(SEVEN otters frolicking in a yard south of the Fauntleroy ferry dock! Thanks to Dan and Philip for the photo)
Welcome to the weekend! From the WSB West Seattle Events Calendar:
GARAGE SALES! The West Seattle Eagles are having a big one at their HQ in The Junction, 9 am-3 pm (map in the listing); also, we notice a sizable list of sales for this weekend that have been posted directly (free!) in the Freebies/Deals/Sales section of the WSB Forums.
ADMIRAL ADOPT-A-STREET CLEANUP: Meet at Metropolitan Market (WSB sponsor) at 9 am and join the Admiral Neighborhood Association for its quarterly cleanup. Tools and bags provided – as are free treats!
ALSO IN THE ADMIRAL DISTRICT: Pets looking for new homes will be at Umpqua Bank (next to Admiral Safeway) with Saving Great Animals, 10 am-1:30 pm.
HOLY FAMILY STREET FAIR: Bigger than ever this year, says Holy Family School principal Frank Cantwell. Food and fun, 10 am-4 pm (tomorrow too), 20th/Roxbury, details here.
GRANDPARENTS’ DAY CELEBRATION: At Life Care Center of West Seattle (WSB sponsor) – everybody’s invited, 11 am-2:30 pm, with festivities including free barbecue and live music.
LOG HOUSE MUSEUM: Open noon-4 pm (61st/Stevens); go see the new exhibit from the first phase of “Telling Our Westside Stories,” which includes audio!
‘MAD SCIENCE INSTITUTE’ BOOK SIGNING: Author Sechin Tower will be at Atomic Boys in the Admiral District, 1-4 pm.
SKIHAWKS BENEFIT: They help get developmentally challenged people involved with winter sports, and you can help them in that work by attending tonight’s benefit at Our Lady of Guadalupe, 6:30 pm.
LIVE MUSIC: Gary Kanter at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor), 6-8 pm … Three bands at Skylark, starting at 8 pm … Blake Noble Band at Feedback Lounge (WSB sponsor), 9 pm … You saw their “West Seattle Hey” video here this week, now see/hear Not Dead Yet at Poggie Tavern in The Junction, 9 pm.
… and, as always, more on the calendar!