Two development notes tonight:
DEMOLITION DONE: At 5247 California SW, the former home of (among others) “Psychic Barber” Rick Cook (who is now at The Classic Barber Shop) and other businesses is now rubble. We had noted previously that the house behind the commercial building was taken down first; then a plywood facade went up along the California SW street front,and finally yesterday the one-floor building came down. A three-story mixed-use building with underground parking is planned, according to online city records.
DESIGN REVIEW MEETING FOR VESSELIYE: The third Southwest Design Review Board meeting about a four-story mixed-use building at 9051 20th SW in South Delridge, is now on the schedule. 35 apartments and four live-work units are now proposed for the project called Vesseliye (described at the 1st Design Review as a Slavic word meaning “joy”), which was originally two buildings, as noted in this WSB report from June, but was changed into one and so went back for a second round of Early Design Guidance. Its third and possibly final review is now set for October 25th at 6:30 pm, Senior Center of West Seattle. P.S. For those interested in fine-point details, the developer of this project has documentation online including the floor plan from its master-use-permit application.