Tomorrow night – as reported here last week – it’s the regrouping/launch meeting for a Westwood/Roxhill/Arbor Heights community council, 6:30 pm at the Southwest Branch Library (35th and Henderson), in hopes that will help neighbors join together to tackle community concerns including crime prevention. Mat McBride, Delridge Neighborhoods District Council chair, has just sent the agenda – see it here (PDF) or click ahead:
Meeting purpose:
• To bring together and engage the community, know your neighbors, and make connections
• To share knowledge, ideas, resources, talents, and skills
• To communicate with city departments and staff about current and upcoming events, and in the spirit of collaboration educate them on the specific needs and desires of this community
• To build up the community through projects, grants, and initiativesAgenda:
6:30pm – Introductions and announcements
Good meetings begin warmly, so we start by saying hello. This is also a time to give a brief update, announcement, shout-out, or congrats to something or someone locally that didn’t make the agenda.
6:40 pm – Department of Neighborhoods and the Neighborhood Council
Seattle’s Department of Neighborhoods and the community structure it created is a model other municipalities envy and try to emulate, for good reason. We’ll spend a little time discussing how the system works in Seattle, the neighborhood geography of West Seattle and the south Delridge District, the benefits of a neighborhood council and how to best leverage them. Presented by Mat McBride and DoN District Representative.
7:00 pm – Seattle Police Department – Community Policing
Brief status updates on current events in this community. Additional information will be delivered on CPTED (What does this mean? Come find out!), establishing a Block Watch, and other actions a neighborhood can take to build a relationship with SPD and be proactive. Presented by Community Police Team Officer Jon Kiehn.
7:25 – Seattle Parks Dept – Balancing Environmental and Social Needs
Roxhill Park has a rich history of community involvement, including the bog, “The project created a forested wetland at the site, which is a unique peat bog buried since the late 1960s and the headwaters of Longfellow Creek. In 1992 the City adopted the Longfellow Creek Watershed Plan, and one of the specific goals was to re-establish the wetlands at Roxhill Park. The community and the Westwood Community Council embraced the plan and the effort, and applied for and received a $100,000 Neighborhood Matching Fund award to get started. Then the project received $412,000 in funding from the 2000 voter-approved Pro Parks Levy. The restoration improves water quality, enhances the creek, improves salmon and is low maintenance.”. Parks will discuss what’s been done lately, and what’s planned for the future. Presented by Seattle Parks Dept South Park Resources Manager Robert Stowers.
7:45 – Next steps and clean-up
7:55 – Adjourn
There’s a Facebook group too – you can join it by going here.