West Seattle traffic-alert: Truck-car trouble at 16th/Dawson

ORIGINAL REPORT, 11:45 AM: Thanks to the WSB’er who just texted us (206-293-6302 any time) that picture of truck vs. car at/near the curve by 16th/Dawson (location and map updated). It’s causing traffic trouble for vehicles including at least one Metro bus, we’re told. No word of injuries so far (no fire/medic callout, either); we’re headed to the scene to find out more.

12:20 PM UPDATE: The bus has gotten through. But the scene isn’t clear yet and it may be a while. Added the photo above, by co-publisher Patrick Sand.

1:24 PM UPDATE: Route 125 is back to normal, Metro has texted.

14 Replies to "West Seattle traffic-alert: Truck-car trouble at 16th/Dawson"

  • myhood February 27, 2013 (12:08 pm)

    looks like the curve at 16th and dawson heading down the hill to 18th…

    • WSB February 27, 2013 (12:13 pm)

      Myhood – 18th/Dawson is what we were texted but my co-publisher is just back and confirms, yes, it’s right ON the curve, so I’m updating. Thank you.

  • myhood February 27, 2013 (12:17 pm)

    I recognized the road as I live right there. so many accidents in that area and don’t know if co-publisher noticed smashed car next to guardrail that accident is from a few weeks ago early morning crash that someone drove away from. We have lived in the area about 6 years now and there have been about 11 accidents…

  • Maddy February 27, 2013 (12:23 pm)

    There was a huge truck stuck on that curve a week or two ago and SPD was there controlling traffic.

  • Melissa February 27, 2013 (12:27 pm)

    That’s always been a big fear of mine going up that hill to SSCC. I always see cars go down the hill and turn to close to the oncoming lane. I hope everyone’s okay :(

    • WSB February 27, 2013 (12:34 pm)

      They are. Also, we don’t know the cause/blame, so no accusatory comments, please. Thank you. We will check later to see if anyone was cited.

  • Robert February 27, 2013 (12:39 pm)


    Duh – it’s the tree’s fault. :-)

  • Ms. Sparkles February 27, 2013 (12:59 pm)

    Good job to whomever texted the pic; you just saved the owner of the red car any hassels with Xtra Leasing regarding who is liable for the damage to the red car. That picture is surely worth a thousand denials…

  • nemobeansmom February 27, 2013 (4:50 pm)

    I see everyone listened to your comment earlier!

    “They are. Also, we don’t know the cause/blame, so no accusatory comments, please. Thank you. We will check later to see if anyone was cited.”

    Comment by WSB — 12:34 pm February 27, 2013

  • West Seattle Hipster February 27, 2013 (4:56 pm)

    Now thats a real TRUCK accident, not a pick up.


    Sorry, couldn’t resist. Glad eveyone is ok.

  • WSB February 27, 2013 (5:07 pm)

    Partly my fault, things have been incredibly busy today in terms of news and I didn’t look closely enough before those went through. Gone now. Thanks for the flag.

  • Jim P. February 27, 2013 (5:39 pm)

    I suspect the car owner is going to need new upholstery too. Wow.

    That road looks too narrow to be a safe two way street on that curve.

  • Delridge Resident February 27, 2013 (8:37 pm)

    Was the driver of the red car okay? I can’t imagine how scary that would be if you were the car driver, your fault or not!

    • WSB February 27, 2013 (8:43 pm)

      No serious injuries – if any. The crash never even required a medic/fire callout (which would usually happen for at least minor injuries).

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