Neighborhood crimefighting: New Block Watch in the making

In the neighborhood you might call south Morgan Junction or western Gatewood, neighbors are joining forces to take the most effective action in fighting crime – watching out for each other. They’ll be going around the neighborhood with invitations, but here’s an early alert, in case you’re in that neighborhood or know someone who is:

Our townhome complex has noticed increased suspicious behavior and crime in our neighborhood, so we are coming together to start a Block Watch. Join us for a kick-off meeting, where we can all meet each other and a Seattle Police Department Crime Prevention Coordinator will help us get organized and share crime prevention tips.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012
7:00-8:30 pm
Gatewood Elementary’s Lunchroom (4320 SW Myrtle St)

Being a part of the Block Watch will not require much work on your end – just a commitment to watching out for each other and reporting any suspicious activity. For more information, visit Hope you can join us!

Your neighbors in the townhomes off California & Myrtle
c/o Kati Davich

Kati says the area they’re targeting is roughly “on California from Frontenac to Othello and on Myrtle from Fauntleroy,” but others in the vicinity are welcome too. (And to everyone who has or is forming a Block Watch – be sure to get involved with the West Seattle Blockwatch Captains Network, too!)

4 Replies to "Neighborhood crimefighting: New Block Watch in the making"

  • CEA October 30, 2012 (3:16 pm)

    Very grateful to our neighbor Kati for organizaing this effort! We’re hoping for a strong turnout – please mark your calendar to attend!

  • ltmmgm October 30, 2012 (7:04 pm)

    WSB there’s something going on in the N. Shorewood/Burien area! I left home at 5pm and there were 5 KC Police with their lights on had some guys out by their cars and it’s 7pm now and they’re still there…go investigate!!! They’re on 116th and Ambaum all the way to Shick Shadel and down to 28th SW

  • Peg Morgan November 9, 2012 (9:11 pm)

    This meeting has now been moved to Westside Unitarian Universalist Congregation in the social hall. same time.

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