The California/Fauntleroy intersection has been the subject of much discussion since RapidRide led to curb/lane reconfiguration for the stops on its west and north sides and changed traffic patterns – our cameraphone photo was taken while we were stopped behind a bus and a car on northbound California, as another car attempted to get around ours on the right, impossible because of the bus bulb:
How’s the intersection working overall? Are any changes planned beyond the “safety curb” on the west side of the intersection? For this Wednesday’s quarterly meeting of the Morgan Community Association, the intersection’s at the top of the agenda, with a guest from SDOT; if you have questions or concerns, be there. The agenda also includes guests from West Seattle Bike Connections (which just launched a new website), King County Wastewater Treatment Division (updating the Lowman Beach combined-sewer overflow project as it approaches construction), and a variety of other topics. All are welcome – 7 pm Wednesday (April 17), lower-level meeting rooms at The Kenney (7125 Fauntleroy Way SW; WSB sponsor).