Comments on: From West Seattle to the White House: Sally Jewell of REI nominated to be Interior Secretary West Seattle news, 24/7 Mon, 11 Feb 2013 17:36:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: WSB Mon, 11 Feb 2013 17:36:56 +0000 In reply to JoAnne.

He sent a news release. Publishing quotes from our local elected officials – especially those who are West Seattleites – isn’t shilling. It’s news. But thanks for reading! – TR

By: JoAnne Mon, 11 Feb 2013 17:27:18 +0000 Way to shill for Down Constantine AGAIN, WS Blog.

By: enid Sat, 09 Feb 2013 15:13:27 +0000 Promoting outdoor activities and protecting the environment are not the same thing. In some instances, they can even be mutually exclusive. It’s kind of like calling mass-produced commercial products “green” because they were made of materials stripped from the environment. NOT.

That said, I wish we had an REI in West Seattle. Seems only fair…

By: Jeff B. Fri, 08 Feb 2013 03:41:39 +0000 “She has dedicated more of her life to protecting and promoting nature than any single birdwatcher.”

So she is a step above John James Audubon, John Muir, and Teddy Roosevelt? Wow, I guess Obama does know what he is doing, I had no idea. I just thought she was someone who made millions of dollars for stockholders and oil companies.

Go figure?

By: Kim Thu, 07 Feb 2013 20:18:53 +0000 Any idea where in West Seattle Lloyd Anderson’s home was? It should be a landmark :)

By: sdc Thu, 07 Feb 2013 17:23:45 +0000 “How can we have someone with roots in big oil and big banks in this position?”

Perhaps because she can bridge the gap between environmentalists and big oil interests, and is more likely to make actual progress that way. Sally Jewell is first and foremost a champion of natural lands and outdoor recreation. She has dedicated more of her life to protecting and promoting nature than any single birdwatcher. Sally is a remarkable person and a great leader and Seattle can be very proud of her!

By: Bus rider Thu, 07 Feb 2013 17:19:44 +0000 I know she worked at WAMU. I want to know more about what she did there. How come no one is mentioning that? Anyone connected with the financial meltdown should not be promoted.

By: Mary Thu, 07 Feb 2013 16:26:53 +0000 Slightly off-topic but a response to G’s note: The Whittakers grew up in West Seattle! In Arbor Heights, I think. There’s a tile of them in the bus shelter at California and Admiral on the southeast corner of Admiral. Bringing it back to REI, at least, Jim was REI’s first full-time employee back when it was a tiny walk-up.

By: Jsv Thu, 07 Feb 2013 15:11:53 +0000 Nice to see Sally come out on top after she was shoved out years ago by the crooks at WaMu.

By: velo_nut Thu, 07 Feb 2013 14:53:33 +0000 Drill Baby! DRILL!!!!

By: Kelly Thu, 07 Feb 2013 05:44:25 +0000 Hear hear! Sally Jewell is a fantastic choice.

By: Ann Thu, 07 Feb 2013 03:33:09 +0000 Way to go Sally! We’d be lucky to have such an exemplary and thoughtful mind representing our parks and natural resources.

By: Jeff B. Thu, 07 Feb 2013 03:31:44 +0000 I’m with JD on this. I’m a birdwatcher and we all know that big oil & big banks are bad for birds.

By: Linda Hudson Thu, 07 Feb 2013 01:40:12 +0000 We are dreaming of a National Monumnet designation for BLM Lands in San Juan County!

Keepers of the Patos Island Light

By: transplantella Thu, 07 Feb 2013 01:20:30 +0000 “How can we have someone with roots in big oil and big banks in this position?”

And tents! Don’t forget tents!
