(Steller’s Jay photographed at Lincoln Park by Machel Spence)
Some of what’s up today/tonight, from the WSB West Seattle Events Calendar:
BLOODMOBILE AT CHIEF SEALTH INT’L HIGH SCHOOL: Till 2 pm, and the public’s welcome to stop by and donate. Details here.
PARKINSON’S DISEASE SUPPORT GROUP: West Seattle, South Park, White Center and vicinity residents are invited to participate. The group meets at 10 am at Arrowhead Gardens on the southeastern end of WS. Movement specialist Dr. Susie Ro is today’s guest speaker. Full details and map here.
FORUM ON MARIJUANA INITIATIVE 502: Voting starts as soon as your ballot arrives, so there’s no time like the present to find out more about the big topics. Marijuana-regulation Initiative 502 is the subject of a public forum at 5:30 pm tonight at High Point Neighborhood Center; details here.
WEST SEATTLE CHAMBER ‘AFTER HOURS’: This month’s after-hours gathering presented by the West Seattle Chamber of Commerce is at Merrill Gardens-Admiral Heights (WSB sponsor). 5:30-7 pm; more info here.
THURSDAY NIGHT SEAHAWKS: It’s the Seahawks vs. the 49ers! Want to watch with a crowd? We put the “where to watch?” question out on the WSB Facebook page last night – see the replies here.
GATEWOOD VOTE – LAST CHANCE: In conjunction with the Thursday Night Football game, as noted here last weekend, Gatewood Elementary is in a voting contest with a San Francisco school for a $1,000 grant. Today’s the last day to vote, we’re told – go here!
FIRST HALLOWEEN EVENT? This just might be the earliest. For teens, flashlight hunt and costume contest at Hiawatha Community Center at 6:45 pm tonight – details here, and find more of our area’s many Halloween events by checking the just-launched WSB Halloween 2012 page.
THURSDAY NIGHT HIGH-SCHOOL FOOTBALL: This week, the public high schools are playing on Thursday night instead of Friday. West Seattle is on the road vs. Nathan Hale; Chief Sealth hosts Ingraham, both games at 7 pm.
‘MINDFULNESS IN A HARRIED WORLD’: Take time to consider the topic. It’s a “Family Matters” discussion at Fauntleroy UCC Church (9140 California SW), 7 pm.
As always, you’ll see more on the calendar – for today, tonight, and beyond!