(Barred owl in Lincoln Park, photographed by Mark Wangerin)
Happy Wednesday! Today’s highlights from the WSB West Seattle Events Calendar:
VIADUCT CLOSURE TONIGHT: Southbound 99/Alaskan Way Viaduct, overnight, from 9 pm-5 am.
35TH SW ROAD WORK IN ARBOR HEIGHTS: Scheduled to start today, per SDOT. Here’s their reminder – traffic could be down to 1 lane at a time.
BABY IN THE HOUSE? CHECK OUT ‘EARLY DAYS’: Today’s the weekly session of a new drop-in support group, Early Days, meeting at Nurturing Expressions (WSB sponsor; 4746 44th SW) in The Junction, noon-2 pm. Details here.
EARLY DISMISSAL: Today is the school year’s first districtwide early-dismissal day (two hours early) for Seattle Public Schools.
PUMPKIN-PIE FUNDRAISER – ANOTHER CHANCE TO ORDER: As she’s been doing every Wednesday, Diane Niemi will be at the West Seattle Eagles‘ HQ in The Junction to take preorders for the “Heritage Pumpkin Pies” she’s making for Thanksgiving – raising money for Alzheimer’s/dementia research. Don’t wait till it’s too late – stop by 2-8 pm (more info here).
SOMALI STORY TIME: At the High Point Library (35th/Raymond), 5 pm.
PATHFINDER K-8 PTSA: First meeting of the year, 6:30 pm – details here.
‘THE HUM’ AND MORE AT HPAC: Highland Park Action Committee resumes its monthly meetings now that fall arrives, and you’re invited to the Highland Park Improvement Club at 12th/Holden, 7 pm (or come early for a potluck at 6:30). The agenda includes the city’s forthcoming project to reduce combined-sewer overflows in eastern West Seattle – possibly including “roadside raingardens” in South Delridge/Highland Park, as well as the newest information about “The Hum” (WSB followup in the works for later this morning, too) and Nickelsville.
POETRY AND STORYTELLING AT C&P: 7 pm, Poetrybridge‘s monthly event at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor), 5612 California SW.
COAL TRAINS: From Fauntleroy Church‘s Green Committee:
The environmental debate about coal trains moving through the Duwamish corridor comes to West Seattle Wednesday, Sept. 26, with a free 7 PM forum in Fellowship Hall at Fauntleroy Church. Panelists from Climate Solutions, the Sierra Club, and Earth Ministry. Details: www.fauntleroyucc.org.
These are just a few highlights – there’s more for today/tonight (and far beyond) on our calendar!