at Skylark Café and Club, 8 pm, details here. (3803 Delridge Way SW)
Before we get to the big list of what’s up today, one more reminder of two community projects in which your participation, giving just a little time, can make a big difference – one starting this morning, one this afternoon:
PAINT IT OUT: A new graffiti-fighting effort gets going today and volunteer power is vital. Meet at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center at 10 am. Here’s our preview with more details. (4408 Delridge Way SW)
‘PRESTO GARDEN’: Also previewed here earlier in the week, this Sustainable West Seattle-led project will create a garden growing fresh food for people served by the White Center Food Bank. Today from 1 pm to 5 pm, they would love your help at the planting party for the garden, which is at Westcrest Park. (From the park entrance at 8th and Henderson, head up the road to the right to the parking area; you’ll find the garden in the P-Patch next to the play area at the top of the hill.)
Story and photos by Jason Grotelueschen
Reporting for West Seattle Blog
The sky was sunny and spirits were high on Thursday afternoon, as Hope Lutheran School students, parents and friends took to the streets of West Seattle for their 2nd Annual Walk-A-Thon to raise money for the school.
Hope Lutheran Principal Kristen Okabayashi offered this report:
Today was so much fun! Our top goal for the walkathon was to raise money for our new science curriculum we are implementing next year, but other smaller goals were to build community with our event, and also have an event that raises awareness of keeping your body active. Our students walked and/or ran anywhere from 1/3 mile for our 3 year olds, and up to over 3 miles for some of our middle school students. With a huge number of parents and grandparents helping out today, along with Seattle Lutheran High School’s band performing for all our participants, we had a blast and can’t wait for next year!
Students collected donations and per-lap “pledges” prior to the event, and volunteers also secured corporate donations in support of the cause. Preliminary results: