West Seattle Crime Watch: Words of warning & thanks

Three West Seattle Crime Watch reader reports to share this morning – starting with an interrupted car prowl. Karleen wanted to warn you and to also publicly thank someone who tried to help:

(Last night) around dusk I took my dogs for a walk near Salty’s/Alki, only to return to some strange guy sitting in the passenger side of my car, rifling through my belongings. My car was next to GT Towing (right near the West Seattle Bridge). I shouted at him ‘what are you doing in my car??’ then yelled for John the tow truck business owner – who I’ve come to know since I park near his business several times a week when I walk my dogs. Not a lot I could do with 3 little dogs with me, and the guy got out of my car and ran down toward Alki. John heard me and chased him, caught up to him but he pulled a knife so John let him go. Meanwhile I called 911, and they came and I filled out a police report. My car has a busted window and glass everywhere, but not much taken and no one hurt. The guy got away though, and it was scary that he had a knife. I am really grateful to John for helping me!

Two other reports, both involving theft, ahead: (ALSO, ADDED 9:58 AM – A report from another West Seattleite whose car has been hit by prowlers/vandals twice in the past five days.)

From Ing:

We live on 11th SW, and our mail got stolen (Monday) morning around 6:00 am. Also, we have learned that not long ago, our neighbors had the same problem too. Please help us to watch this crime; it has happened to our neighborhood lately, and it is terrible to deal with.

And from Beth:

I wanted to report a stolen rear license plate from my car parked in my driveway (last Friday/Saturday). I live in the White Center area (9800 block of 24th Ave SW).

ADDED 9:58 AM: From Hanna, who says criminal(s) have hit her car twice in the past five days:

First incident was Friday, 9/7 between 6:30 pm and 7:30 pm near 37th/Fauntleroy. Car was parked in the gravel lot next to the YMCA and the driver’s side window was broken into. They got away with minimal items like hand sanitizer and random cash taken. Cars were parked around me, but I appeared to be the only one broken into. …

Second incident happened overnight last night between 10 pm and 7 am near 42nd/College. Vandalism to car by breaking out back window. Again, appeared to be the only car impacted in the area.

18 Replies to "West Seattle Crime Watch: Words of warning & thanks"

  • WSratsinacage September 12, 2012 (9:41 am)

    Sorry for your losses. Thanks for the heads up. It’s high time to push the scum out of West Seattle! Unless you like that sort of thing..

  • Don't Be Scared September 12, 2012 (10:04 am)

    Might help a WEE bit to give the description of the guy you saw in your car…and chased down the street. Height, weight, hair color, clothes, etc…so if someone else sees this person hanging around cars in West Seattle they can call the police.

  • h September 12, 2012 (10:06 am)

    Description of person in car?

  • Alyxx September 12, 2012 (10:08 am)

    Mail thefts? I’m in the 7000 block of 16th, and up until recently it was at least a weekly occurrence, if not more often. Our postal carrier recommened a locked mailbox, but none that are carried anywhere will fit in our spot on our communal mail bar, and we were told by the P.O. that we cannot move to a new place or have a solo box.

    Our work around has been to collect the mail as soon as it is delivered, or as close to that as possible.

    Mail theft is a HUGE problem in West Seattle.

  • marty September 12, 2012 (10:51 am)

    The city allows deadbeats to live in motorhomes on beach drive. I guess this is to be expected.

  • evergreen September 12, 2012 (10:51 am)


  • lp September 12, 2012 (11:23 am)

    lesson I learned while living in Oakland CA make a bunch of X’s with a razor blade over your reg. tags on your license plate. It makes it more difficult to steal your tags, and if they steal your entire plate at least you’ll know they’ll have a hell of a time piecing all the little slices. Also take off the old ones first.

  • hmmm September 12, 2012 (2:46 pm)

    Don’t tow truck drivers carry guns? Shirley that would have done the trick.

  • Val September 12, 2012 (5:06 pm)

    Thank you John.

  • I. Ponder September 12, 2012 (5:23 pm)

    People living in motorhomes may not be deadbeats. They may be otherwise homeless. This being America, homelessness is an essential part of our modern culture. I recently heard there are 70,000 homeless vets in US. Being homeless or living in a motorhome doesn’t make someone a deadbeat or a thief.

  • marty September 13, 2012 (12:05 am)

    I. Ponder: What they are doing is not legal. There is a 72 hour parking limit and a few of them have been there for months. All I want is the same enforcement that speeders or reckless drivers get when they break a law. It’s that simple…

  • 3dogslater September 13, 2012 (10:18 am)

    The suspect was approx
    165-170 45-50 white male blonde short hair receding hairline blue eyes
    Wearing black light weight jacket
    Dropped his sunglasses at the scene cops have those..ran up gravel side road just past the little park on the left where there are run down houses up behind the white medeteranian looking tall stucco type house…could be squatting up there…keep your eyes peeled…he is armed with a 6-8 inch knife.

  • s September 14, 2012 (5:59 am)

    Off Alalon way i just caught a guy stealing out of the tow trucks…white male either blonde or bald…turquoise truck with shell.

  • SGC September 14, 2012 (8:58 am)

    License plates: Someone has removed all but 1 screw from my rear license plate, my husband’s and 1 of my neighbors. We have the 3 newest cars on the block. I wasn’t sure they were trying to steal the plates, since mine and my husband’s cars have vanity plates. Either way, it’s annoying – especially since they put a little piece of wood in the screw hole, making it impossible to put another screw in. We’re on the 9200 block of 17th Ave SW.

  • 3dogslater September 14, 2012 (11:10 am)

    Comment to “S” was the guy stealing out of GT Towing? The owner John is who chased the suspect down from my break in incident. The description sounds like the same guy.

  • kathy September 14, 2012 (1:59 pm)

    Was it not that a lady had her throat slashed over that way ,a few month’s ago..
    Hope this guy get’s what he’s ask for…
    Good luck S.P.D. getting him.and the people of Seattle are informed as to his capture right away….

  • s September 14, 2012 (2:10 pm)

    British Automotive…but i font doubt its the same people…happed so fast i didnt write down the plate

  • Val September 15, 2012 (12:59 am)

    They ought to make those crackheads that live in the busted up motorhomes pay for their waterfront view like the rest of us have to

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