Five reader reports in West Seattle Crime Watch tonight, starting with a stolen vehicle:

William writes:
Hy 94 Nissan Pathfinder was stolen last night from where I park at my gf’s house most nights. Photo attached. Seattle Police incident# 13-505070 First three license plate #’s are ACZ.
Heather from Seaview reports her home was broken into:
I wanted to let you know that my house was broken into yesterday afternoon around 5:00 pm. The thief broke open my back door and entered my bedroom where many valuable things were stolen – specifically an entire jewelry box along with other less valuable items. We believe the suspect was seen by a visitor at a neighbor’s house who saw him, one guy, leave in a black older Volvo with my jewelry box and a suitcase (which he filled with other stuff). Police were called and searched my home and tested for fingerprints. The individual was described as a white male with long face, unsure of age, driving an older black 5 door Volvo, wearing a black jacket and a hat. We are hoping one of the neighbors video surveillance may have captured the suspect.
Also of importance is that the thief broke in while my dog was there. She was not injured or stolen but surprised that they would hit a home with a dog (border collie pit bull mix – not aggressive at all).
An anonymous report of car prowlers in Upper Fauntleroy:
Please let the community know there have been a series of car break-ins over the last week just south of Thistle on Sullivan Street. Thieves rifled through cars and took small items. Our neighborhood watch is keeping an eye out, and yours should, too!
A package theft report from Jillian:
We had a package stolen off of our porch at 35th and Dakota. It happened yesterday between noon and 6:00 p.m. My boyfriend came home at 6:00 and noticed that someone had taken the package and replaced it with an empty Cabela’s box that looks like it was stolen out of a neighbor’s recycling bin. We are having all of our packages sent to our work addresses now, and I would advise our neighbors to do the same.
And Ray says someone is tearing up the grass at Hiawatha again:
Just got back from walking my dogs through Hiawatha by WSHS. Someone, for the second time in about 3 weeks, drove all over the lawn on the east side of the community center. Needless to say, the grass is all torn up. … I wish whoever is doing this to our park would get caught.
As noted here earlier today, park safety/security is the topic when the West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meets next Tuesday.