“The circle of life” took on multiple meanings at this afternoon’s Fauntleroy Creek “drumming to call the salmon home” event. First – the circle of those who came to celebrate the annual return, about three dozen participants by our count. Second, the phrase was part of a “call-and-response” inviting participants to share a significant event in their lives since last year’s gathering. And third – organizer and creek/watershed steward Judy Pickens noted that while seven spawners had been counted so far, none had made it up the creek – otter(s) had eaten them. Nonetheless, the celebration was on – with drums of many sizes and types:
That provided a mentoring opportunity, too, as Irene Stewart demonstrated:
Singing accompanied the drumming – that’s organizer Judy at center, music leader Jamie Shilling at right:
(video added) The gathering had begun with Judy recalling the first returning salmon (nicknamed “Harry and Louise”) almost two decades ago, followed by Jamie leading a song:
Mary led young welcomers through a recounting of the story of baby salmon’s comings, goings, and growing:
As noted here last week, volunteer watchers will be keeping an eye out for the salmon in the weeks ahead.
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