West Seattle traffic alert: 35th/Avalon signal problem

8:57 AM: Thanks to everyone who has messaged us about this: There’s signal trouble and a resulting backup at 35th and Avalon. Checking it out; more shortly.

9:04 AM: Problem is that north-south signal is stuck on red and east west is stuck on green. Police just arrived.

9:31 AM: The officer directing traffic got the north-south flow going again. A couple of notes we’ve received indicate the signal was also having trouble around 8 o’clock last night, though the sudden flood of reports that came in around 8:45 are the first we’d heard of it. We’ve left the scene for now but will go back to check – let us know if you see it fixed BEFORE we report an update. Thanks!

11:07 AM: Looks normal now. Noticed an SDOT worker on scene, too.

8 Replies to "West Seattle traffic alert: 35th/Avalon signal problem"

  • Rudy October 4, 2012 (9:44 am)

    Power’s out at Pathfinder right now too….

    • WSB October 4, 2012 (9:50 am)

      According to the City Light map that is the ONLY place where power is out – one “customer” – http://seattle.gov/light/sysstat – We did get a phone call from someone in Highland Park who said they had been experiencing power “surges.”

  • LB October 4, 2012 (10:41 am)

    The signal was working properly when I went through between 5:45 – 6:00 am this morning.

  • miws October 4, 2012 (12:13 pm)

    Signal Priority for Rapid Ride? ;-)



  • Happy October 4, 2012 (1:37 pm)

    What made matters a bit worse, is that a school bus was in the right hand turn lane and wouldn’t take a right on red –maybe it’s against their policy. So vehicles started taking right hand turns down Avalon from the middle lane. It was anarchy! :)

    • WSB October 4, 2012 (1:43 pm)

      Happy, it WAS a somewhat jarring scene (we stood on the KFC corner a while till the police officer arrived and started directing traffic, getting things going again) … lots of honking! That’s one where I wish there was a way for all the people in a physical space to temporarily connect with each other so they could come up with a plan. Everybody knows that if the light is FLASHING red, it’s a four-way stop, but what if one direction is stuck green and one red? I don’t think I’ve EVER seen it before. – TR

  • Happy October 4, 2012 (1:54 pm)

    I just chalked it up to ‘one of those things’ that we have to deal with. Probably made matters worse for the RR riders though.

  • Stephanie October 4, 2012 (2:44 pm)

    There was a DOT worker working on that light yesterday morning. Don’t know if that had anything to do with it??

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