(Photos by Nick Adams for WSB)
A whole lotta love flowed at The Kenney (WSB sponsor) this afternoon, during a Valentine’s Day celebration with treats and tunes. Above, Margit Killenger, Helen Gilman, and Norma Lewis were busy reading Valentines. Kermit Franks wore his – a photo of his sweetheart Faye, who died last year:
Months before Mrs. Franks’ death, the couple celebrated their 70th-anniversary .
The Kenney’s residents are loved by the staff, too – activity director Denise O’Toole had a smile for Kenney resident May Commeree:
Love-ly music filled The Kenney’s commujnity room, courtesy of Sid Law:
He had a rapt audience:
The Kenney itself was created from an act of loving kindness – as told in its history here.