Just north of the Fauntleroy ferry dock, work at the Barton Pump Station upgrade project is about to intensify – with what project spokesperson Annie Kolb-Nelson calls some “pretty major equipment” arriving starting tomorrow. It’s equipment needed for “jet grouting,” which this project is using instead of pile driving “because it’s quieter and better for working around other underground utilities,” she says. The work over the next few months will affect the ferry dock, too, with some lane closures. Full details are on this flyer. Kolb-Nelson reminds those concerned that “people with questions or concerns during business hours can contact Kristine Cramer directly at 206-263-3184 or e-mail kristine.cramer@kingcounty.gov. We also have a 24-hour project hotline, which is 206-296-2999.”
West Seattle, Washington
23 Thursday
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