Sue Bird bobblehead, anyone? Or how about a sturdy steel rainbarrel? Just two of the eclectic items already ready and waiting for a megasale this weekend, at the hub – really, the heart – of Highland Park.
Come one, come all to the annual Highland Park Improvement Club Giant Group Sale. More than 20 participants with a huge variety of stuff, from cool collectibles, to folk/yard art, furnishings, clothing, jewelry, you name it we have it. A one-stop shopping experience!
Proceeds help the Club, the sellers, and the neighborhood – so drop by and say hi.
Sale hours: 9 am to 3 pm, one day only, Saturday Aug. 11th
Address: 1116 SW Holden, corner of SW Holden and 12th Ave SWQuestions? e-mail Kay Kirkpatrick at hpic1919@gmail.com
P.S. If you’re having a yard sale this weekend (or any time) – you can feature it in the WSB Forums for free; make sure you post in the Freebies/Deals/Sales section (and be sure to mention the date in the subject line).