Comments on: Another closure announced: Alki Tavern’s shutting down West Seattle news, 24/7 Wed, 09 Jan 2013 20:33:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lucy Wed, 09 Jan 2013 20:33:58 +0000 If you have never been privileged enough to be one of the Alki “questionable women”, then you will never understand this huge loss. I will long for those “questionable woman” days the rest of my life as the memories, friendships and crazy fun times at the Akli Tavern, since the day it opened, have never been questionable. They will always be cherished. Down to the Alki, bump-d-bump-d-bump!

By: Donna Tue, 08 Jan 2013 21:26:38 +0000 I love the Alki Tavern! The patrons were not always the unsavory types you assume! I am a commercial airline pilot and I skate most Tuesdays with a group of Boeing engneers, and we always ended up at the Alki Tavern for a whimpey burger and brews! The staff is awesome and we will truly miss our Tuesday evenings spent in this dive!

By: CD Ox Mon, 07 Jan 2013 13:07:26 +0000 Enjoyed many an afternoon there!! Met interesting, life long friends, RIP Alki Tav!

By: Deborah Machon Sun, 06 Jan 2013 22:42:12 +0000 West Seattle is being turned into Velveeta cheese by men wearing suits who have no idea who Andy Warhol is…I’m moving to Portland.

By: SUNSHINE Sun, 06 Jan 2013 01:11:17 +0000 The Alki Tavern owners aren’t cashing out! Their landlord, Gerry Kingen, is selling the property.

The owners of the AT haven’t owned the property it sits on for decades. They’re a hard-working, modest family.

By: Cheryl M Sat, 05 Jan 2013 18:03:03 +0000 Mantaray .. the owners are retiring. Cashing out gives them something to live on besides the government.

By: Cheryl M Sat, 05 Jan 2013 18:01:50 +0000 Thank you Kathy, Gill, little Gill and brother – for years of taco Thursday, St. Patties Day feasts, scrumptious tacos …. we Harley riders say, “Everyone meets at the Alki.” And we did. Almost all of my current motorcycling friends, I met at or through friends of the Alki Tavern. RIP! I used to live in W. Seattle and can hardly stand going over there anymore. It’s changed so much.

By: Swc Sat, 05 Jan 2013 00:32:11 +0000 Well to all the folks who are freshly squeezed yuppie, homogeneous, boring, trust funders. Move back to California or the East side. I bet you hate Jazz and Blues too. Look Jeffery theres a turd in my Audi. Get some life experiences, or if you feel like your one of the chanting meditation types. I hope you really got bruised and unwashed on your way to enlightenment! Other wise go ruin some other towns like your type did to every mountain, beach, desert town in the last 30 years.

By: sgs Fri, 04 Jan 2013 20:39:56 +0000 I’m just thinking about the example of Mr. Ercolini who had some valuable property that he could have cashed out to the top bidder but instead put some thought into community use and now we have a great park instead of 6 skinny houses. We’ve got plenty of condos, etc. and it would be great to keep some of the last remaining gems for everyone to enjoy.

By: MarkO Fri, 04 Jan 2013 19:12:05 +0000 What a horrible loss! There is enough history of all the people who have spent significant hours of their lives at the Alki Tavern to declare it a National Historic Site. Since the location will continue to have a retail presence is there any open that something like it could still be there in the future?

By: Mantaray Fri, 04 Jan 2013 15:46:51 +0000 In all the pearl clutching going on here, lets not overlook that the owners cashed out, and no wonder.

By: Chachi Fri, 04 Jan 2013 04:50:44 +0000 What a fn loss. That bar had more character than Rodney D. Going to miss the cheap eats, dingy feel and great people.

By: bridge to somewhere Fri, 04 Jan 2013 03:09:35 +0000 @bianca: happy to oblige!

By: beccab Fri, 04 Jan 2013 02:28:19 +0000 Such sad news. The “AT” is definitely a W. Seattle “Institution” and will be missed. For those of you who haven’t experienced the Seattle sunset from the front windows of the AT while enjoying a nice frosty one, you have been deprived. I recall walking past the AT on a Taco Thursday when I first moved to Alki some 20 years ago and feeling a bit put-off and scared of herd of Harleys. I eventually ventured in and was made to feel so at home by “the keep” and other Alki-ites, that I went there often and have so many fond memories of the place. Sitting at the bar talking to an architect friend changed my life as he encouraged me to become an interior designer, which I did. My bestie also met her husband there. And I

By: pjmanley Fri, 04 Jan 2013 01:53:45 +0000 Growth is inevitable, no doubt. But do the fees and taxes generated by the growth offset the impacts and costs of the growth to the community? We don’t ask that question often enough, and accept cute “mitigation measures” like pocket parks, which sit empty most of the time, and haven’t room enough to toss a ball or frisbee in. May as well be cemeteries for all you can’t do in them. What about setting aside some larger green spaces for the quality of life of kids and young adults who will live in those condos? Anyone? We are growing alright, but not smartly. And do these projects pay for themselves over time? Lets see the real numbers before we genuflect to yet another beige box in W.S. As Edward Abbey said: “Growth for the sake of growth is the ideology of the Cancer Cell.”
