(AMA photo from last night: Rep. Cody with (at left) Terry Moran of ABC News and AMA Board Chair Steven J. Stack, M.D.)
Congratulations to longtime State Rep. Eileen Cody of West Seattle, who chairs the State House committee overseeing health-care issues and is a nurse by profession – she just received a major award. Here’s the announcement:
The American Medical Association (AMA) honored Washington state Rep. Eileen Cody with the Dr. Nathan Davis Award for Outstanding Government Service, its top award for government service in health care. Rep. Cody was honored with the award last night at the AMA’s National Advocacy Conference in Washington, D.C.
“Rep. Cody has led efforts toward improving health care access for low income individuals and transforming mental health services in Washington state,” said AMA Board Chair Steven J. Stack, M.D. “Her dedication to public health has also earned the state national recognition for its long term health care services and support system.”
Rep. Cody is one of seven honorees this year for the Dr. Nathan Davis Award for Outstanding Government Service. The award is named after the AMA’s founder and recognizes the work of elected and career officials in federal, state and municipal service whose contributions have promoted the art and science of medicine and the betterment of public health.
“The Dr. Nathan Davis Awards give the AMA the opportunity to honor individuals who have contributed significantly to the advancement of public health,” said Dr. Stack. “The honorees represent all sectors of government and show what can be accomplished when we work together to address some of our nation’s most pressing health care issues.”
Rep. Cody was nominated for this award by the [former] governor of Washington State, Christine Gregoire. This marks the 24th year for the Dr. Nathan Davis Awards.