West Seattle Community Orchestras welcome new members as rehearsals resume

January 7, 2013 8:57 am
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Tomorrow night, the West Seattle Community Orchestras start their new year, and as always, they’re open to new members. (The clip above is from one of the orchestras, the West Seattle Symphony, recorded at its holiday concert December 5th.) Here’s the official announcement:

Registration is open and ready for you for the Winter and Spring sessions of the West Seattle Community Orchestras. From our Debut Orchestra to Intermediate, full Symphony, and adult beginner groups, WSCO has a spot for anyone – from young student through experienced adult – interested in orchestral music.

First rehearsal of Winter session is Tuesday, January 8, at Chief Sealth International High School, and registration can be completed via our website, by e-mail or in person at the first rehearsal. For full details (rehearsal times and concert schedules) on each group, including Adult Beginning Strings Class, Adult Beginning Winds and Percussion Class, and the Debut, Intermediate and Symphony Orchestras, visit wscorchestras.org.

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