Comments on: Connecticut school massacre aftermath: A few notes West Seattle news, 24/7 Tue, 18 Dec 2012 18:37:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: phil dirt Tue, 18 Dec 2012 18:37:11 +0000 Weapons free zones are all potential shooting galleries. Why do we never hear of a gun show or a police station being shot up? As an NRA member and a retired school teacher, I am totally against restricting the right of responsible citizens to own firearms for self defense and sporting purposes. However, if I could make it so, all gun owners would have their firearms secured with trigger locks, or preferably, in a gun safe, under penalty of the law. If the mother of the Connecticut shooter had had her guns secured, this horrible shooting would quite likely not have happened. That’s not to say that a determined killer couldn’t have found another way. The worst school massacre in United States history occurred sometime in the 1920s, in Bath, Illinois, when a deranged killer used dynamite to take the lives of over forty students and teachers.

By: comment by Helen Sun, 16 Dec 2012 03:42:57 +0000 Seattleite…..most of what you say I agreed with.
Unforturnately, every time someone comments on the right to be armed they neglect to address the subject of the need to be armed with automatic assault guns……that is where the law needs to step in….that and the ability to purchase at gun show without any kind of monotoring ………can’t accept those two issues as just a “given”.

By: Robert Sun, 16 Dec 2012 00:53:53 +0000 Melissa, thank you very much. The editorial boards of the Seattle Times and the New York Times, the two newspapers I subscribe to, are among those who demonize teachers and their unions. President Obama, for whom I voted, has also joined in on the scapegoating on occasion. These parties are notably silent in the face of the fact that educators gave their lives for their students without a moment’s hesitation.

For all of the conservatives who prize gun ownership above all else and are trotting out their usual specious denials in the face of yet another tragedy: a house loaded with guns didn’t keep the Lanza family safe, now did it?

By: Melissa Westbrook Sun, 16 Dec 2012 00:32:58 +0000 Also, I gently point out that those who demonize teachers’s work and their union should realize that perhaps the only thing standing between your child at school and a bullet is a staff member.

That was certainly the case time after time at Sandy Hook Elementary.

Ask for good teachers but don’t allow others to bad-mouth teachers, most of whom to yeoman’s work to educate children, and yes, save their lives in big ways and small.

I also note that the shooter got his guns because his mother had them in their home. Why anyone needs three semi-automatic weapons in their home is hard to understand.

By: WSB Sat, 15 Dec 2012 19:54:18 +0000 In reply to NorDel.

Am adding ways to help. Just found a second one that will be added to the story above.

By: G Sat, 15 Dec 2012 18:54:25 +0000 There may have been warning signs, but parents and others of the dangerously mentally ill have virtually no options and no one to turn to until something happens

A good of the problem has been the interference of the state in family relationships,ie, zealously defending the rights of the individual over the wishes of the family.

By: Andriana Sat, 15 Dec 2012 17:50:20 +0000 For people to say having guns are finally legal and safe it makes me sick. How can people say they’re safe when children can’t even attend school and be safe.I believe the children in Sandy Hook Elementary should have a better future.Life in Connecticut will never be the same for me because I know that my heart and my soul goes out to the people who lost or has a loved one who was included in the December 14,2012 Massacre.

By: fiona enzo Sat, 15 Dec 2012 16:12:26 +0000 So terribly sad. Yes, a mental health issue — need greater supports/funding.
Amanda, thank you for Mr. Rogers’ quote about helpers. They are always there – and a comfort that the world also contains so many kind, caring people.
Yes, gun issue, too. Would be good to try to have a reasonable conversation about this – one that recognizes mental health, addiction, negativity in ourmedia which feeds a sense of hopelessness in vulnerable persons.

By: NorDel Sat, 15 Dec 2012 16:05:48 +0000 Forget gun control! We need BULLET CONTROL! Ammo shouldn’t be easier to obtain than the gun.

West Seattle Fabric Company sent out an ad that said they would be donating 10% of sales to families on in Newtown. Are there any other West Seattle businesses doing the same? I wanted to help, but didn’t know how. This would be an easy way to give back.

Thanks again WSB for all of your hard work.

By: Delridge Mom Sat, 15 Dec 2012 16:00:39 +0000 I don’t know any other weapon short of a bomb, that could kill 26 people in minutes and those are clearly illegal. When the second amendment was written, modern handguns that are capable of mass homicide like those used in CT did not exist. Because of this fact alone, it is sensible to me that we would want to modify that amendment to reflect the realities of today’s weapons. Making bullets harder to purchase would be one way to address that. We certainly should not let the powerful gun lobby continue to dictate this issue. I could not sleep last night thinking about all of the broken hearted families reeling from this tragedy. I have a child this age and they are innocents and full of life. To think that so many young lives were destroyed yesterday is unthinkable to me. When I think about the Cafe Racer shooter who also suffered from serious mental health issues and how close he came to many schools in the area during his rampage, I also think how lucky we all were that something like this did not happen here. When are we going to learn and truly make meaningful gun reform happen? What will it take? Are the lives of 20 children and their protectors not enough of a wake up call?

By: Laura Sat, 15 Dec 2012 15:56:30 +0000 Does anyone know if there are any candle light vigils being planned locally tonight at 5pm? I saw something on and wondered if there would be any local events?

By: 26th Ave Resident Sat, 15 Dec 2012 15:51:22 +0000 Diane: “If I actually read the story”. Seriously? Are you TRYING to be insulting?
This is exactly the kind of attitude I’m talking about that is going to keep people at each others throats instead of working together towards a solution.

By: Randz Sat, 15 Dec 2012 08:42:57 +0000 Ban guns in america. Might be the solution!

Awwwwwful news! My condolences to the parents!


By: F Sat, 15 Dec 2012 07:23:15 +0000 I found the China knife attack instructive. All 22 children will survive. Yes, people will do harm regardless of what weapons are available, but they will do far less of it when they can’t get a gun without a background check. And yes, we should be talking about that even though the CT shooter’s guns reportedly belonged to his mother.
For those who might think gun control policies make no difference in how many people are killed in our society, I recommend Ezra Klein’s penetrating look at the issue in the WP today:

By: Diane Sat, 15 Dec 2012 07:14:46 +0000 Re: “A lot of people don’t know this but earlier this morning in China 22 children in a primary school were attacked by a man with a knife. Many are in critical condition.”
not true; this has been all over the internet today, and if you actually read the story, several kids were injured, none critically, outside a school; if this man had used a gun instead of a knife, likely all the children would be critical or dead
“A doctor at Guangshan’s hospital of traditional Chinese medicine said that seven students had been admitted, but that none were seriously injured.”
